This Dog’s Leash Pulling is NO JOKE! [Reality Dog Training: George the Pit Bull Ep. 3]

This Dog’s Leash Pulling is NO JOKE! [Reality Dog Training: George the Pit Bull Ep. 3]

George the pit bull can pull on leash so hard! W e’ll help George get adjusted, and work on a cool new trick that anyone can teach! Thanks PupBox for sponsoring this episode! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!


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This dog’s leash pulling is no joke Something’s got his attention what is it Trying to get him on his yes yes good Very good I’m zach george and this is george no Relations George has spent the last four months Living in an animal shelter with minimal Contact with other dogs or people And it’s my job to transform him from a Wild and crazy dog To an incredible pet seems Straightforward right Holy cow not getting that ball George is a dog like i’ve never known Before i don’t know if i can let this Dog go Let go this might be the single Greatest transformation i have ever seen In a dog that i’ve worked with The hardest thing about foster dog you Fall in love with them This is reality dog training Subscribe and click the bell so you Never miss an episode It’s just incredible how much you can Train a dog like george in just a few Days i mean There’s still a lot to work on but he’s Really starting to understand some Amazing things quick Let’s see if there’s anything in our pup Box that george would like I think he’s going to like everything

Hutbox is a training-centric monthly Subscription box where they send you Items and treats based on your dog’s Specific age but this is one of the Things that Really makes them very different here You get training advice that’s specific To your puppy as they grow What else do we have in here we’ve got i Think he’s really gonna I need that to train you what are you Doing george We got the snake toy this is a classic Toy here I love using this in training he’s never Encountered a toy quite like this and That’s the beauty of using brand new Toys like this That can really be effective in holding Your dog’s attention they have Nerf for dogs who knew this is exactly His kind of toy You’ve got a classic pig ear that’s good For keeping your dog preoccupied And some high quality treats right here Too i’m actually going to use these Right now when we take our free walk so Thank you pop box all of you can get 50 Off of your first pup box when you go to Zach can sign up for a 360 or 12 month Subscription and use code zack i’ll have The details in the description We’re out here behind the house to do

Some more training outside today And i’d love to get some aerial shots With our drone today but i don’t know How he’s going to react to that so i’m Going to quickly Introduce him to the drone if it’s too Much for him we’ll just not use it but If he seems to be okay with it then cool We’ll have aerial shots that’s always a Plus Good boy sir yes so he acknowledged it There but i just want to make it like no Big deal that kind of thing happens Sometimes so he looked at it and then i Was like yes because he didn’t Immediately start lunging and barking at It as many dogs would So far his demeanor and body language is Very Calm look at me yes i’m gonna walk him Over here a little bit A little bit closer to the drone by Going here Yes good job and so here i’m just Conditioning him That that sound of the drone Equals a really good treat right now Here yes Good work buddy and so i mean even Something like this is an Actual distraction here Yes just rewarding the attention being Very consistent about that I mean i’m real satisfied that he’s

Doing great around the drone i feel like We can move on from this i don’t think We need to spend a lot of time should Something change i’ll let you know But one of the things i really had hoped To accomplish today Was getting out here and doing a proper Free walk a free walk is just where you Let your dog explore their environment You don’t ask a lot of them it’s not Hardcore training There is some training planned for Today’s free walk but In general it’s like hey go sniff go Explore Occasionally i’m going to ask you to do Something i’ll get more into that later But good job around the drone sir yes He loves these freeze-dried treats so We’re just going to go ahead and get Started he’s doing well with the drone I’m going to try and give him a fair Amount of distance here just to give him An outlet Dogs are smart curious animals it’s Essential That we give them an outlet to freely Check out the world to the best of our Ability i mean i know there are Limitations depending on where you can Live i mean here i’m in public i can’t Take him off lesion or would i because He’s not ready for that But i can put him on a long lead i can

Let him smell around and Enjoy his environment here i’m gonna try To keep the walk Generally moving i might stop here and There just to let him check something Out but Looks like he’s ready to go on there’s Some leash pulling going on here I’m not too concerned with that right Now because you have to kind of pick What you’re really working on are you Going to focus on leash pulling Or you’re going to focus on letting them Check out the world to understand it Better and to me That’s a little more valuable for this Particular training lesson We’re going to move over to the side Here and let this pedestrian pass Hi how are you good boy All right come on buddy one of the Things i really want to start to Formalize a little bit more with him is Come when called getting him to come to Me any way that i can quite honestly Because that’s such an essential skill I want to wait till he’s in a relatively Like compliant frame of mind where he’s Like hey i’m acknowledging you I’m gonna see if that happens Automatically here i’m just gonna hang Out for a minute Right here he’s wanting to trek ahead I’m avoiding

