Train ANY Dog How To Play Fetch PERFECTLY

Train ANY Dog How To Play Fetch PERFECTLY

How to train your dog to fetch! This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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Free everywhere in the United States and Canada click thumbs up for our new Videos subscribe to my channel it’s Completely free and if you’ve got a dog You’ll be glad you did follow me on Instagram at sack george to get even More dog training tips between videos And get a copy of my best-selling book As well and you can check out all the Links below so I’ve been working with Nathan on training his dog blew the Malinois let’s find out what’s going on I’m Nathan this is blue and he’s a Belgian Malinois I always hear Zack say That fetch is very important for dogs But I’m having issues getting blue to Play fetch properly any time I play Fetch with him he never brings the toy Back to me he’ll always just run off or Do his own little thing I would love to Get his fetch more refined Zac help me Get blue playing a reliable game of Fetch all right what’s going on Nathan The reason I talk about fetch so much is Because it’s one of the best ways to Satisfy a dog mentally and physically You can’t have the stick well we’re off To a good start on fetch he’ll at least Chase something I’ve got another dog at Home and I let them play a lot together Does that count as sufficient exercise I Think it’s great for them to play Together there’s nothing wrong with it a Dog like a Malinois they were

Specifically bred to work with people And to herd and I’m guessing you Probably don’t have a lot of livestock For him At home so we have to meet those outlets In other ways and fetches by far the Most practical way to meet that desire Of a dog to be energetic and to work With a human being a dog that loves Playing with you is a dog that will love Listening to you fetch can be absolutely Magical for so many dogs but a lot of People are under the impression that Dogs just naturally learned how to fetch Let me be very specific on my definition Of bej fetch is where your dog chases a Toy immediately picks it up returns to You with the toy in their mouth in a Straight line properly let’s go and Eagerly awaits the next throw now I was Noticing earlier when Nathan was playing Fetch with blue blue was pretty good About chasing the toy and pretty decent About bringing it back though would Sometimes wander Pass Let go looks okay but blues kind of Mellow about fetch I think we need to Bring that intensity up a little bit to See if we can improve fetch that’ll be My goal this is my first time playing Fetch ever with blue so I don’t know What I’m gonna get but I can see right There that he’s got some interest I’m Just kind of teasing him with the toy

And look at that he’s really your honor Really focus I wonder if he knows that It squeaks I’m gonna toss it just a few Feet gonna run behind him and keep the Distance between us close I want to be The first thing he sees when he turns Around so I can encourage him to come Back to me I’m gonna get low to the Ground did you see how I got him to Bring it directly to me that time I was Low to the ground and that really Encourages your dog to want to come to You all right let’s keep this up but Again I’m gonna keep it nice and short Right there he’s not coming back to me That’s why I have him on lead and notice The reason I’m keeping it short is I’m Focused on the mechanics of chasing it And bringing it back but I want him Coming back to me not not all this Wandering around stuff that’s not that How am I ever supposed to exercise him If he does that this time I’m gonna be Right here I’m gonna clap I’m gonna be Animated I’m gonna move around and Encourage him to come to me did you see How that time I was able to get him to Run to me in a straight line albeit at a Shorter distance that’s what I’m talking About dogs really feed off that Intensity and excitement and not Everyone is like that so find your way Of doing it nobody knows your dog like You do it takes work to teach a fluid

Proficient game of fetch But the dividends that it will yield are Through the roof because your dog will Be satisfied mentally and physically and They’ll really get hooked on listening To you because you’re fun let’s go Go get it and again I’m gonna be close Here so the moment he picks it up Running backwards come on come on come On yeah that’s what I’m talking about Dogs love to play chase but you don’t Want to chase them you want them chasing You yeah get it right now I’ll even Tolerate all this jumping and all this Play that’s fine with me look how Excited he is I’m pretty excited to get It so he’s chasing the toy returning it In a straight line promptly letting go And eagerly awaiting the next throw now You don’t always have to run away from Them like this but in the beginning to Really get them interested It can help sit see this is what I mean When I say they come back and they’re Eagerly awaiting the next throw sit he’s So eager he’s like okay I’ll sit I’ll Try to be still even though I’m real Excited because I really want you to Throw it and I would much rather him be Excited like this while doing fetch Training than to be really subdued Really pick your battles right now it’s A good thing that he’s energetic we just Want to really divert that attention to

The toy let’s start a bit farther and See what happens good job blue come on Getting a little low clapping my hands Being animated now let me see if we can Throw it the full length of the lead go I’m gonna try to not chase him see how He’s returning in a straight line there You go Sit I had him sit right there cuz he’s Doing so well but avoid the temptation Of really making your dog sit and stay Right now just focus on keeping them Excited and engaged in the game It usually takes about 12 weeks of Working with a dog on fetch to get it Really polished and perfect he’s almost There already you know what he’s doing So well right now let’s see if we can Get him to play fetch with something Else how about a frisbee I’m gonna start Off by rolling it the reason we roll it Is to teach the dog to grab it by the Rim I’m gonna let him know it’s okay to Tug this is new to him this is a new Texture and it’s normal for them to Struggle to pick it up you can tell he’s Not familiar with a frisbee we’re gonna Be patient with him through all this all Right so let’s say your dog gets bored What the toy forgets to bring it back go Up to the toy move it around bring it Back to life make the toy exciting see I’m not just gonna pick it up and try Again not in this case I want him to

Bring it back because that’s a critical Component to fetch come on let’s go yes There we go good I’m gonna immediately Throw it because the thrill is in the Chase for dogs so now I’m gonna teach Him a take which is where I hold it I Want him to be familiar with taking a Frisbee while it’s in that position and I’m just holding it ready take it The reason I’m playing hug like this When he takes it is to really Suz and excited about the game dogs like That if he likes it I want to give him a Reason to want to repeat the behavior Continue to challenge your dog if you Just do the same old boring stuff they Get bored with it let’s see if we can Get him to catch it in the air now Oh Almost the fact that he’s attempting it It’s good I don’t care if he catches it Or not right now dogs like to try and Grab it with their paws yes it’s good That was a really good effort I’m just Gonna stick with him and see if we can Get him his first catch yeah good boy he Caught that right awesome good pretend Like you’ve won the lottery when your Dog does something new for the first Time awesome we’re rich yes now we’ll Take a step back and let’s see if we can Get some of that energy out I’ll do a Roller and see right now I’ll be able to Just stand right here look at the Urgency in which he’s returning to me

Much better than before practicing fetch Will accelerate your bond with your dog And give you the simplest possible way To get the excess energy out on your Terms click thumbs up if you think blue Did a great job today make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel keep up with The dog training revolution between Videos and get lots of dog training Advice on Instagram ad sack George I’ll Have a link below and get a copy of my Book too thank you to all of our patreon Supporters if you want to sign frisbee For me go check out our patreon page to Find out how to get one link below blue You can have this one though alright are You ready let’s see what happens and go Wow good job

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