My Dog Barks When I Leave Her Alone! Watch Me Train Her To Stop!

My Dog Barks When I Leave Her Alone! Watch Me Train Her To Stop!

Training my dog in more public places, and working on reducing her anxiety when I leave the house. Support my videos by making a contribution on patreon: If you really want to see how Inertia is doing today, visit and follow @zakgeorge on Instagram:

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We’ve been seeing increased levels of Outbursts oh you’re doing so well you Are doing well I’m Zack George I trained Dogs this is my new dog and I’m gonna Show you how I trained her from day one Things definitely won’t always go Smoothly you can start from the Beginning or you can tick up anywhere Subscribe and hit the bell notifications So you never miss an episode when you Put into motion an approach based on Love and respect your results will Forever remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience In this episode I’ll show you how I’m Working on keeping inertia from getting Upset and freaking out when I leave her Alone and we’ll see how inertia does When we take her to practice in public Around I don’t know how about some Giraffes this series to me has been a Passion project one that I’ve wanted to Do my entire career over the next Several episodes you’re going to see Inertia and I go through the teenage Months and we definitely have a rocky Time there are definitely some struggles As well as a lot of successes too but as A reminder I believe very strongly and Giving a dog tons of exposure to the World they live in before holding them To an incredibly high standard when it Comes to their training that’s why I Take my time the first year of training

To really give them a strong foundation And that’s a lot of what you’re going to See over the coming months I’m so Excited to show you how inertia and I Continue to build our communication Together with her now being a few months Older than she is in the series that You’re watching I can tell you that she Really is coming a long way and I could Not be prouder of her I want to give a Heartfelt thank you to all of our Patrons on patreon if you don’t know Patreon is a service that allows you to Make monthly contributions to help us With our production costs and our Editors and stuff that goes along with Making these videos our series would not Be as detailed as it is without the help And support of our patrons on patreon so As you watch these episodes consider Becoming one of our monthly contributors On patreon I’ll have a link in the Description below where you can learn More and you can get lots of rewards Like clickers frisbees a sign book Depending on what you decide to Contribute and from the dog training Experience we all truly appreciate your Support whether or not you’re Contributing enjoy the episode we Brought an Ursa out here to the park to Do some training and it turns out There’s giraffes here I don’t know that Inertia has actually seen them but she

Can certainly smell One of the things I really wanted to Work on with her was staying in a Specific position preferably stand in This training exercise while I walk away Just so I can really proof that in this Type of environment I mean if she’ll do It around giraffes she’ll probably do it Around to anything right I’ve let her Smell around for a little bit here but Right now she’s really on those ground Scents Remember that practicing your training And new exciting environments can be Really challenging but it also makes a Huge difference in getting your dog to Listen to you everywhere over time can You stand wait okay good job that was Awesome leave it alone I’m really Struggling to get her attention off of These cypress leaves right here that’s More of a distraction than the giraffes How funny sit good stand stay I know This looks like a lot of treats but keep In mind each treat is smaller than a Grain of rice at this point since I’m in This outdoor environment with very Significant distractions around I’m Playing it safe by going with a very High rate of reinforcement I’m gonna Work on facing out these treats during This exercise in just a moment but right Now I’d rather it be easy for her than Anything else okay I saw that she was

Going to break there so I released her Just as she was she was doing really Well I didn’t want to have her do all That and then have her fail oh look She’s just noticed that you’re up for The first time yes very appropriate Reaction remember earlier she was Barking at the mules walking with a Giraffe might be a bit more calm Although very tall Wow good girl you’re Being so good okay let’s go closer I’m sure this giraffe must be really Desensitized to people walking by I mean This is a public park right here So this outing is mostly about Desensitizing inertia I want to give her A lot of experience just taking the World in and seeing new things and in Many of my training sessions right now That’s actually the priority above Everything else the more exposure and Positive experiences I can give her the More likely she is to think okay that’s No big deal Whenever she encounters something new Yes there ya go Good yeah look at you wait I really want To make sure that a nursery learns that Every time she voluntarily gives me her Attention in an exciting place like this She’s going to get rewarded big-time I Can phase out these rewards later once She becomes more reliable now that she’s Adjusted I’m gonna use fewer treats and

Give them to her more randomly in an Attempt to begin phasing them out over Time oh you’re doing so well you are Doing well oh nice job so getting a Little peppier yes good yes oh wait yeah Good job Hey a nurse oh let’s try this Ready can you back up love it Oh man so we’ve been out here I don’t Know like a half hour and all this stuff Happened I mean we encountered giraffes But who knew the tough thing to deal With was going to be Cypress leaves There’s a lone see him leave it alone That’s beneficial because it teaches Your dog if something erratic happens Near them not to freak out I mean that’s Kind of erratic seeing a stick just get Broken into pieces maybe let me test her Emergency stay real quick in other words She doesn’t know I’m gonna tell her to Stay see this stay Oh she held her stay And then I got a little too crazy then She broke her stay so we still have to Focus on improving that stay whoo yes Okay we’ll take that one never be afraid To break it down and make it easier when Your dog doesn’t meet your expectations For a particular training exercise Almost every time I go out with her so Much happens in such a short period of Time it’s just amazing training a dog in A world where you don’t know what’s Gonna happen as the nurses around 6 Months of age now her separation anxiety

