3 MORE Things To Teach Your New Puppy!

3 MORE Things To Teach Your New Puppy!

Teach a puppy to pay attention, stop biting and more! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎI’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I’m very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!

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You’re a sharkweiler not a rottweiler This video is sponsored by barkbox and Supported by our awesome patrons on Patreon Click thumbs up for ty the nine week old Rottweiler puppy Subscribe to my channel and if you’ve Got a puppy make sure That you have a copy of my book really Boy how much coffee have you had today There’s so much to teach a new puppy That it’s hard to know exactly where to Start And you know the truth is you can start With a whole bunch of different things But today i picked three things that you Should start working on With almost any new dog or puppy Immediately Ty is a pretty extreme puppy biter we Need to give him something to do with All this energy I can’t wait to see how he experiences His very first bark box We have a space themed bark box this Month he loves his space squirrel look At that barkbox sends you so many Awesome often unusual toys and treats For your dog And they deliver them to your door every Month what’s in this bark box is way More interesting than my flesh Which one do you want next oh he’s Discovered the chew fo

These have been a real hit with the dogs Lately he’s got such drive to play i’m Able to hold him and he’s being good now The chew fo has magical properties Let’s see what kind of treats we have This month flying saucer snacks ty Quality ingredients in these too these Are cool too because they have that real Fluffy texture and a lot of the toys Have differing textures as well And texture really matters to a dog all Of barkbox’s edibles are made in the u.s And canada If for some reason your dog didn’t like Something in their box barkbox will Replace it for free Every one of you is going to get a free Bark box when you sign up for a 6 or 12 Month subscription go to barkbox.com Dog training i’ll have a link in the Description below the other day when Tiberius was over here it was clear that He did not like being touched by Do that what me you doing de-civilized Sometimes tiberius really doesn’t like Being handled as Evidenced by my finger already today but Since tiberius is going to grow up to be A very large rottweiler We have to get them a lot more Comfortable with with getting touched by People i mean you can see this so Very normal puppy behavior by a lot of Dogs but we’ve got to get him more

Tolerant than this Desensitizing your puppy or any dog to Being touched it’s a great place to Start When they’re new to make them much more Tolerant of being picked up like this And touched In the future imagine from a puppy what It’s like to be touched like this they They have no idea what you’re doing they Don’t understand fingers and how things Grab them like that They don’t understand the purpose of That nor do they want to necessarily be Restrained or held Since i know that tai is likely to react Less than ideal when i go to pick them Up i want to be one step ahead of them I’m going to let them know i’ve got some Good treats here I’m going to let them nibble on it see That this is good now we’re starting to Make progress so i’m just kind of Touching them right here and i’m Releasing a little tiny bit of that Treat as we go Good boy very good nice work Good work now i’m going to touch his Paws right here I’m gonna touch his ear see that and so What we’re trying to do here is get that Positive association With being touched in other words if he Knows hey every time my ear gets touched

Like this or my sensitive feet get Touched like that I’m getting something really good then He’s a lot more likely to be tolerant And accepting of these things Right there see he’s like what was that That was weird right i’m able to really Touch him Kind of vigorously now i’m able to touch His ear right here let’s try the other Ear good job It’s much better when you’re not biting Me i really appreciate that Oh who’s being sweet now huh Okay i spoke too soon i guess by nature Puppies are gonna bite you they’re gonna Chew things and they’re gonna bark at Things I’m getting to you and do you know what Resolving all these issues requires you To be really good at Getting your dog’s attention on you Promptly and reliably can you not chew My shoe when our dogs do stuff like this Our instinct as people very often is to Physically Get them to stop and sometimes that’s Necessary maybe it’s for their safety or Because we don’t have time at that Particular moment to focus on training But understand that when you physically Are pulling your dog away or making them Do something that you’re Not actually teaching them teaching our

Dogs to think should be a top priority For example we know that tiberius likes This squirrel here right Maybe i don’t want him playing with that Toy at a particular moment maybe I would prefer that he pay attention to Me i’ve got a couple of choices here i Mean i could Pull the toy away from them and get it And say hey Pay attention to me but again that’s not Going to teach him anything the real Trick to teaching a dog is to get them To do Whatever it is you want voluntarily and Get them to go through the actions Of leaving the toy alone and pay Attention to you treats are our friend I’m gonna let them know i have this it’s Normal for redirecting your dog like This to be a pretty clumsy process with A brand new puppy As they likely don’t understand this Whole concept of communicating with you Just yet It’ll be like that for the first few Days right there he still wants some Yes good job and sit Yes good job what happened there we got Him to voluntarily go through the Motions of leaving the toy alone And come over here and pay attention to Me that’s where it starts this is called Redirecting your dog and it’s something

You have to get really good at Especially with a puppy so we’re going To get him back into the toy there And again hey tiberius i’m gonna get his Attention off the toy Over here into a sit nice work That’s how you redirect your dog let’s Say you’re holding him and they’re Biting on you like that and you don’t Want to buy i mean look at that he’s Just ready to get me you see that So all right so he’s biting on my arm Right now let me get his attention on This toy See toys can also be a great way to Redirect The point is you want to get your dog’s Attention off of something that they’re Interested in that you don’t want them Paying attention to at that moment With something that they like and toys And treats are often a very good way to Accomplish that So when your dog is doing something you Don’t like if they’re barking at Something outside or they’re chewing up Your furniture Or you just want their attention on you Rather than scolding them or Physically correcting them very firmly Get really good At redirecting them and you’ll find that This is many many times more effective Everybody wants their puppy potty

Trained as soon as possible But the real secret to house training Success is letting your puppy out All the time the fewer opportunities Your dog has to have an accident In the house and the more opportunities They have to go where you want them to Go Ideally outside the faster house Training is going to be be sure you’re Letting them out Hourly when they’re as young as tiberius Is and two to three times overnight And when you’re potty training puppies Like this you just have to be patient They just lie down Start eating leaves ty you can’t eat Grass we’re out here to go potty keep Your expectations realistic with potty Training i mean remember It’s not intuitive for dogs to know Where it’s okay to go and where it’s not Okay to go And even if you’re having a lot of Success it can really take many months Before your dog is Officially potty trained i’m gonna have More detailed potty training videos in The description Click thumbs up for ty he did a great Job today get your free bark box by Going to barkbox.com Dog training and signing up for a six or 12 month subscription i’ll have that

Link below Subscribe to my channel and get a copy Of my book if you’ve got a new dog It’s a great supplement for these videos Hi you did a good job today buddy You still got a lot to learn though go Watch my playlist on how to teach your Dog the basics in order It’ll be in the description

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