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Chop still has almost no manners when He’s inside of a house and he will have Absolutely no part of listening to Anyone when there are other dogs around He gets way too excited i was ready to Quit being a dog trainer forever This is chop he is a homeless wild Alaskan dog and it’s my job to train him And our job to find him home but it Won’t be without plenty of challenges This is reality dog training subscribe And click the bell so you never miss an Episode Well Oh i thought we’re taking a picture no We just picked up this food And it’s because chop as you may have Noticed has been Jumping on the counters Like excessively and he’s enormous and So when he does that he’s taller than a Human jumping on our counters it’s Ridiculous i want to make sure that he Knows how to leave this kind of food Alone Before he goes to his new home like We’re gonna work up to it but i think We’ve been working up to it actually i Think he’s ready for the test i don’t Know how to leave this kind of food Alone leave it no i will leave it i Actually do i just want the fries No i’m good Thanks do

We had such great success yesterday with Teaching chop to relax and settle down While we just hang out and watch tv i Really think chop is ready for us to Take his house training to the next Level now if he’s ever going to be a Proper house dog he needs to learn not To steal things off of our kitchen Counter that would be great Okay step one chop’s meal which he’s Obsessed with is on the counter here Good man so i’m able to call him away From the distraction sit good Okay releasing him from all that I’m going to go ahead and give him A reward for that that was really good That’s what i’m trying to do here so i’m Trying to preempt him jumping on the Counter it’s not what to do after your Dog does something you don’t want them To it’s what you do before they do it Keep in mind i mean he’s fully aware There’s food up here but ideally i’m Trying to take his focus off of the food Off of the trees Here I didn’t want him to jump but you could See how he was definitely gonna jump i’m Being sure to reward him there because He complied with my request rather than Taking the attitude oh i expect you to Do that and right now i’m reinforcing Him very liberally because it’s urgent That we get super fast results but over

Time you wouldn’t have to reward this Much this is just how we get going it’s A good way to get your dog excited you Can see his body language his frame of Mind seems quite relaxed and pleasant Okay come Good i just really wanted to intercept Before he broke so his obedience is Looking pretty good here that’s great But how is that going to teach him not To steal our food well right now i’m Literally trying to set chop up to Experience multiple seconds or even Minutes at a time where he’s in the Presence of food and not trying to steal It sure his attention is totally on me Right now and if i left him alone i know He would almost certainly just go take That food right away don’t worry though Because we’re about to up the difficulty Pretty significantly here but i have to Make sure we have this foundation really Solid first told you he loves sparky’s You can tell it’s extra tasty god’s Keeping his attention yes First time i’ve lured him into a down With food such a great way to give your Dog a meal this food has beef liver Topper on it which chop loves i want to Practice something a little more real World So maybe we’ll start with the salad oh Proper i see yeah Less tempting too

I think they’re amazing but to a dog i Think he’s i mean look he’s like wait a Minute i think there’s a burger in there And clearly it looks like a werewolf is Trying to steal this salad Okay come on Here good Chop here You can see though the new item really Has his interest peaked sit Look at me Stay but i prepared him for this the Only way our dogs are gonna understand What we expect of them is if we really Slowly and methodically walk them Through the steps in a way that they can Easily understand that also keeps them Inspired to keep learning training Sessions like we’re doing here blend in So easily with real life that it’s a Shame not to just take that one minute At a time to devote you know once or Twice a day no okay everything’s Breaking down Chop here Come Good man Sit And so i’m just consistently redirecting Him making it clear he’s to stay over Here for right now and leave that stuff Alone it’s really not a good idea to Wait until you’re cooking dinner until You’re having a party to teach your dog

How not to do this you can do this 30 Seconds at a time drills like this like Have your lunch sit out there call your Dog have them sit and stay just do like Mini training drills that’s where they Really learn and it’s best to teach them In contexts that really simulate real Life ahead of time Yes Okay So you can see he’s really on the ball There all righty here we go Got a burger here he’s discovered what It is clearly as i taunt him with it but Again i want to i want to be very clear I don’t want to conceal what it is i Actually want to make this training Drill Harder Okay come here I want to make this training drill Harder than he would encounter in real Life that way i know it’s more reliable See this leave it alone I have a lot of faith in the Communication that chop and i have built So far so rather than restrain him i Really want him to reason through this Process naturally of course he’s a Little bit confused but i’m gonna stick With him Here come on By the way no leash for any of this Notice that good stay

Yes Okay at this point chop has done pretty Well he’s definitely leaving things Alone that he was not able to resist at The beginning of this lesson so i’m About to call it a day but suddenly my Wife stopped me to call me out Again what is the best part of eating a Burger I don’t know What It’s the fries and i put them in the Oven to make them extra hot and smelly If you think that you’ve completed this Lesson you’re wrong buddy because the Hardest part Leave it Chop See second you drop your guard though That’s why you need to do this really Consistently let them know you always Mean it apparently we still have a Little bit of work to do these are Called french fries chop they’re so Delicious They look good they are Here come obviously this is a tougher Temptation for chop but again i think he Has it in him of course i’m pleading With him a little bit more than i would Like here but i just have a good feeling That i can call him away from these Delicious offerings in times like this It can be really tempting to use a leash

Or a collar to restrain him but i want To give him the benefit of the doubt and Really try to help him understand what I’m actually wanting him to do instead Good you can see He’s really learning to follow my hand Too i really like that i’m able to point And gesture and turn And really use this As a way to communicate with him only i Could get him to do this When he encounters dogs in public my Life would be much better stay He’s far from perfect but that’s his First real lesson on not jumping on Counters where i put this much energy Into it and you can see there was some Prerequisite there i’m going to give him The rest of his meal i wanted to make Sure he knew how to sit something he Didn’t know he didn’t know how to stay He didn’t know any of this a few days Ago so i wanted to really practice those Things in a variety of real world Contexts before i tackled a lesson like This with such extreme temptations but We’re right there up to where he can go For the time being and by the way if you Want to know the sign of a really good Dog food it’s when your dog will gobble Up their kibble like this and not even Pay attention to all of that delicious Food sitting on the counter bark uses a Brand new technology to coat bark eats

