How to Train Your Puppy To Listen OUTSIDE!

How to Train Your Puppy To Listen OUTSIDE!

Training your dog to listen while outside has its special set of challenges. I’ll show you how to break through! This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

You’re so cute this video is sponsored By barkbox how does such a big dog have Such a little tongue angus today’s your Four-month birthday I’ve got a present For you it’s your very first bark box This month’s theme is bark slopes Street Fair bark box delivers toys and treats To your front door so that you can Always keep things really exciting for Your dog what is this he’s a frying Squirrel instead of a flying squirrel Get it Fetch fries and ketchup nobody doesn’t Like bark box that is dynamic look at The different expression on each french Fry I know the toys are fun but we got Some great treats in here too you’re Always guaranteed great ingredients in Bark box treats lamb and euro recipe or Do you pronounce a gyro tell me in the Comments below These are big just like you by regularly Getting new things like this your dog is Likely to be extra intrigued by them and That really encourages a strong bond With your dog bark box is gonna give all Of you a free bark box when you sign up For a 6 or 12 month subscription just go To bark box comm slash dog training I’m Gonna have that link in the description Below and guess let’s go to the park and Do some real world training are you Ready click thumbs up for Angus make Sure you’re subscribed to my channel if

You’re trying to train your dog pick up A copy of my best-selling book dog Training revolution if you want your dog To be featured on my Instagram page post A photo or video on Instagram of your Dog watching one of my youtube videos And tag at sack George and use hashtag Dog training revolution so that I’ll be Sure to see it I’ll feature some of my Favorites you might remember Angus from A few videos ago well that was a whole Month ago when he was only 3 months old Now angus is 4 months old and he still Has a lot to learn about the world today I thought it would be valuable to show You where to start with one of the more Challenging aspects of training a dog Getting them to listen to you outside Angus is already doing a great job with Things like sit and lie down and stay at Least the puppy versions of those things In an indoor environment so there’s no Better time than now to expose them to The real world and see what we can get Him to do it’s common for a lot of People to be frustrated when their dogs Don’t listen to them outside as well as They do inside so if you’re going Through that right now understand you’re Not alone for a dog a new place can be Completely overwhelming different sights And sounds and smells are very likely to Make your dog behave much differently Than they would inside adjust your

Expectations any time Your training outside especially with a New dog and don’t expect to pick up Where you left off inside and here’s a Tip for you anytime that you’re going to Initiate an outdoor training session Like this Give your dog ample time and opportunity To explore the environment and really Adjust to it before you start asking Them to do lots of different things so Angus has had a little while to soak up The environment and kind of adjust to it He looks very comfortable right now but Before I begin a training session Wherever I change a major variable like The environment I like to test them to Kind of see where they are in terms of Being receptive to listen to me now I am Using a really good treat today I’m Using tiny pieces of real meat and we’re Going to see if we can get him and do it Up very good that’s great that indicates To me alright he’s receptive enough to Follow a treat you may have also Experienced that when your dog is really Excited by a new situation the last Thing they care about is a treat even if It’s a good one let me see if I can get Him to kind of follow me and walk back a Couple of steps there we go so he’s Following the lure let’s see if I can Get him to sit perfect hey that’s really Good remember he’s only four months old

So it would be perfectly understandable He was distracted how about a look at me Good and how about a lie down look at That nice job buddy so doing simple Exercises like this that your dog Already knows is a fantastic way to tell Whether or not they’re in a teachable Mindset if they were unresponsive to These basic skills that they Demonstrated that they understand Outside of this environment then you Would just simply take a step back and Really prioritize training in a less Distracting environment and work your Way up We’ll bring it so right there he’s Reacting to a dog see that so I’m gonna Go ahead bring him back over here ask Him to sit get his attention good job so That’s a good example of redirecting Your dog but again you know he’s very Curious about the dog over there but That doesn’t mean he can just go up and Respond and react to every dog he sees We have to teach them some basic manners So let’s go ahead and I’m gonna use that Treatment see there’s a good example Right there initially he kind of was Like I don’t know if I want that treat I Want to look at that dog so that was Kind of an indicator that he was in and Out so we know that he’s kind of Sensitive if he gets really distracted By something which he would expect but

