STOP DISOBEYING! PRACTICAL Dog Training in Public That WILL Work!

STOP DISOBEYING! PRACTICAL Dog Training in Public That WILL Work!

Training a dog to listen in public can be tough! This is how I do it! For more daily dog training tips and videos follow @zakgeorge on Instagram:

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You don’t know what your coating doing Down there I’m Zach George I trained Dogs and this is my new dog inertia I’m Taking you along as I train her from day One you can start from the beginning or Pick up anywhere and start learning Welcome to the dog training experience In this episode we’re gonna take our Training into the real world and see how Inertia does our patrons on patreon are Responsible for bringing you today’s Episode if you want to support our shows Check out our patreon link and consider Making between a 2 and 10 dollar monthly Contribution and for the most detailed Dog training book I’ve ever written Check out my second book I’ll have all The links below so we’re at the pumpkin Patch right now and I thought it would Be a great opportunity to bring inertia Out exposure to some pumpkins and people Can have a sit no well at least I get a Weight so I’m gonna reward the weight Right now she’s pretty reluctant to pay Attention to me freshly out of the car In a brand new place but she’s holding Her weight I think if anyone were to get Within 6 feet though she’d be going nuts She’d be going pretty crazy look at her She’s like what is this so interested Remember dogs are less likely to listen When they first get to a new place the Only way to improve on this over time is To bring them to tons of new places to

Practice and I mean just look at how her Nose goes to work I’m gonna be a little Tolerant of the polling here just Because she’s curious and young it’s Obvious that we’re doing a lot of these Scenes here in new places and you see a Lot of redundancy but when you have such A young dog like this the only way to Really teach them to be reliable is by Giving them exposure to lots of Different things and once a year we have The opportunity to give her exposure to Pumpkins oh let’s go check out these Scarecrows over here I wonder what she’s Gonna make it this I bet those will Throw her off but let’s let her explore Those where possible just try to be one Step ahead of your dog to anticipate how They’re going to behave but always be Flexible too because they don’t always React how we think they were going to React here’s the scarecrows see she’s a Little cautious Nice job girl look her getting on this Weird surface here that’s very cool Now she’s noticed the little scarecrows See she actually looks like whatever That’s cool She’s more interested in the hey yeah Get something yeah Oh paws up is coming In handy here of course I somehow have To get her facing the other direction Can you sit yeah there we go so this is Good I mean it’s just the states just to

Stand now she’s in the sit but she’s on This new weird surface who knows how That experience will come in handy later In her life so really good job there’s Been a pumpkin casualty over here so This is you guessed it a good Opportunity for a real life leaveit Training session so I see it I’m going To be one step ahead of her I’m gonna Say leave it alone come here I’d rather Not intervene I’d rather her be Presented with it and automatically Leave it alone so I’m gonna give her Some direction here leave it okay we can Get warmed up with that since leave it Okay good nice job very good leave it Alone it would be great to be able to Walk past this maybe I could try and do A real slow pass with her looking at me Or kind of a light pack is I could maybe Run past didn’t get her chasing me so She forgets about it leave it okay come On let’s go good job alright that was Pretty successful So Patrick runs the pumpkin operation Around here you are this is inertia Always in motion right so there’s Pedestrians over here on pumpkin Purchasers and she’s not going too wild So I’m happy with that we’ve been here About 15 or 20 minutes since she’s Becoming more and more manageable so I Enjoy that more can I have a wave Typically dogs will become more

Comfortable and able to listen to you Once you’ve spent a little time in a new Place that’s the perfect time to try Asking for some of their basic training To start giving them the experience of Listening to you somewhere new and Exciting be prepared for them to Struggle more with their basic training Than they do at home though Remember stay patient the more you Practice the better they’ll get right Now Michael was just to get her doing This around all of this looking at me Exactly so I mean this is turning out to Be an incredible training experience I’ll be honest I thought she was gonna Be a little more high maintenance on This particular trip but right now I Mean look at her she’s in the settle With all of this chaos going on around Her well she was all good things must Come to an end I suppose gonna have a Wave yeah there we go Good can I have a stand it’s a great Idea to practice your dogs tricks in Front of an audience to help them learn To listen to you even when a crowd of People is right next to them we go so Doing tricks in public now she I’m Having to give her a lot more treats Than normal but that’s because it’s a Tough environment for okay inertia is Doing great with some of the easier Tricks she’s learned but let’s try

