You’ll Definitely Know How To Train A Dog If You Get This!

You’ll Definitely Know How To Train A Dog If You Get This!

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The time has come my new book is finally Available now I know what you’re Thinking Zack didn’t you already write a book Well yes I did so let me explain the Difference my first book really offers a Wide-angle view of what it takes to Raise and train a dog from choosing the Right dog for you to vet care the basic Training and more but my newest book Really delves into the nuts and bolts of What’s involved with training a dog I’ll cover the issues that throw a lot Of you off barking chewing play biting Potty problems leash pulling stealing Humping aggression or more both books Have advice for puppies and adult dogs So it doesn’t matter how old your dog is Now if you like audio books like I do Know that the audio book is available I Recorded it and narrated it myself just A few weeks ago I’m doing another audio Recording session for the audio version Of my book what’s up John how’s it going Why don’t dogs listen in new Environments dogs really experience the World so differently than we do Basically I do this for eight hours a Day until the book is done both books Are available in audio form guide to a Well-behaved dog is super dog training Heavy and perfect if you’ve got a dog And my first book is perfect if you’ve Recently gotten a dog or you’re thinking

About getting one I’d say for good Measure get them both I’m gonna have Links in the description between both of These books and my free videos online You can have everything you need to Train your dog for under $30 I mean That’s less than one night out of dinner I also want to give a huge special Thanks to my co-author Dena Roth port Who really helped me keep all my Training advice and ideas in a format That flows and it’s easy to read once Again I’m gonna have a link to both of These books in the description read it Or listen to it leave an honest review I Love reading your feedback that makes me A better dog trainer and I can’t wait to See you guys in my next video see ya You

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