How I’m Introducing Our Puppy To Our Older Dog

How I’m Introducing Our Puppy To Our Older Dog

Introducing our puppy to our older dog, going to puppy class, teaching stand and even a somersault this week! This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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Wow she’s still biting guys yes how many Episodes are we into this and she’s Still biting see no magic answer the Puppy biting I’m Zack George I trained Dog and this is my new dog inertia I’m Taking you along as I train her from day One you can start from the beginning or Pick up anywhere and start learning Welcome to the dog training experience In today’s episode we’ll introduce Inertia to Indy for the first time we’ll Go to puppy class get some more Socialization done teach inertia an Amazing new trick and start working on One of the most underrated skills that All dogs should know do you know how Lucky you are you get a bark box every Single month bark box is a monthly box That you get and they send you really Awesome unique toys and treats every Month This one has a tease workout theme I Mean you’ve got to give it to them for Originality oh I know a nurse is gonna Like this bark boxes toys are really Top-notch quality toys so you can play Really rough with your dog with them if Your dog does manage to rip this off There’s a bonus toy inside so it’s like Two toys so you check this out it’s a Bicep and there are some loves to play With new toys like this got these salmon Powered dog treats right here bark box Treats are always really good quality

Treats they don’t put add ingredients in It they’re always made in the USA Whether or not you’re into training your Dog or just letting them have a lot of Fun bark box is going to make sure that Your dog has the most imaginative fun Toys and treats available each box is a $40 value at least but you can get bark Boxes starting at 20 bucks a month and Every single one of you is gonna get a Free bark box when you sign up for a 6 Or 12 month subscription I’ll have a Link below just go to bark box comm Slash dog training believe it or not We’ve had inertia for three whole weeks Now and this is going to be her first Play session with indie that’s because Indie can be hit or miss with new dogs And while it’s been years since Indies Had an altercation with another dog I Wanted to make sure that inertia had Plenty of experience and some proper Corrections from a variety of other dogs Before engaging in a full-on play Session with indie as a precaution India Is wearing a basket muzzle remember These are humane muzzles that allow a Dog to pant freely take treats drink Water I think there’s a 98% chance that Indy is going to react just fine which Is why Comfortable having her interact at all With inertia right now okay say hi see I’m the puppy it’s okay

Say hi that’s in your show the puppy That I’ve been telling you about Good yes perfect this greeting behavior Looks very normal you can see how They’re greeting each other from the Side that’s usually a sign that both Dogs or a tease so a nurse is trying to Solicit play and he’s like I don’t want To do any of that play good healthy yes Good girl that’s okay That was a perfectly measured response From Indy she simply let inertia know That she didn’t want her to close He’s sweet good girl yeah say hi you’re Okay That’s good that’s okay Indy Indy at 13 And a half years old isn’t quite as Mobile as she used to be but she’s still Pretty quick The muzzle was just a precaution and I Think we’re ready to take it off and let Them meet without the muzzle but first I Want to get some playtime in within D Since Indy and I played together all the Time maybe that will get her in an extra Playful mood you know we talk a lot About bite pressure and how I’m trying To teach an Ursa that it’s okay to bite In some circumstances as long as the Pressure is appropriate that’s something Indy is really mastered she has Permission to bite them softly so you Can see that I can put my whole hand in Her mouth and her bite pressure is light

So she knows just how hard is okay it’s Also good that inertia is watching Calmly in the background so that I can Play with Indy and she’s in a perfectly Stable state of mind like that remember I’m not allowing inertia to simply walk Out of the crate just because the door Opens let’s see how her weight when the Crate door opens is coming along okay Yes okay these next few moments are Important I’ve held off on introducing These two until inertia has gotten lots Of experience with older dogs who were Known to behave well with puppies and as I said it’s been a very long time since India’s had an outburst towards another Dog you can come close but not too close This is how close you get she’s being Very measured look at the context in Which it’s occurring she’s not shown a Propensity to overcorrect and Furthermore inertia has shown a Willingness to comply with those dog to Dog interactions she’s allowing indeed a Doer sniffing then she sniffs of them Taking turns is really great so far all Of this body language looks fine to me Both dogs appear to be playful and Having a good time Let’s keep watching : Nice job good girl it’s okay Go play I’d like to see an Ursa get on Her back she hasn’t done much of that Yet yeah there we go that’s my boy on

Cue huh that really seems to send the Signal that a dog is not a threat you Could get on their back their way of Saying I just want to play [Laughter] I wonder if she’s like do you know how To give treats when I do this thing this Is language I have learned do you Understand this language it’s like this It’s called play dead hey inertia Indy Had a little bit too much and this is Her way of letting a nursin know it but At no point did she bite or attempt to Harm an Ursa so I consider this an Acceptable correction from an older dog To a young puppy don’t play so rough With your sister she doesn’t like to Play that raw it’s time for puppy class Again and I can’t get enough inertia Needs to meet as many dogs as she can Right now and puppy class is a super Efficient and safe way to do that she’s Really excited to play right now so Check this out She probably won’t even listen to me see This inertia right now is pretty Unresponsive to her training in this Very exciting environment that’s normal She’s calming down a bit in this Environment so I’m taking this Opportunity to reinforce that calmness Since inertia is now showing a little Bit of interest in the treats that shows Me that she’s in a teachable mindset now

