How To Train 2 Tricks in 1 Day!

How To Train 2 Tricks in 1 Day!

How to train your dog tricks! Thank you PupBox for sponsoring this episode!Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!

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In this episode I’m going to attempt to Teach inertia to brand new things Including one trick that I’ve never Taught before I’m Zack George I train Dogs this is my new dog and I’m gonna Show you how I train her from day one Things definitely won’t always go Smoothly you can start from the Beginning or you can take up anywhere Subscribe and hit the bell notifications So you never miss an episode when you Put into motion an approach based on Love and respect your results will Forever remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience Pup box is a subscription box that’ll Help you train your dog so they said you Box is based on your dog specific age Along with training supplies and Guidance every month so if you ever feel Like you’re hitting a plateau this is a Great resource to keep your training Moving its Lambchop you guys kind of Look alike her old friend the lion this Is one of the first toys we ever gave to Inertia and she loved it And of course we have some training Essentials here too like a good chew toy We also get some top-notch training Treats wipes are more important than you Might imagine when you have a young Puppy so I love that they include those Stain and odor remover for those Unforeseen accidents that are bound to

Occur with virtually any puppy and this Is just the two-month-old box now that Inertia is a year old this is our very First adult box look at this you’re Gonna love it What’s a narwhal is that a real animal Yeah you get that huge Mar whale way on All you get that Narwhal so these are Chicken training treats so there’s Smaller more treat size now that she’s Older we have a stuffed beef bone paw Balm I’m gonna use this that’s quite Nice okay it’s for inertia I’m gonna Save it for her oh no no are you serious So this is a nerf dog squeaker as one of Our viewers you’re gonna get 50% off of Your first box when you sign up for a 3 6 or 12 month subscription go to pup box Comm slashes a can enter discount code Zac I’ll have a link below now that Inertia is getting a little bit old or One of the tricks that I’ve been wanting To teach her is how to walk on her hind Legs this is one of those tricks that You save for a dog that’s a little bit Older cuz it’s a pretty physically Demanding trick all you really Need for this is a strong currency I Think I’m gonna start with food and my Goal is to see if I can just get her to Stand up like a person so I like getting Her warmed up with a sip pretty go ahead Super D to me that’s a prerequisite for Teaching this just because I want to

Make sure that they’ve got the concept Of balancing while both of their paws Are off the ground okay good plus it Helps them develop that core strength Which we should all do a little bit more Of I want to point out to you how we’re Doing this trick in public we’ve Struggled with this in the past like Many of you have I’m sure when you’re Trying to train in new places or public Places where there’s a lot going on can Be pretty exciting for your dog up here I’m just kind of wiggling my hand here Seeing if that that’s it pretty that’s Let’s speak but that’s not what I’m Looking for up here come on up here Almost she’s working through a little Bit of frustration right there she’s Like what do you want I’m a little Confused and that’s normal you know you Just seem to be extra patient with your Dog when they’re a bit confused like That sometimes it might make sense to go Ahead and reward for the effort other Times it makes more sense to just kind Of let them work it out run through a Few things that’s the call that you have To make as your dog’s trainer and as the Person who knows the best if what you’re Doing isn’t working try and reach deep And find other ways to make it Motivating so if I go up like this I’m Gonna get down here see she thinks I’m Asking for sit pretty I’m still gonna go

Ahead and reward that because I like That she’s trying but I’m trying to get Her to kind of come up a little bit more Go on yes good just going to reward her For jumping up get that yeah whoa that Was much better there that was really Good and notice there I’m I’m happy to Let her balance right there by holding On to me because it encourages her to Stay in position good girl good I’m just Letting her nibble on these treats to Concur to stay up there so so far I’ve Got a really lure her up here in order To encourage her good job and okay so my Next step is to try and get her Balancing for just a fraction of a Second without having any support at all There we go yes good so she was up there For just a second Let’s do that a few times yes very good So you can see she’s still trying to Hold on to me there let me see if we can Start to get him to come up without me Having to hold a treat now and then Maybe we’ll reward her after so what’s This yes good inertia yes excellent best One so far she’s really starting to Understand what we want here so I’m Trying to intervene before she quits on Her own that’ll be important for Building duration later yes good see how She was coming down there but she Thought better of it it’s like okay I’ll Try and hold it for another second look