Here george yes I’m gonna reward the attention here i’m Gonna even take a few steps Back on purpose here just to try and get A few extra steps of him coming to me Happy to let him go back there see his Ears Listening behind him george Come i’m gonna say come while he’s in The process of coming to me good boy Very good again letting him go back to Doing what he’s doing That’s really important you don’t want It to be too monotonous for your dog and You don’t want to have to make them do Three or four things when they come to You not in the beginning be content to Have them come to you here and there Then let them go back to doing their Thing we want them to have a really good Association with coming to us that’s why We’re so tolerant on Other things when we’re training that Here he’s a little distracted Come good boy did you see how i resisted Saying come until he was in the process Of coming to me Very good job buddy okay that’s because He doesn’t know what the word come Means just yet it’s really important for Me to show him what that means in Context I do have to be honest with you this Dog’s leash pulling is no

Joke this is one of the strongest dogs i Have ever worked with when you can just Hear him huffing and puffing he’s Pulling off to the side so i mean i am Shortening the leash a little bit Here just to kind of see what happens I’m still trying to gauge this leash Pulling and How we’re going to approach it but you Can see he’s just like straight ahead I’m gonna let george check out these Waves from a distance of course Although gosh why are you pulling me so Much All right you can see he’s really on a Ground scent as You might expect yeah i see Dead sea life of some kind i like that He didn’t pick it up there that was good But i want to give him some exposure to The water here this is something that is Unusual that he’s probably not Encountered too much of but he’s Behaving really well something’s got his Attention what is it I don’t know he may have just shown some Interest in the drone there but good Reaction Come So he’s not quite as snappy as i’d like About coming to me When i call him but pretty good for Being a relatively informal lesson here I’m going to let him smell this it’s a

Little more damp over here so it’s Probably more fragrant again Just in the interest of letting him Experience brand new scents Wherever possible i think he’s trying to Get up there come on stay over here Buddy George come yes Good boy i’m gonna give him a good treat For that one look at that tail Yes good boy All right come on you can see we’ve Gotten many instances of him coming to Me when i call him Right out here and we’re not doing it Over and over again we’re allowing him Time to Mentally recharge and enjoy his life i’m Really focused on a low stress Experience for him right now Yes the fact that he’s just walking up To me Through all of that terrain is amazing Good boy And you might notice the environment We’re working in today this is very much By design It’s not an extremely distracting or Enticing environment that would cause Him to overreact to things Oh okay hey he tried to pick this thing Up that appeared to be a Beer can or something at one time let’s Practice a real life leave it sit

Leave it here yes Here you go yeah i’m gonna give him a Treat for that try it again Leave it look at me come on Yes very good Nice work buddy so i mean that’s how you Work on real-life leave-its in a variety Of situations that was a very good Example Sometimes just taking an extra 30 Seconds to zoom in on a real life leave It where you pick up the Item you remind them hey leave it Applies to this too not just dog treats When we’re doing a training exercise Do you want to teach him a trick yeah oh I know i know i want to teach him Sit pretty i usually call beg for a boy Is that is that sexist I think george gets to pick what he Wants to call it george do you identify As a sit prettier or a beggar I think we’ll go with sip pretty why not Let’s break protocol so he knows the Prerequisite sit Good and i’ll go ahead and get him Warmed up give him a treat for sit even Though he knows that just to get him in The right Mindset i’m using some chicken here and Sit pretty Basically it’s just where you teach your Dog to sit up like this Let’s see like this

Oh that is pretty thank you that’s it You remember last time we talked about Lure training this is also lure training I’m gonna let him know i’ve got the Treat look how i’m gripping it i’ve got Kind of a chunk of chicken here And i’m gripping it like this so that i Can slowly Beat it out you’ll leave it looks good Sir Is that adorable Yes and so anytime he moves these feet I’m gonna go ahead and release a little Bit of that chicken see Yes just any effort although he’s i can See he’s never done this before because It’s going to be clumsy yes Spoke too soon okay good I don’t want to reward him when his butt Comes up off the ground the idea is that His butt stays on the ground Yes good and right there i’m happy to Let him Grip my arm and you are heavy And balanced and i’m just gonna let him Enjoy this chicken right here As he holds this position but you can See his hips right here Are supposed to balance him Yes good boy ow Boy he takes treats rough if i give him The treat like this You can see how my whole finger goes Inside his mouth

See that you see how my and he’s like a Little Clampy there but if i’m gripping it like That and just showing him a little bit Look how much lickier he is see that But there’s still some nibbles that Happen in there he’s not breaking skin Or anything He’s doing pretty well but it can still Hurt a little bit i mean it is something You need to address but once they get it They tend to get it in my experience Good boy you’re doing yes and even Though he didn’t come up all the way That time i still want to go ahead And acknowledge that you’re on the right Track yes Good yes Came up all the way but he’s trying so I’m gonna go i chose to reward that time I mean he just started really learning How to interact with people four days Ago so Sit see sometimes he he doesn’t seem to I shouldn’t have treated him there Sometimes he doesn’t really sit very Readily when i’m on the ground i think If i Stand up george yes Sit see that he’s more likely to listen To sit when i’m standing up like this Yes so we the next step of this and this Is premature Is to get him less dependent on holding