If she were to show little interest in a Really high value treat then I would Just chill out and let her observe the Class so we’ve got a couple of German Shepherd dog puppies coming in sightings With Ruthie who she’s met before okay go Play hey just like dogs remember friends From past classes since this is a new Batch of dogs inertia is more reserved At first Okay good job inertia so right now we’re Supposed to be working on sits and downs But a nurse is a bit too distracted to Follow a lure right now so instead I’m Choosing to reinforce calm behavior with Her right now You know like when she’s automatically Sitting or lying down and checking it Out see you nice loose leash so I kind Of appreciate that too so there’s always Something to look for sometimes when you Have a dog especially this young you Have to kind of wait for them to be in The mood now if I were able to get her Attention I wouldn’t make sure that I Give her an extra good reward so that’s Good nice job good so extra big reward There Jeannette the awesome instructor Of this puppy class brought her dog Tahoe out so that the puppies can Practice being around an adult dog yes And now I was able to get it down so That’s good so they’re kind of and then How your dog doesn’t just go from like

Listening to not listening it’s kind of Like this in and out pure you have to go Through during the communication Building things all right now inertia Looks like she wants to interact with These puppies a lot more now than she Did before so this is a great example of Using your environment as a reward Practice telling your dog to sit or hold A stay or a weight and then let them go Play with the dogs as the reward And now it’s time to get back to Training what we’re practicing Crumlin Called in the presence of other dogs Here so let’s see how she does see Mixing basic training with socialization And alternating like this every few Minutes is a great way to get dogs Paying attention to you while around Other dogs training your dog in this Kind of environment while socializing Them with other dogs can be so valuable So puppy class is done but that doesn’t Mean socialization is done you don’t Want to just rely on puppy class to Socialize your dog we thought what a Great idea to come out get some Breakfast and given her some additional Exposure to a new place she’s never been Surrounded dog friendly restaurant here In New Orleans Places called cafe Navarre great place What I’ll be looking for seeing when she Naturally calms down again that’s a

Really huge part of training when she Automatically just lies down and chills Out because right now you see she’s Frantic that’s normal for many dogs Especially young dogs I’m keeping her on A short leash because I’m not gonna let Her have all the freedom in the world Here’s oh and look there’s a natural Settle right there yes let her know that Behavior works Then I’ll periodically acknowledge it When she does know she’s still probably Likely to get up and walk around and Then hopefully get back into her settled Again but as long as she’s holding it All every few seconds a couple times a Minute as she gets settled reinforce her With some really good treats inertia has Discovered a very brave bird and she’s Being so good not chasing down the bird Just observing the bird this is why Socializing is good you know when They’re this young and they see a bird Like this and they have any experience Of being relaxed in a calm state of mind Chances are they’re going to be better Adjusted as they get older I don’t mind That she even gets up and looks at the Bird right now I’m not introducing a Hardcore stay session she’s allowed to Be interested in something new and look At it that’s cool I love that I can get Our attention on a toy in this Environment but again we probably be

Here for 20 minutes before I could get Her attention on this These zippers whoop oh yeah good and She’s listening around the rain inertia Continues to impress in public places Later on it was time to do some trick Training though so I have to show you Guys this fun trick I just discovered Recently in fact I was in here doing one Of my off-camera training sessions with Her just to kind of proof a lot of the Stuff that she’s already learned and I Discovered she was starting to do this Really cool trick so I called Bri in Here I’m like Bri get your iPhone come In here and film this Take a look yes since inertia was so Freely offering this behavior naturally I feel pretty comfortable training this To her in moderation now if at any time She were to look uncomfortable or Awkward then I would stop doing it did You see how she’s jumping and she’s like Sit I don’t want to sit so I’m just Gonna stick with her for a minute over Here yes good as I was teaching her this I realized I need to get her up on all Fours because doing a somersault from a Sit position isn’t quite as practical For her at this point see it turns out That just placing this Treat right at Her nose and between her front legs it Was enough to encourage her to do one Little somersault that was a really good

Example of finding something that Inertia feels comfortable doing Capturing it and encouraging it and Molding that behavior into something Pretty cool like a somersault let’s talk A little bit more about how to teach Your dog to stand very few people teach Stand but it’s an extremely valuable Skill it comes in handy at the vet or The groomer plus it’s the foundation of So many different things that you’re Going to teach your dog moving forward Keep in mind that Stan can take a solid Couple of weeks or more to master first Your dog’s gonna need to know a good sit Like that and we’re just gonna lure her Up yes stand yes Stan okay and I’m gonna release her from That stand to let her know that position Is over and she can now move so you Could say yes if you were using a Clicker as I often do with her this is How it would look Stand okay good job so I’m gonna release Her from that stand before she takes a Step forward on her own you really want To capture her holding that stand and Then release her very early on don’t Insist on a 10-second stand so I’m just Gonna lure her up just like this and I’m Gonna click just as she’s holding that Stand and I’m gonna try and capture her Standing without those feet moving for Just a few seconds and then I’m going to

Release her but you might start with Just trying to get your dog to hold it For a half a second and release them Okay Stand yes stand is no good if they’re Just walking around the stand position Is where they are standing with all four Feet glued to the ground okay good job So really good work I mean she did take One step Lord but she looked really Stable right there that was excellent That’s where we are in stand it’s still Gonna take quite a bit of proofing or Practicing in a variety of contexts and Settings for to really generalize that Concept if you want to keep up with Inertia in real time follow us on Instagram get your free bark box when You sign up for a 6 or 12 month Subscription I’ll have that link below Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell Notification so that you know every time We upload a new episode If you’re the type of person who really Enjoys a written guide to follow along With check out both of my books I’ll Have a link below to everything in the Next episode we’ll work on the nurses Puppy biting we’ll go back to the vet Practice fetch and work on some other Really important things to teach your Dog we’ll see you in the next episode [Music] You

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