Something a little more challenging I Wonder if she can stay in her heal Around all of this excitement come here Yes here look at me boy you’re way off Right now there we go yes look at me yep Good work wait Pretty rusty but you can see where it’s Headed good wait look at me just trying To get some attention and then I’ll let Her go yes okay all done Overall great experience inertia is Showing steady progress every time we go Out so I’m really excited Bree and I Thought it would be a great idea to take Inertia to a local concert and get her Used to some loud sounds and crowds but Nature had other plans it looks like This local concert that we were going to Attend with inertia is probably gonna be Rained out but I still have training to Do with my dog so while we’re here I Found this like isolated spot over here Where we can do some training you know Many dogs are uncomfortable in the rain A great way to prevent this is to Purposefully take your dog out even in Bad weather to show them that rain is Normal and hey it can even be fun Sometimes but look at these birds over Here a giant white bird over there is a Massive distraction to her and there’s This flock of ducks I’ve been here I Don’t know a minute 60 seconds or so Let’s see how responsive inertia is to

Taking direction from me inertia come Yes good girl okay that was good she Came to me I’m going to let her go back To doing her thing better check out the Bird inertia come oh that was great Can you sit yes love that boy off to a Good start with this training session Have you ever noticed with your own dog It’s challenging for them to listen when The ground is wet that’s because Rainfall causes tons of interesting Sentence called petrichor those smells Get stirred up which can be extra Distracting for dogs if they haven’t Practiced training in the rain before Come here yes perfect sit good that’s Good yes look at me okay wait yes there We go Now I gotcha look at me leave it alone Look at me No ma’am come here I was just doing a Drill right there I was asking myself All right if I were in a public Situation where I really had to get her To listen to me and didn’t have a luxury Of letting her explore would I be able To do it and the answer is not really I got a little bit of compliance which Is better than nothing so I’m just gonna Continue to work on it but the ground Cents here are insane so she’s really Dialed into that that means they haven’t Become normal enough to her yet Okay come on yes

Easy wait leave it alone I’m gonna take a break now and just let Her go back to smelling the ground but I’m going to enforce like leave it I Don’t want her picking up stuff off the Ground so I’ll have to watch her closely So if she does offer her attention to me Oh I’ll try to reinforce that so pretty Good training session got some Compliance from her but she’s still very Very curious and interested that’s a Symbol of a very intelligent dog so I Think she can tell that she has a lot to Learn about the world and she’s pretty Anxious to learn as much as she can okay We’re back home and my wife Bree caught This clip of inertia and I during off Barking fit and I wanted to share it With you so that you can see how I Communicate and reason with her during These times here I’m acknowledging the Very brief moment of quiet to let her Know what I like before she has a chance To bark again yes so that was a quick a Great example of how I reason with Inertia when she’s barking and I would Prefer her to be quiet all of this Training is starting to pay off The next day we decided to take an Ursa To the Mississippi River for the first Time and we were all in for a few Surprises and training challenges can Have a sit no she’s still intrigued by This location unreliable so we’ll stay

Here till she becomes reliable Good thank you there we go so there’s Our set look at me Good can I have your foot I’ll take that We wave good things stand wait So it took staying here for like what 60 Seconds before she became compliant and The idea is if you do this enough your Dog just really starts to get it dig What’s this Dig good job okay all done no more Digging wait it’s so important to Carefully practice your dog’s training Around traffic so that they have Experience listening to you when cars Are nearby yes okay let’s go oh boy this Squirrel should give us a nice challenge No man wait yes wait I know that’s tough squirrel just feet Away she really wants to go after it Okay she just realized there’s water There seeing them react for the first Time she’s like whoa that’s train like Just this sudden change in terrain dogs Noticed those things things that are out Of the ordinary so I’m just really Focused on giving her a tour of this General area I thought I’d come to this Place on the Mississippi River were just Doing some training in different places Here and this was a nice location that I Thought would give me an opportunity to Train in a new place that’s not Extremely high traffic right now so