My arm Sit good Yes little reward on sit just so i keep That around for a minute Here yes Good i’m the moment he comes up i’m Immediately pulling the treat away Good so the positioning of the treat is So important here he hasn’t bound his Center of gravity Yet i don’t think i have either but you Really want to keep it at just the right Height here So that they don’t stand up on their Hind legs so I guess notice the hand movement here I’m using his nose And right there i’m really gripping it So he’s having to work for every little Millimeter Of that chicken but he’s gripping on Here Like that’s here trying to get him on His Yes yes good very good did you see he Held it for just A little bit longer there without any Help from me those are the moments i Really want to communicate to him that i Like Yes not bad so I’m going to try to discourage him now From grabbing onto my arms and i’m going To get my arm out of the way and see if

I can get him accidentally Holding that position for a second yes Good A little late on my mark that time but That’s okay hey george Yes he’s trying i mean he is trying so Hard you can see he’s like all right is This right Almost sit I know he’s like what was wrong with That one I don’t get it and so it’s a fine line Here you want to be very careful not to Overwhelm your dog With requests here and get them Frustrated i think i need to find a Reason to keep the training session a Little more upbeat for him got a jogger Coming by this will be interesting Going to hold a short leash just in case Actually he’s probably gonna be running Off Hey good that’s okay oh you’re fine i Probably should have prepared george Better for that he got a little startled By A jogger coming up over here let’s see How well he recovers though sit Pretty good pretty good he’s Demonstrated to me that he’s recovered By holding that sit and that guy’s not Very far away either so that’s pretty Good Good recovery buddy back to yes

I’m not saying sit pretty sit pretty Again because he doesn’t know what that Means Yes very good i’m gonna see if i can Keep this going Yes yes What is happening Yes yes you can see how he’s about to Topple over there that’s what i’m Talking about with the muscle memory It almost seemed to help for me to be Like standing up but a little hunched Over right here he seems to respond a Little better at least for this Particular skill notice his butt though Right there i don’t think he’s really Going to be able to balance there so i Want to set him up for success here See that’s much better look at that sit That’s an easier butt to balance on Right there That’s a sentence i never thought i’d Say Here we go yes little late did you see I said yes but it was as he came up That’s trainer error right there I really want to do my best to say yes When he’s doing exactly the thing that i Want that’s our goal to try and mark Precisely when our dog is performing the Action we’re teaching them and that Takes practice and no one will Ever be perfect with that but we can all Try right i’ll be honest with you i have

No idea if we’re going to finalize this Trick in this series or not Because it does usually take two or Three weeks of a dog learning how to Balance To really learn how to hold that Position but who knows He’s defied all odds in more ways than One so far It’s such a delicate lure too you gotta Feel that out with each individual dog Sit Good yes yes okay good Work i think that was a great one to end On we got a micro second of sit pretty I’m feeling great about that i don’t Want to burn them out on it so i’m going To give them a break Buddy you’re doing so well can you Believe this dog Has been sitting in a shelter for four Months amazing dogs like this are just A dime a dozen in shelters they are Everywhere I hope we can get them into the right Foster home or find him a new home or Something because he cannot go back to The shelter he’s way too bright And way too promising he’s already Walking a little bit better which i like That goes to show that a nice long walk Paired with some training that Stimulates his brain and body a little Bit

Can be very satisfying to him hopefully He’ll take his mid-afternoon nap All right just let the two dogs out to Burn some energy off and play here The nurse is really trying to get george To play chase she clearly is the better At this game george has his talents [Music] Though [Music] Running circles around you george Metaphorically speaking And our house looks like this That’s how you know we’re filming a dog Training series again How does this happen it’s like we have An infant or something It’s a lot of work and you gotta get a Dog listening to the basics in a short Period of time good boy george We’re gonna teach you how to clean up Next i’m just a neutral observer guys I’m not training you Hey sweet boy i don’t think you’re Supposed to be doing that it’s Very cute though are you enjoying zach’s Bed Oh man i make my bed guys just saying I appreciate your strength because i Know how much you love that Redirect now you’re on the furniture See i made my bed he just unmakes it hmm I have evidence that it was not made Oh my goodness okay oh geez are you a

Pillow bumper i think he might be I wouldn’t sleep with that pillow Anymore i agree with that I’m gonna put in this crazy little wound Up i thought he was gonna take a break But i’m gonna encourage him to go in his Crate voluntarily throw a chew in there Very good about his crate trading so far I want to show him what i want him to do Instead of saying Don’t do that but don’t do that What do you think you ready to take a Nap looks like you’re tired to me Look at those tired eyes you’re looking Smarter Andy’s just being good [Laughter] This is the greatest series i have ever Made or we have ever made i should say What about george well we’re only three Days in but it And as predicted he is definitely Taking a nap i still have a lot of Training to do with him today though so He’s not getting off that easy but i Think we should let him recover A little bit in the meantime get 50 off Your first pup box when you sign up for A three six or 12 month subscription by Going to Zack and using discount code zack Subscribe to this channel follow us on Instagram tick tock and facebook and get A copy of both of my books too i’ll have

All of the links in the description of This video Next time george’s fear of strangers Continues buddy it’s okay it’s okay In fact the barking is getting a little Bit out of control i’ll see if i can Make Any progress on this let go issue plus Teach him my absolute favorite thing to Train just about any dog The next episode is a must watch You

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