Kibble with live probiotics that’s Really healthy for dogs and apparently Crazy delicious too and these packets Are really portable as well i just love How they take all the measurement out of Feeding your dog if you want to give Bark eats a chance you can get 60 off Your first order using my special link Zack george i’ll have details in the Description chop’s brain got a great Workout from learning how to not steal Food off of our counters he still has a Lot of mental and physical stamina left In him so i’m gonna head down to the Park with him and we’re gonna see if we Can make any progress on how he reacts To other dogs when he sees them in the Wild and immediately there’s already a Couple of dogs in the distance as soon As we arrive but i have a ton of room to Retreat in this park if i need to so i’m Trying to find the distance where chop Is still interested in one of his Favorite games even with dogs on his Radar Yes Good now i’m gonna let him go back and Just look at these dogs Good man Yes We’ll reward like that fine he’s like Half-heartedly into the ball because He’s so interested in those dogs in the

Distance we’re letting him check in with The dogs not trying to get him to Avoid looking at the dogs altogether Chop Okay we’re still a little bit too close To these dogs i’ve got a couple of Choices here i could walk up to chop and Escort him away but first i’m going to See if giving him a gentle tug remember Gentle guys will remind him that i’m Back here and that i might be worth Coming to Yes Good man so Really teetering there I’ll let him check him out a little bit Longer especially since he’s behaving Right now generally i’m like trying to Work away from the dogs of course i’ve Got two dogs over here as well coming up You would expect some extra excitement Because of that so i’m just going to let Them observe all together i’m going to Abandon fetch for the moment Yep coming Trying to now i’ve got to manage him Because he’s over threshold Chop is too over stimulated to be able To give his attention to me here but There is a distance from these Distractions where that will change Nope still don’t have them Now i have them good man So now we got them voluntarily i mean

When you get a certain distance they Become easier to communicate with and so Over time you’re just trying to shrink That distance welcome to reactive dog Training okay it seems that i have found Chops working distance at least on this Day In this place basically at least right Now Remember in past training sessions it’s Taken a very long time for chop to Adjust enough to even acknowledge me at All but we’re getting glimmers of actual Compliance if i can work with him right At his working distance today and Prevent him from getting too overwhelmed We’re gonna make some real progress here I understand completely how this is Easier said than done at times and Alaska is pretty big but there’s still Only so far that i can get from these Dogs the idea is to get his attention on You before he reacts the closer he is to Dogs the more likely he is to react this Is a pretty close distance right here For him and it’s also really hard to get Their attention and i don’t want to just Keep asking for it and conditioning him To ignore it that is the line i have to Walk here maybe i’ll get his attention And guide him with my body Chop here Yes this way come on let’s go good man All right cool now this allows me to

Build distance and i didn’t even have to Pull him in other words we want to let Our dog take turns Between paying attention to something That interests them in their environment And also honoring our request to pay Attention to us Come on and since he naturally looked at Me i took advantage of that time just to Communicate with him okay let’s walk a Lot of dogs really just love coming out To a park like this a big open field and Just walking and smelling like this a Lot of mental satisfaction in that Good man He stopped to look at something in the Distance rather than Insisting that he keep walking i let him Check it out same thing here by the way Notice how loose chop’s leash is here Sure it’s 30 feet long but he’s not Pulling Yes you look right at me And the reward here if you’re wondering Is the environment continues taking free Walks like this can be a wonderful way To satisfy dogs and it can be really Great for your overall leash training Too Just trying to see if he’ll do better a Little bit closer here Gonna reel him in Gonna enforce come one call up here come On buddy let’s go so there’s an example

Of physically reining him in there and Forcing a request Probably in that case that was one of The least aversive methods i could have Used that was likely to get him back Over here near me let’s do an experiment Maybe i’m wrong maybe there’s a better Way So maybe i should have done that right Good man Rather than reeling him in maybe Shortening the distance waiting for him To look at me and then encouraging him To move would have worked that would Have been even less aversive so that’s a Fun little lesson don’t be afraid to Experiment a little bit in fact you Should do a lot of experimentations Because no two dogs are the same they Really aren’t every dog is truly a Unique experience when you’re teaching Them come on Good man here Good boy Did you see that i called chop and he Looked right at me but then looked at The other dogs i waited him out and he Did it and so this is textbook right Here he’s doing a great job i mean i Love that he’s observing this dog albeit Very far away but i mean he’s not Lunging he’s got many feet of lead Available to him he’s just behaving well Part of that’s because we played a lot

Today we’ve come out here and walked He’s become acclimatized to the Environment let me get his attention and Continue that way he’s been looking for A good long while chop Come Good man Pretty good pretty good So i’m you know I’m really happy with that what a day it Has certainly taken a little while for Chop and i to connect but now it feels Like the tide is really turning with us But doing well at a park like this is Super different than doing well in a Very populated park down in the city Let’s just say We’ve got our work cut out for us still There are a ton of dogs out here today How many outbursts is that 15 minutes ago i was ready to quit being A dog trainer forever oh yeah and also This we just got chops breed results are You ready yes go whoa I thought instantly definitely This is reality dog training subscribe And click the bell so you never miss an Episode check out bark eats and get 60 Off in the description below follow us On tik tok instagram and facebook and Get a copy of both of my books too we’ll See you in the next episode

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