3 Quick Easy Things to Forget When Training Your Puppy or Dog!

3 Quick Easy Things to Forget When Training Your Puppy or Dog!

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when teaching a puppy. I’ll cover some of most important things to keep in mind! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Bang or rollover works for me This episode is sponsored by pet flow And supported by our amazing patrons on Patreon chestnut the American cocker Spaniel is back give them a thumbs up I Specifically said that’s not a tug toy This is a toy make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel too and if You’re proud of the fact that you teach With modern dog training methods check Out our new t-shirts I’ll have a link Below today I’m gonna cover some of the More nuanced things that are so easy to Forget when you’re raising a dog There’s nothing nuanced about you though Is they’re just they’re actually nuts How ironic I just got these from Blue Buffalo and they look awesome these are Blue wilderness trail tubs in terms of Actual quality these are one of the top Rated foods for dogs these are really Good to bring along with you too when You’re spending the day with your dog You want something really portable and Something your dogs really gonna love Wet food tends to be more palatable to Most dogs and they’re also wonderful for Toppers on top of your dog’s food to Make their kibble extra good tasty don’t Eat it all save some room and see look At that resealable that’s awesome check Out these flavors chest now we got top Sirloin grilled chicken New York Strip Porterhouse okay so you like filet

Mignon excellent choice you can see the Meat and vegetables in here neither the Wilderness trail tubs nor the divine Delights have any poultry by-product Meal or any other controversial Ingredients that might be the fastest I’ve ever seen a dog eat anything you Can get these from pet flow and enter Code Zac 30 when you check out you’ll Get $10 off your first three orders I’ll Have that linked in discount code in the Description now let’s talk about a few Things that are so easy to forget when You’re raising a new dog don’t dominate Communicate see there’s been lots of Talk in recent years about the need to Be dominant over your dog in order to be An effective teacher but the truth is Teaching is about building communication Not exercising Stern physical control Over your dog I mean the dominant Smith And dog training is extremely widespread Even though it’s been extensively Debunked by organizations like the American Veterinary Society of animal Behavior the association of professional Dog trainers and University’s thoughtful Genuine teaching however is what will Result in true communication between you And your dog see true teaching is about Walking your dog through the steps and Really showing them how you want them Behave rather than forcing them to Behave the way you want how is your down

Looking nice work chestnut your training Is going well look at you when you adopt This mindset not only can you expect Really amazing long-term results but You’ll find that building a strong Foundation like this will make future Training ultra easy next go beyond the Basics now even though you might think That your dog only needs to know sit Stay and maybe house training that’s not The case what you must remember is that Just because you think your dog needs to Only learn the basics well that doesn’t Mean they’re gonna be content with only Learning the basics for example if You’ve got a really hyper puppy he’ll Almost certainly catch on to sit lie Down stay leave it in a matter of a few Training sessions but if you don’t Practice fetch often extensively Socialize your dog around other people And teach them to listen to you in Heavily distracting situations you’ll Probably never have a dog that really Listens to you reliably look at this kid He just went crazy over this mean ball Can you even fit it in your mouth it Takes months of dedicated hands-on Training with your dog and working with Them and lots of different contexts to Really get the results that you want 3 Taking a step back I mean all of us have Experienced the phenomenon of asking our Dog to do something likes it when we’re

At home and just hanging out with them But the moment that company comes over Or we ask them to do it in public They’re completely bewildered and have No idea what you’re talking about Anymore it’s important to remember that Just because your dog demonstrates that They understand a basic concept without Distractions that does not mean it’s Reasonable to expect them to understand These concepts in new places or around New things see teaching dogs is about Taking two steps forward and one step Back at all levels of their training Don’t resist this by doing this you’ll Be much more likely to work through These instances quickly and raise them Dog click thumbs up for chestnut if you Think you did a great job make sure you Check out the blue divine delights and The blue wilderness trail tums – you can Get these at Peplow and you can enter Code Zac 30 when you set up automatic Pet food – liberty get $10 off your First three orders if you’ve got a dog In your life pick up a copy of my book – And check out our new t-shirt designs Like this one I’ll have a link in the Description and a special thanks to all Of our patrons on patreon you guys are Awesome Take a bow you did a good job today Perfect

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