Leash Pulling Training: How To Train ANY Dog to STOP Pulling Without Being Harsh!

Leash Pulling Training: How To Train ANY Dog to STOP Pulling Without Being Harsh!

Train any dog to stop pulling on leash! Thank you Pupford for sponsoring this video. CLICK HERE TO GET PUPFORD’S AWESOME FREEZE DRIED TRAINING TREATS:


Good news! Oryan has been adopted since we filmed this video! But there are lots of fantastic dogs available at every shelter in America!

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Today you’re gonna see Orion the rescue Dog learned some awesome leash walking Skills and this is our dog in D rule Number one of training always use Amazing treats average treats won’t cut It if you’re at all serious about Training that’s why you want major Attention getters like these puppet has Two incredible treats to choose from Which are way different than anything Else out there when dogs eat better they Feel better and act better these new Freeze-dried sweet-potato treats Literally have one ingredient in them They’re ultra healthy and they’ll get Your dog listening to you quickly They’re made from 100% sweet potatoes These are perfect to keep your dog’s Protein consumption down plus everyone Knows sweet potatoes are a superfood I’ve been using these freeze-dried beef Liver treats also from pup furred for The last many months and every single Dog I’ve offered these to has just loved Them their freeze-dried which means they Get rid of all the moisture but the Nutrients and the flavor remains try Mixing both kinds of treats into your Treat bag because keeping your rewards Extra random and using a variety makes Training more exciting and Multi-dimensional for your dog having The best treats available at your Fingertips will put you in a better

Position to establish phenomenal Communication pup retreats are great for Dogs of all ages and you can get them Now at the link in the description and When you subscribe for auto shipments You’ll get an additional discount and You can lock in that price for all of Your future shipments click thumbs up For Orion he’s back for part two of our Training lesson in our last lesson we Worked on fetch and getting him to pay Attention so now I’d like to focus on Giving him some basic skills remember he Is a homeless dog is looking for a home And one of the issues with so many dogs And shelters and rescue groups is that They don’t walk well on leash they pull They jump so getting a dog to have those Basic manners makes them way more Adoptable and that’s my goal with Orion We want to see if we can find him a new Loving home but first we got to get him Trained a little bit leash walking is an Essential skill for a dog to have I mean If they’re gonna be living in a normal Environment like this they’ve got to be Able to walk nicely on leash without Jumping and pulley our first order of Business before doing a proper leash Training session with an energetic dog Like Orion is to get all of that energy Out in our last lesson we did an Introductory fetch session with Orion And I think he’s got enormous potential

To be a frisbee dog so I’d like to see How he does on that first thing we’re Gonna do is put a lead on him so we have Them Control of them oh wow I love this look How he’s immediately getting into the Frisbee by playing tug with it that’s Usually half the battle because it’s a Hard substance like a rope toy is Something that dogs prefer to play tug With as a general rule but if you can Get a dog playing tug with a frisbee This quickly that’s a good sign we Worked on let go last time a little bit So he’s still a little rough now when he Lets go I’m gonna roll it like that to Encourage him to chase it look at him he Picked up the frisbee and brought it Back oh man that’s awesome look how he’s Trying to play keep-away this is why you Have your dog on lead let go and then Let him know by letting go he’ll get What he wants there you go come on The reason I’m rolling it like that is To encourage him to go for the rim you See always losing interest periodically In the frisbee I’m gonna reignite his Interest by playing tug there you go you See just by doing that he got a lot more Interested I tell you what let’s see What happens if we throw it I’m just Gonna hover it what what is happening First attempt he caught it out of the Air I’m speechless you never see that I

Need to reward him by playing some tug Who’s incredible see if it happens again Yeah good job for a first frisbee lesson That was pretty good he caught it out of The air when I hovered it in front of Him he’s chasing rollers grabbing him by The rim playing lots of vigorous tug With the frisbee that’s awesome we don’t Have a top notch frisbee dog just yet It’s gonna take more training we got That energy out so that puts us in an Ideal position now to do a leash Training session my last lesson with Orion we worked on look at me let’s see How he’s doing Yes good job getting your dog to look at You when you ask will be an essential Part of teaching them to walk on leash We’ve got a giant lawnmower going on Over here right there he’s acknowledging It I actually like how he’s behaving Right now so I’d rather him not react I’m gonna go ahead and see if he’ll take A treat that’s good that means he’s in a Teachable mindset if he’ll accept a tree Sometimes when dogs are really Distracted they won’t accept a treat at All little more reaction there little Tension on the leash over here look at Me yeah that was a good one I was able To get his eyes on me in the face of That somewhat significant distraction Not everyday you see that Oh Ryan so I Can get him to look at me now let’s see