He’s used to dogs having four legs that One had three legs Maybe he noticed that was different but The idea is over time you Sensitize your dog to giving them lots Of exposure to dogs at 10 feet away just Like this and showing them how you want Them to behave in this case I sit and I Look at me and I appreciate that you’re Now behaving very well let’s take a walk Around the park see if we can find some More enticing distractions and show Angus how we want him to behave around Those distractions right now you can see He’s really paying attention to these Birds He’s very intrigued by them hey Angus Look at me Angus I’m calling his name he’s not Paying attention to me hey kiss Angus Hey good boy he gave me his attention There I’m gonna give him a little treat Let me make sure he’s in that teachable Mindset before we get closer he’s Sitting for a treat that indicates he’s Open-minded to listening that’s the Purpose of doing that this distance from The birds He’s pretty reliable I mean he’s a Little in and out but let’s see what Happens when we get a little bit closer It’s it great still doing well you have To be pretty methodical about Approaching your distractions you don’t

Want to just go up on something that’s Likely to totally throw your dog off and Expect them to just be good and so by Simply just coming out to a park like This and giving your dog lots of Exposure to different things you’re Desensitizing them and and things like This aren’t such a special occasion the Last thing you want to do is wait to Encounter birds like this or any other Distraction for the first time and just Expect your dog to tune it out just like A thousand Birds over there what do you Think are you gonna give me a set if we Go over there you really have to walk The line here you should let your dogs Smell around I’m not just going to Insist that he pay attention to me at This age especially with all these Distractions but right there he you know You can see there’s clear tension on the Leash I would like to kind of teach him To pay attention to me Sit see that sit don’t sit I’m not able To get him to sit for a treat right now Again because he’s excited so rather Than getting mad and saying sit sit sit What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna create a Little bit of distance get a little bit Farther away from the birds so watch This come on Angus over here Over over here sit and look at that I Just so in other words I mean we’re Talking about eight feet right there I

Just had to move eight feet back and now All of a sudden he’s like okay I’ll Listen to you So really knowing your working distance Is very important let’s try this again So let’s see sit right there he’s not Taking the treats this is overwhelming I Mean imagine imagine being in his Position I can also try to shrink my Training bubble get a little bit closer And see how that goes Sit and look it was successful in that Case that was great good boy Nice work that was awesome always be Sure to inject that sincere authentic Praise with your dog too don’t fake it Good job come on yes sit good look at me Good all right let’s go back this way Come on Angus come okay right there he’s Ground sense or a huge deal with dogs It’s very normal for dogs to be like no I don’t want to go because I want to Smell what’s on the ground so rather Than just pull him we’re gonna try to Get his attention to make him think from The inside out and really go through the Motions because over time that’s really Gonna be a lot more effective than just Pulling him away that doesn’t teach Anything come on let’s go let’s go let’s Go There we go getting a little peppy that Can help good work good boy I’m gonna Walk back and forth on this line here

Because see this is familiar to him he’s Been on this line several times in a row Now tension there let’s go ahead and ask Her as a tension Angus look at me That’s what I’m talking about there you Go look at these birds I’m gonna stop Right about here I’m gonna ask him to Sit now because we’re a little bit Closer since perfect right let’s see if We can get just a few feet closer and Since I’m having a hard time right now getting His attention on me when you can’t get Your dog’s attention on you like this You have a couple of choices you can Just choose to let them adjust like we Talked about or you can try put a treat Right at their nose to see if that helps Bridge some communication right there I Mean I’ve got to put it right at his Nose to get his attention look at me Good yes good job I’m gonna go ahead and Give him a jackpot reward here because He paid attention to me when it was Particularly hard for him to so I like That go out of your way to get your dog Outside as often as you can if you have A couple of days during the week make it A priority to take your dog someplace New and do this type of training with Them post a photo or video on Instagram Of your dog watching one of my youtube Videos and tag at sac Jorge use hashtag Dog training revolution so that I’ll be

Sure to see it and I’ll share some of my Favorites click thumbs up for Angus make Sure you’re subscribe to my channel Get your free Bart box when you sign up For a 6 or 12 month subscription at Barkbox comm slash dog training that Link will be in the description below Get a copy of my book – for the complete Dog training revolution experience Angus You did great today come on let’s give You some more training [Music] [Music]

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