Continues to be present it’s not Completely out of hand but it’s still Something that needs a lot of attention And real recently she started to equate Us going out of the side door with oh Gosh they’re leaving and we’ve been Seeing increased levels Bursts dogs are incredibly perceptive And they’ll pick up on just about every Little thing that you do and when you’re About to leave I mean she can probably See by the expression on my face that I’m about to walk out of the house go Out here close the door See do you see how she immediately Starts barking she hears the door close And she starts experiencing that anxiety So I’m hoping to make some gains on Resolving this this isn’t the kind of Things that you can resolve all at one Time I also cover separation anxiety and Almost every other problem behavior you Might have with your dog in detail in my Second book it’s the most detailed dog Training book I have I’ll have a link to Guide to a well-behaved dog in the Description below my general plan is to Exercise her and then I want to see if That in and of itself helped a lot or if She still has anxiety and if so we’re Gonna do some counter conditioning as Well as usual I’m going to be very Consistent about practicing stay at this

Gate because we’re working on getting Inertia into a lifelong habit of always Checking in with me before she runs out Of this or any other gate that leads to The outside good just using frisbee as a Distraction remember these little Training sessions like this take 30 Seconds at a time it’s not like you have To dedicate a ton of time to reinforcing These things good well worth it for a Six-month-old dog okay Good job immediately inertia is already Distracted by some of the neighbor dogs In the background she’s smelling the air Let’s see if she’ll play for his B if I Try to get her interested or if she Needs some coaxing it’s good she’s Pursuing it on the first attempt ah but Quickly getting distracted by a ground Scent remember inertia’s frisbee game is A work in progress right now so this Exercise session is also a great chance For me to check up on how she’s doing And get a quick bit of practice in with Her at the same time we’re focusing on Exercise here because exercise is one of The most potent things you can do to Reduce virtually all known types of Anxiety inertia get your toy here’s a Breakdown in our game she doesn’t want To pick it up and bring it back to me Get it what is that get it yes right There I really wanted to take the extra Moment to encourage her to pick it up

And bring it to me come on let’s go a Nurses fetch game still looks pretty Sloppy here but we’re seeing Improvements over time remember to Notice and celebrate small victories Like getting your dog’s attention on Their fetch toy a little more frequently Don’t let perfection be the enemy of Progress let go come around go good There how about that that was nice Even if it was a Miss it was a very Focused attempt this is currently the State of our Frisbee training she’s Getting increasingly more and more Interested in early attempts to get her Into the game and my hope is that we can Eventually use frisbee as a really Strong currency for inertia but right Now I have to really build her interest Over the next several weeks to months I’ve noticed that when she just starts Panting a little bit she likes to take a Break so we’re gonna do that I think after about two minutes or three Minutes she’ll be interested it’s been Two and a half minutes she’s looking a Little more active hey inertia let’s do A test roller we see if I get her Attention before rolling it leave it Alone hey come on let’s go ready go it’s Back interested in it ready yeah there We go Go competing with those ground scents is Really tough you just have to stay the

Course just work on this like ten Minutes at a time with your dog it’s not Like you have to dedicate your entire Life to training go there we go Good job frisbee training is going but There’s still much much left to do now That she’s been exercise let’s see if That anxiety is reduced at all she’s Watching me I’m not gonna tell her to Settle or anything I just want to see if The exercise had any effect at all and So maybe if she waits a little bit Longer to bark for example opening the Door and closing Still there see that in this case that Few minutes of exercise didn’t seem to Yield any immediate results but I still Think the exercise we did is still going To yield a benefit when we move on to Our next step now let’s talk about Counter conditioning my goal over time Is to change a nurses perception of me Going out of the side door from oh no Dad’s leaving me – oh boy that means I Get something great I’m gonna try using This toy now and putting a piece of Chicken in it see this smell that Giving her chicken inside this toy that There’s a little bit of a challenge you Know challenging her mentally giving her Something exciting to do while I’m away I’m gonna go out this time and see if She stays relaxed looks like okay she’s Definitely reacting they’re settled

Quiet so even though that was a really Significant reaction I do like that she Responded to settle from this Significant distance on the first Request keep in mind that it’s normal For young dogs to experience varying Levels of anxiety when they’re away from Their people and it’s unlikely to go Away all at one time but by being Consistent and managing it over the First few months you’re likely to be Able to reduce it over time until it Becomes a non-issue rather than continue To walk away and cause this anxiety with Inertia possibly making it worse I’m Gonna wait it out a little bit right now And I’m gonna see if she just naturally Relaxes maybe falls asleep I’ll just be Looking for her to be super relaxed and Then I’m gonna try again and see how she Does my hypothesis is that if I leave While she’s a little bit more relaxed That her reaction won’t be quite as Severe and maybe I can Center my Training efforts around her when she’s In that state of mind she looks really Into that Kong right now so let’s try Again Nice that was great I’m hoping that She’s genuinely relaxed or genuinely Focused on that toy just coming back she Didn’t whine good girl yes I like that You were good then in fact let’s give Her the ultimate reward which is letting

Her be out here if you want to okay She didn’t whine she didn’t bark and Look she got to get out of the crate she Gets to go around the house and explore Course all still supervisor so I’m gonna End on that note very challenging Training session though sometimes you Just have to brainstorm and see what Works for your particular dog and come Up with case by case solutions there Really isn’t a one-size-fits-all Approach to issues like this so much of It is really contingent upon your Individual dog and how they react to a Variety of variables Remember these episodes are actually Behind present-day follow me on Instagram and tick tock to get real-time Updates on how a nurses training is Going subscribe to this channel so you Don’t miss an episode Get a copy of both of my books so that You can have all of my most detailed Training advice in one place if you’re Enjoying this series consider joining Our patreon community to help keep it Going I’ll have all the links in the Description below in the next episode Inertia and I will continue to work in The real world and I’m gonna leave Inertia alone with my wife for the first Time I guess we’ll just all have to wait And see how that goes

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