7 Reasons You’re Having Trouble Housetraining Your Dog! (PLUS the BEST Pee Pads)

7 Reasons You're Having Trouble Housetraining Your Dog!  (PLUS the BEST Pee Pads)

Housetraining your dog: How to avoid common mistakes. Go here to get your WizSmart Pads:

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This video is sponsored by Wiz Smart how Many of you are still using pads like This stop it I mean they’re thin they’re Flimsy they’re messy they move around Everywhere and you have to constantly Replace them that’s different What is this that’s really stuck to the Floor well this changes everything those Pads will never work for me because I Have a boy dog and he lifts his leg Don’t you see that’s the miracle here These can stick to just about anything And can be optimized for any dog to pee Any way they want with smart dog pads Are the only ones that have stay-put Tabs if your pad isn’t stuck to the Floor you risk this happening Oh by the way they happen to be way more Absorbent than any other potty pad out There the great thing about these is That you only have to use one or two With smart pads per day since these are Ridiculously absorbent if you want to Get the best dog pads get with smart Pads they’re the only ones with stay put Tabs I’m gonna have a link in the Description below where’s the dog There she is look at that flexibility Click thumbs up for Cessna the Pomeranian for more dog training tips Follow me on instagram subscribe to my Channel too it’s completely free you’ll Learn how to train your dog and get a Copy of my book it makes a great

Companion to these videos lots of you Were having issues with potty training Look I totally get it let’s cover the Top 7 reasons that you’re having trouble House training your dog and how to fix It number one you’re giving your dog too Much freedom too early yeah you this is By far the easiest mistake to make I Mean it’s easy to assume that if your Dogs inside that they’re in a controlled Environment you’ll need to methodically Control their environment by having them On leash like this I mean that should be The case most of the time but when That’s impractical you should have them In an otherwise controlled environment Like a crate or a puppy proof room Having your dog on leash like this Prevents them from sneaking off into the Other room and it puts you in the ideal Position to offer feedback to your dog To let them know what you like and what You prefer they not do number twos You’re expecting your dog to let you Know when they have to go you shouldn’t Expect a dog new to house training to Automatically alert you when they have To do their business dogs don’t Instinctively understand that you want Them to go in a specific area so it’s on You to show them where to go over a Prolonged period of time Let’s put things in perspective I mean You wouldn’t expect a three-month-old

Child to let you know when they have to Go right then why would you hold a dog To such a high standard so early on in The training process number three you’re Not taking your dog out frequently Enough well look at this [Music] In general you should give your dog the Opportunity to go in the appropriate Place two to three times more often than You think they need to go now I Understand that you’d rather they go Every time you give them the opportunity In order to optimize your time and it’s Counterintuitive as it seems by taking Your time and going the extra mile here You’ll actually potty train your dog a Lot quicker your job is to give them the Opportunity to relieve themselves before They you wouldn’t realize they have to Go this is also how you’re going to Teach them to develop a preference to Various textures whether it’s grass or Pee pads or any other texture that you Want them to go on remember dogs develop Preferences – textures so that’s one of The big goals during this period of Training number four you’re expecting Them to generalize too quickly dogs Don’t easily generalize rare to do their Business so you have to methodically Show them where they can and can’t go For example your dog might quickly come To realize that okay the living room is

Off-limits but that won’t necessarily Prevent them from going off to a spare Bedroom to relieve themselves in other Words dogs don’t generalize that your Entire house is off-limits from peeing And pooping at one time it’s a really Gradual process generally if you’re Following my house training advice the More time that a dog spends in a Specific area of the house the less Likely they are to have accidents in Those parts of the house number five you Relying too much on correcting your dog Instead of teaching them this mistake is Common throughout all of dog training Not just house training I mean how many Times have you heard that you should Show your dog their mess and then scold Them when they have an accident in the House there’s no data really showing That this is effective at all in fact It’ll likely hinder your bond and slow Down your overall training look nobody’s Perfect but if your dog has an accident In the house it’s important for you to Take accountability and understand that It’s a hundred percent your fault not Theirs so you’ll just need to follow my House training advice and be more Proactive moving forward number six Adjust your expectations a new dog has a Lot to learn over the coming years They’ll need to understand how to behave In various context how to listen to you

In different environments and many other Things just as we don’t establish Certain habits in a couple of weeks nor Does a dog brand new to training Understand that they’re to behave a Certain way consistently Forever establishing a good habit in This case house training your dog Requires tons of repetition by Proactively showing them when and where You want them to go you’re not out of The woods on house training for an Entire year now look you might be able To get eighty percent there within just A few weeks but you do not want to let Your guard down for a full year number Seven your dog tears up potty pads now If your dog likes to tear up pee pads There are some things you can do to Reverse that habit first make sure that When you put the pads down you do it While your dog is in the other room Sometimes if you take the pads out your Dog sees you doing that they might Associate that with a toy because how Often do you take something out and give It to your dog we want to try to get That out of their head for the first Several weeks of house training don’t Allow your dog to access the pads unless You’re directly supervising them again Ideally on leash that way you can Prevent them from digging up the pads And nip those bad habits in the bud

Before they even get started and when You’re supervising your dog like that You’re in a position to get their eyes On you and give them a reward for paying Attention to you if you do have to leave Your dog alone unattended then you Should have them in a safe area like a Crate or dog proofed area in the house And only under supervision should you Let them go to the pee pads and you Should be letting them out or guiding Them to their with smart people say when You come home from lunch and when you Get off of work in other words it’s not Realistic to expect your dog to just Leave these pads alone when you’re not Supervising them until you’ve done Extensive house training with them and Really shown them how these pads are to Be used and of course exercise just Before leaving your dog alone for Significant periods of time is likely to Do wonders in terms of keeping them Content and happy get the best dog pads Out there with smart dog pads the only Ones would stay put tabs I’ll have a Link in the description below click Thumbs up for a Cessna subscribe to my Channel get more dog training tips on Instagram and we’ll see you guys in the Next video Good job Cessna [Music]

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