Watch me struggle. You’ll love this.

Watch me struggle. You’ll love this.

If you love watching me struggle, you’ll like this! Coming next!

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I’m zach george and this is george No relation george has spent the last Four months living in an animal shelter With Minimal contact with other dogs or People this is one of the strongest dogs I have ever worked with How would i ever get a frisbee away from A dog that’s pulling like this Holy cow in our part of the world dogs That look like george Have the deck stacked against them from Day one we took george out of the Shelter having no Idea where he would end up he is my Responsibility At this point if he goes back to that Shelter he has almost No hope of standing out he’s a totally Untrained dog His drive is really intense we have to Get this pulling under control with him And it’s my job to transform him from a Wild and crazy dog To an incredible pet seems Straightforward right He’s caught off guard by a stranger in The area he has what seems to be a fear Response hey All right buddy it’s okay it’s okay Inertia was kind of telling them off a Little bit Oh she’s like yo i don’t play like that You need to back off

He’s getting a little impatient here He’s refusing sit he’s pulling He’s just not listening at all right now I mean people Interpret this behavior as being Stubborn we’re getting ready to go out Tonight I’m a little worried about him oh gosh He’s in the house unattended George no i never thought the thing that Would take me down as a dog trainer Would be this Not getting that ball buddy i’ve never Been in this much of a Physical gridlock with any dog ever Holy cow not getting that ball I have to tell you as this was happening The one thing i’m thinking is if someone Whips out their phone and they record This like This could look really ridiculous and Then i look up and i realize My wife is filming this i had an Incredible outburst Out of him george just lost it how am i Ever going to teach him To let go of something when his grip and His strength is like this By far this is the toughest case of let Go i have ever encountered in my entire Life I don’t even want to talk about let go You know george You know how many people are gonna troll

Me over this a lot of people They’re gonna say zach george can’t Train the dog to let go of the ball You know in this case i guess they would Be right George is a dog like i’ve never known Before Only a handful of dogs have ever been Able to pull off the double disc catch I just keep hoping that it’s gonna like Click and he’s gonna just catch one and Then catch the other one Oh come on I’ve seen zach see a lot of dogs and i Rarely see him want to keep a dog in his Life the way he Has deeply thought about george i Understand the Greater calling is to be able to bring a Dog Into our life to train them and to find Them a great home I don’t know if i can let this dog go Let go [Music] You can tell that he’s really trying He’s really understanding the concept I love that that’s looking like a real [Music] Heel Wow whoa a plus You’re smarter than me the fact that He’s come this far This quick is shocking this might be the

Single greatest transformation i have Ever seen In a dog that i’ve worked with the Hardest thing about boston dog you Fall in love with them [Music] Look at this guys look at this leash Whoa there we go [Music] This is reality dog training i’m very Impressed At your strength thank you yeah it Worked out for moira well moira was my Workout for George i think oh my gosh what is george The workout for oh You

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