There’s a person here there or dog here And there that walks by it’s so Beneficial to come to places like this And just sit and spend time with your Dog letting them take it all in she’s Noticing all sorts of things she keeps Looking at the boat then she’s like What’s that over there Let’s see if I can get her attention on Me out here it’s a brand new place this Is literally the first time she’s been Here hey inertia do you see this and of Course as soon as we go live an Ursa Decides to completely tune me out good Thing you guys like to watch me struggle Oh hey quiet it’s okay so here’s a Barking outburst let’s see inertia we Said perfect yes good right there so I Was able to get her attention in that Case look at me she’s still a little Distracted in that case you know she Like started barking at the runner lie Down but what’s good about it is the Runner gets away pretty quick so it Makes it a little easier to communicate But that’s why I’m out here because you Never know when you’re gonna be Surprised with a distraction and this is Exactly what she needs when you go in Public it’s impossible to predict what And when you’re going to encounter Something so that’s what I like about Public training like we have the jogger Come by just a moment ago someone with

The skateboard and so really Desensitizing or just getting or used to It is my main objective and if I can get Our teeth like right here she’s pulling And right really I’m I’m pretty okay With that right now because it’s a new Place and I want her to go and smell and See what it’s like hey over here Inertia come here big Sure she’s just kind of generally Responsive like look at this on the Orange peel leave it alone Oh boy leave it good See this leave it make it extra hard yes That was great good okay let’s go this Way Come on sit very good okay so I got a Retention there she didn’t sit for me And no let’s go come here this way Maybe she just needed a minute to Process it hey over here this way Perfect good nice job Leave it alone Yes come on perfect that was good so Yeah I mean that’s the kind of training I’m doing here leave it alone good Inertia come on let’s go over here very Good so I was able to call her off of Dog poop that’s always exciting when you Can be more interesting than poop so I’ve got her on a long leave now cuz There’s not many people out here and so I’d like her to have some room to Explore and getting excited she’s

Playing frisbee in public that’s new Behavior yeah I mean she doesn’t hear And they’re so ready and go I’ve got a Really stay on this lead in this new Place but that was great So her interest is still kind of Intermittent we’re really documenting This but she’s starting to get more and More interested in frisbee which I like It’s very selfish on my part because I Just love playing frisbee with dogs but If she turns out to not love doing it That’s okay I’m prepared for that hey What’s this ready go Beautiful there we go got her interest In it come on bring it to me oh she does Still get distracted by the lead when She were playing fetch on the lead so I’ve got to contend with that but not a Big deal Good girl yes see you don’t know what You’re going to encounter I’m so Thrilled with a nurse’s reaction to that Scary sound I mean she was startled That’s understandable but she recovered Quickly and just seemed a little curious So I’m gonna let that pass let her check That out one thing that helps with Inertia is being there when this spark Does go go so right there cuz I’ve been Trying to get her into it and she’s like I don’t know which is completely normal At this stage of Frisbee training I’ve Done this three times before with three

Different frisbee dogs and it was Similar in this way also I find that When I get peppy and playful she likes To chase me inertia Hey She sees these people coming there’s a Small group of people coming hey what’s This come on let’s go with any dog new To training it’s completely normal for Training to be a little chaotic at first Just stick with them go good girl Weights she’s not used to playing with a Lead on because we play in the yard a Lot which is Spence we’re not Encouraging jumping doing a max of like What eight to ten minutes a day maybe Four days five days a week leave it and Go yeah haha I’ll take it I’ll take it That was great come around go yes good Come on let’s go this way so fun Ready come around go keeping them real Low Nice job you want to try one more come On come around go yes there we go So hey not bad I’m that would have been For extra credit what I hope to Accomplish on this training session out Here getting it up late frisbee in Public a new place anyway you guys are Awesome thank you so much for joining us It’s great to have lots of our Instagram Family here follow us on Instagram and Tik-tok to see live training like this And keep up with inertia’s progress in Real time subscribe to the channel

Because you are definitely going to want To see what an Ursa does in the next few Episodes if you’re working on training Your dog check out both of my books They’re a great companion to this series In the next episode things go from Normal they’re downright scary look at That someone’s at the door [Music]

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