For the small moments of progress where Your dog is like I was gonna do Something else but I decided to listen To you instead so I’m switching up Currencies right now just to see if this Might incentivize her as well I knew she Would love this lamb chop well it looks Like we’re off to a good start here so Up here yes oh my gosh that was amazing I was really pushing it good girl get it Switching up currencies seemed to Encourage her to do even better there so That’s why you got to experiment with What your dog likes the fact that she’s Holding that now for a couple of seconds At a time is pretty awesome My ultimate goal might be to teach you How to walk forwards or backwards or Both while on her hind legs let’s see if We can get started on that right now Those feet yes good she took a couple of Steps backwards right there so I’m Thinking that keeping the tree really Glued to her nose might encourage her to Reposition while on her hind legs and That would be the first step to teaching Her to walk eventually so she’s mostly Staying stationary but I can tell that There’s an increased rate of focus here Yo what what is happening that was great So she started walking backwards there a Lot of dogs will walk backwards Naturally a lot of dogs will walk Forward it just kind of depends on your

Dog and if you work at it you can teach Him to do one or both or whatever you Want so up here good so we’re back to The lure which is fine good Yeah good oh look at this could this Good girl Very good so that was excellent also Another note I’ve noticed that with many Small breed dogs that they tend to do This really naturally so it might be Easier to teach this to some dogs over Others does your dog walk on their hind Legs if so tag me on Instagram I want to See it so this is a trick we’ll continue To work on over the next many months This is not the kind of trick that you Really want to rush with your dog Because it does take a lot of practice And remember it’s super physically Demanding it’s not really recommended That you teach a trick like this to a Puppy whenever you’re working on this It’s a good idea to keep those training Sessions very short I think she’s got Another trick in her let’s go see if we Can teach her something else I’m gonna Need something for her to prop her paws Up on though let’s go find something Come on another trick that I’ve been Wanting to teach inertia is hide your Face while your paws are up on something Up here Paws up very good so that’s a trick that She’s learned pretty well I’m gonna go

Ahead and reward her and she’ll hold up There pretty good until I tell her to Get down you know within reason the next Thing I want to do is lure her head down Here good you might see that I’m letting Her nibble on the treat a little bit yes When you spend a lot of time with your Dog working with them on a variety of Tasks it gets to a point where you can Teach new things so quickly because your Existing foundation of communication is So strong ok good work and that was Awesome right there so that was a really Really good example almost too good you Would think she already knew this trick Paws up good I’m trying to reward her before she Peeks her head back up yes and see if I Wait too long look what she’s gonna look Up and look over here at the tree I Don’t want that so up here plus up good Stay stay I’m trying to have her brainstorm right There she got a little distracted but She was able to refocus and put her head Back into position there good very good You might also notice I’m not saying Things like hide your face hide your Face over and over again I really just Want her to get the mechanics down and Then we can start telling her what That’s called I’m gonna see if I can do It without the lure this time maybe just Use my hand this guy stay yes good that

Was great I should reward over here stay Yes good I’m gonna go ahead and give her The treat from over here this time stay Yes excellent job so there I didn’t even Have to lure you’re gonna go back to the Tree for a sec stay yes good I’m just Asking for short periods of time right Now again finding tiny moments to reward Any move in the correct direction you Should acknowledge to your dog Especially when teaching something new To them stay yes stay yes that’s a real Good one look at those nails just Clinging off stay my hand is completely Out of sight yes stay yes Oh good job All right so I think we’ll quit while We’re ahead I think that was awesome Very pleased with hide your face and Remember tricks are just brilliant for Building communication it’s not about The trick what’s really valuable about Teaching things like this Is that you and your dog understand each Other at a completely new and deeper Level and that’s going to transition Into so many amazing aspects of your Training moving forward get 50% off of Your first pup box when you sign up for A three six or 12 month subscription and Enter discount code Zach cat pup box Comm slash Zach subscribe to this Channel and follow us on Instagram and Tik-tok for constant updates on Inertia’s daily life I love how many of

You have been watching our instagrams Stories lately check out both of my Books for all of my most in-depth Training advice in one place in the next Episode I’m going to teach inertia to Understand me in a completely new way See you next time

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