How To Train Your Dog to Be OFF LEASH Without a Shock Collar!

How To Train Your Dog to Be OFF LEASH Without a Shock Collar!

Off leash training without using an electric collar! This video is sponsored by NomNom! Get 50% OFF a 2 week trial:

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Stay i pushed her too far i need to fix That right now I’m zach george i train dogs this is my New dog and i’m going to show you how i Train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly you can start from The beginning or you can pick up Anywhere subscribe and hit the bell Notification so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever Remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience Today i want to work with inertia on her Off leash training Priority one is to make sure that she is Not hangry For this training session have you guys Seen this nom nom is changing Everything they actually mail you Extremely healthy meals for your dog That are pre-portioned And completely ready to serve the food Arrives in a refrigerated box that’s Always super cold and you can see all of The great whole food ingredients the Second you open this food The portioned out packets like this are My favorite part I love not having to think when i feed My dog and still Know that she’s getting super healthy

Meals Nom noms meals are made with usda Restaurant grade Ingredients and they’re designed by Actual veterinary nutritionists Specifically For your dog you know people who know What they’re doing try nom nom today by Going to Zach to get fifty percent off of a two Week trial i’ll have a link below We are enjoying sharing inertia’s Journey with all of you and as we move Forward we’re having a stronger and Stronger emphasis on off-leash training With her let’s go over how to get a dog To behave And listen to you while off leash in Completely uncontrolled environments Teaching most dogs to listen to you off Leash reliably in a variety of places Takes a good couple of years of training You’ll remember that we’ve been And still do use the long lead Extensively to aid us in our off-lease Training endeavors Ideally we use a long lead like this at First to allow our dogs to know what It’s like to be farther and farther away From us In some situations the lead allows us to Somewhat Simulate off lease training while also Giving us control of the environment

Should things not go as we expect them To so frequently when i’m training in Places like parks or other places in Public I like to use a long lead like this once I feel that a dog is fairly reliable While on a long lead and i’ve tested Them over a few months and lots of Places i then Graduate to training in fenced areas and As counter-intuitive as it seems i still Use the long lead even in a fenced area But i’m using the lead in a different Way See i really want to freely be able to Drop the lead while testing our training So in the event there is a breakdown in Our communication i’m able to more Quickly get to a 50-foot lead in order To regain control and i should remind You that you should seek out New and unfamiliar but fenced Environments Very often throughout the first couple Of years of training maybe a family Member has a large fenced yard or you Drive an extra 20 minutes or so to go to A different Fence sports field dogs don’t always Know whether a specific patch of real Estate is fenced or not so you can get a Taste of how they might respond when in A new place And off leash so let’s say that you are

At the point where your dog is listening To you extremely reliably With the lead on and in a fenced Environment that’s when you can start Testing without the lead and this Process can go on for months in Different places And if at any point throughout this Training your dog starts to Not listen to basic requests like come And stay take a step back put that lead Back on them and polish up that training A bit It’s been completely normal for inertia And i to have some good days and some Not so good days when doing off-leash Training over the last One plus years so where are we in our Journey today We’re about to find out we’re going to Do some off-leash trading today and you Might notice right off the bat we’re not In a big city and you can see there’s Not a lot of dogs there’s not a lot of People around at all right now so when You’re training your dog to listen to You off leash you want to change One variable at a time in this case the Variable we’re changing Is well essentially removing the fence So let’s make sure we have some basic Control of inertia i’m going to be using Her frisbee As currency today go on there we go

Gotta get her in the mood to play good Where possible i like to start my off Leash training sessions with A game of fetch i like to get her warmed Up before a training session but frisbee In fact in and of itself Is off leash training in fact for us It’s been a really important part of all Police training and she’s intrigued by These people who are coming up over here She notices them come on Inertia good girl Good here get it get it that was a good Decision Come around Good looking at him again but coming Right back this time Look how eagerly she’s running back Towards me that’s a huge part of all Police training you want to make sure That your dog will come to you and if You’ve gotten them obsessed with Fetch if you happen to have that kind of Dog anyway Then you’re getting them enthusiastic About running towards you And i don’t care if my dog has a toy or Not they’re sprinting towards me i’m Happy Heel look at me come on good Lie down stay lie down Stand look at me heel This way easy look at me Stay heal come on heal come on let’s go

Here come on come on go this way Switch come on let’s go Lie down stay Stand stay Lie down Stay okay get it Come on let go good Go good job Come so in addition to basic obedience Like that you know i like to do Fun tricks too come on weave keep going Good lie down and roll over come around Go Stand stay Yes heel circles Keep going yes come around that was a Different direction than normal too Do you remember crawl keep going keep Going Yes come around go good Stay Stay Okay this might look super silly but Even practicing something like play dead Where you want your dog to hold that Position and throwing in some extra Distractions Can really translate into other areas of Training and teach them Great impulse control okay come around Good Good a hugely important part of your Training with off leash training Is to make sure that your dog has a very