If I can get him to look at me while Moving it might be easy to assume that Just because your dog will look at you Right here that they’ll do it while Walking on the leash not necessarily the Case anytime you change a variable you Have to be prepared to really Methodically work with your dog in other Words this is a completely new skill so Getting your dog to look at you all Walking is the trick here no I’m gonna Go back this way up here nope see don’t Have eyes on me so I’m gonna stop Hey Orion yes good right there was a perfect Example I got his eyes on me while he Was in motion notice I kind of have to Hunch down a little bit to really get on His level You might notice this is looking pretty Easy right now and it is and I think the Reason is is that we’ve put in the Prerequisite work here we’ve exercised Him and we’ve taught him how to do a Basic look at me when we hold a treat up So we’re in good shape Hey look who’s back a lawn mower guy Only now he’s even closer so I like to See if I can get a look at me in the Face of any distraction right here look At me yes good work all right there see Much closer now did you see how when That lawn mower got really close to us He wouldn’t take the treat at all and Then a cilantro or retreated he was like

Okay I’ll pay attention to you that Illustrates the point that closer your Dog is to a distraction the less likely They are to listen to you in the face of That distraction so remember when you’re In those situations especially with a Dog new to training and you can’t get Their attention protocol is to create Distance get away from that distraction If possible in this case the lawnmower Got away from us by training in public Like this you just never know which Distractions you’re going to get so Let’s resume our lesson so come on over Here good gonna let him walk and I’m Gonna turn around this way gonna keep Him off to one side like this I prefer My left in this case look how calmly He’s walking right now that tongue is Hanging out of his mouth he’s panting That’s a good thing in this case that’s Why we exercise them it’s a lot easier For him to focus when you get their Energy out and the reason we walk back And forth like this on a preliminary Leash training session is because this Is familiar territory so he’s like all Right I’ve seen this territory I’m a lot More likely to behave we want to teach The fundamentals very methodically and Slowly just like this and do you see how We’re able to teach this without force And were able to get him to think rather Than making him walk slowly we’re

Teaching him how to walk slowly this is Why you want to avoid using gimmicky Collars like choke chains electric Collars or anything like that you want To teach your dog how to thing and I’m Being quite liberal with my rewards at This point he’s never had a leash Training session so this is his very First one the shelter workers were Telling me about this that he tends to Get really distracted by ground scents Remember dogs really take in the world So differently than we do so it’s Important to work with them and Understand how distracting that really Is that was an example of Directing that’s how we redirect a dog When they’re distracted by something in This case a ground sent on a walk did You catch how I didn’t reward one time But I rewarded the other he’s behaving So reliably in this specific context so I’m going to kind of vary the rate at Which I reward in this case I can lower The rate at which our reward because He’s proving that he’s performing very Reliable now if a dog walks by I’m gonna Up that rate of reinforcement or the Lawnmower comes back again and I’m Really going to be sure to reward super Liberally in that case so that’s what I Mean you kinda have to throttle your Rate of reinforcement when you’re Training a dog again look at that

Loosely she’s doing really good Orion is really exceeding my Expectations right now so I think we can Take this to the next level the next Thing I’d like to teach him is how to Vary his speed a little bit Keeney teaching your dog how to vary Their speed though is to be able to Reliably get that attention on you so Let’s get him a little peppy there you Can see he’s got that energy in him and He’s a little jumpy but I’m gonna Overlook that right now just because I Appreciate that he’s not lunging ahead But I want to be able to go from Moderate jog to slowing down well you Are a model citizen this just Underscores the point that dogs from Shelters and rescue dogs are no harder To Train than any other dog it just Depends on the individual dog’s Personality regardless of their Background this is a Ryan’s first day of Training ever as far as we can tell but He’s really excelling he’s doing great Tell me what you guys think about the Format of getting a dog from a shelter Or a rescue group and working with them I’d be curious to know click thumbs up For Orion the adoptable rescue dog why Wouldn’t you want this dog in your life Subscribe to my channel follow me on Instagram for daily training tips live Training sessions and top secret news

Get my brand-new book guide to a Well-behaved dog support us on patreon As well the support from our patrons Helps us make more and better videos all Of those links are gonna be in the Description below hey Ryan you did so Great I’m so proud of you [Music] [Music]

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