Reliable stay And come when called so that’s something We really are putting a strong emphasis On Girl come heel stay She didn’t know i was gonna do that we Hadn’t practiced that where i started Going up the hill So that threw her off i need to fix that Right now so let me break that down This is important i pushed her too far So i need to make it easier for her Stay Stay i’m going to pause here to Reiterate because i think that’s all i Need to do with her Stay come Good lie down Good come this way no Come here we go Good girl and she’s like hey what about This Let go i think that’s a good deal girl Nice Let’s see how inertia is doing with a Basic off-leash Free walk now free walk is just where You let your dog roam and sniff and be a Dog But the only real rule is that she stays With me and doesn’t reach the end of This leash I’ll periodically be making sure that She comes back i’ll change directions

Just to keep her Paying attention but this has its own Set of challenges In that as you move you’re being Consistently introduced to new ground Sense And new variables and one of a nurse’s Favorite things in life is to just Sniff and smell and enjoy the world she Really finds great satisfaction in it so We’ll see how she’s doing And here i mean if she wants to stay Near me she can if she wants to Roam ahead she can and i still have her On the long lead just Again to be extra responsible And make sure that if any surprises Occur I have options i’m going to call her Back the other way just to make sure She’s paying attention Inertia come so i’ll just start walking This way that looks pretty good We’re just using the environment as a Reward right now letting her continue on Her way and Sniff the ground inertia come wanted to Keep up with me here that’s very good Don’t want to get in too far away the Whole idea of a walk like this is to Keep your dog engaged but look She’s getting a little far away here Almost getting to the end of the leash And arsha here

Come on good girl lie down good girl yes Stay And this whole time i haven’t given her Any food rewards or frisbee i am using The environment here and at this point i Expect her to listen to basic requests Like this Even when i don’t have treats because We’ve been phasing them out Doesn’t mean i’ll never use treats but i Don’t have to and here i mean she has Given me enough confidence where i feel I can let her drag the lead i don’t have To necessarily hold it but you’d want to Make sure you were really confident that Your dog was Pretty reliable before you let go of the Lead Come good girl Here yes i’m gonna use a treat there so If she’s having a particularly tough Time Listening to me then i’ll break out a Treat here and there but it’s just more And more rare These days that i have to do that and That’s kind of how it goes your dog Doesn’t just go from not trained to Train there’s this whole Bit of stuff in between that you have to Work through So between the occasional high value Reward like chicken or something like That

Or a toss of the frisbee and allowing Her to explore the environment that’s Usually enough to gain compliance from Her Inertia come come on come on Good girl yes Here we go i’ll give her a good reward There too i’ll create some distance to Make this Easy for her inertia come good girl Come on heel lie down stay Very good yes Stay so i’m gonna pause here i’m gonna Put her into a down stay you can see we Got a heck of a distraction here dog Playing fetch Here yes good girl So i’m going to let her look at me now Look at the dog Here Girl here yes so there really good job Holding her stay while watching a dog Running and playing for her that’s been Quite the challenge so No reaction now the puppy is getting Farther away Come on let’s go good lie down Good come around Good come and i’ll tell you what let’s See I have a good feeling here let’s take The lead off completely here for a sec Come around ready go Good come good

And so now being able to play frisbee With a dog In the distance so she was very focused Through all that Now i’m back to off-leash training on a Slightly different Patch of grass come here come around Go So she’s looking at the dog in the Distance i can see it from my vantage Point come around But she’s all into the game and paying Attention to a person That’s kind of what dog training is all About isn’t it How to train your dog to pay attention To a person we have an individual over Here Walking up the hill you can see she’s Focused let me Verify that i can call her off the Distraction come Good girl yes come on come around ready Good gabriel she likes those rollers Come on Ready let go Good come And i mean there’s something to be said For that too sending your dog sprinting In the direction Of something they’re distracted by and Having them come back to you in spite of That can be really powerful it’s another Way

That fetch is just a great way to Reinforce Coming back to you it seems to me that People are very often in a huge Hurry to take the leash off when they Walk their dogs but it’s much better to Take your time And prevent your dog from ever having The experience of running away from you And if that’s already happened to you That’s okay but you Need to put an immediate stop to it by Making sure you control their Surroundings Tell me how your dog does off leash in The comments below go to Zach to get 50 off of a two-week trial Of nom nom Subscribe to my channel follow us on Instagram facebook and tick tock and get Both of my books i’ll have all the links Below See you next time You

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