I’m TRYING! But It’s Not Enough. What Else Can I Do? How To Train a Rambunctious Dog!

I’m TRYING! But It’s Not Enough. What Else Can I Do? How To Train a Rambunctious Dog!

Puppy training can be overwhelming at times! Dogs quickly become capable as they grow! That means you have to continue to keep training more interesting and advanced!
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Oh my god today’s episode is sponsored By pet flow support my videos by Changing the way you buy your dog’s food It’s way more convenient to have your Dog’s food delivered to your front door Than to rush to the store at the most Inconvenient time Pet Flo has all of the High quality brands you just choose your Favorite brand of dog food and the size Bag that you want and tell Peplow how Often you wanted to arrive in order to Make this extra easy to try and recovery When you check out to get $10 off your First three automatic shipments I’m Gonna have a link below I’m gonna show You some highlights from a recent dog Training consultation I had with Lulu The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog she Was a handful but she shows key signs of Being exceptional in lots of ways if you Like this stuff you’ll enjoy our Instagram – at sack George I’m gonna Have a link below and joy energetic dogs Are the smart ones they’re just dying to Interact with the world constantly They’re just like what’s this what’s That let’s do something here so we Started looking videos and then we came Across you and then it just kind of we Just stayed watching vids with you as She progressed and we’ve used most your Videos with our training for we Purchased your book where we trade your Blog today thank you she doesn’t stop

She’s like begging me to play tug right Now it’s not even jumping like normal Jumping he does that play so what are You having trouble with with her I think It’s it laid down for some reason always Hit or missed if I get on the ground Like that Yeah she’s just pretty well oh good so It’s when I’m up and I’d say say yeah And then put her into the down you’re Trying to find that fine line where does She go from listening to down to not Listening good we tend to think it Should be done in a couple of steps you Know like we should go from this to the Lure to this and it’s like slow this Everything yes yes that’s You know what I’m saying there’s like Five or six steps in there rather than Two yes good so that’s a step in the Right direction so the oh okay good I’ll Take it and right there do you see what I’m doing heavy reward heavy rapid-fire Rewarding there let her know wow you Like you even though I didn’t even ask For it while I was standing up you tell You that ones you’re good just saying Other way and she’ll go oh nice coming Called is yeah well and you’re trying to Do it off leash presumably so I mean That’s really a subset of off leash Training which is advanced to get your Dog to come to you anywhere and Everywhere is two years of really

Working with them a lot as a general Ballpoint long lead is the answer that’s Your best friend in the world like Saying she’s on a guest uh-huh would you Want the guests to say no it’s on you as Their parents to intervene and say nope You’re gonna go over here hang out here Great while we whatever it is okay to Say no I mean it’s okay But I wouldn’t rely on it to stop yeah I Mean just like it’s your responsibility To show her how you want her to behave Well what is your exercise regiment with Her right now you’re doing walks that’s Her main form of exercise in dog park Run in the morning okay And how far do you run weather in the Morning okay not bad even if we do those Three four walks a day Still she’s and the times usually put Her in timeout or when we’re cooking or When we’re heating because those Sometimes where we wonder stay down and She just constantly jumps and plays we Say no sit down you know lay down and She’ll do it for minute baby 30 seconds and then it’s back to it and You and you’ve hit on what I what I try To address very often in the videos and In the book too walks don’t cut it for High-energy dogs they just don’t cut it Fetch does though it takes like three Months maybe to teach a really polished Fluid game of fetch so that’s normal

Fetch training is definitely the Priority right now for her training Early in the day and it’s not gonna be Efficient for the next few weeks I mean That’s gonna solve 80% of this and Reduce the number of time alit’s got my Foot on the leash you can’t run away It’s good yeah that’s good that’s what She gets for bringing it back Give it come on Yes see what I mean yeah And so that’s like bringing it back You’re gonna unlock this amazing Vigorous tug-of-war session every time You bring it back that’s what you’re Trying to communicate you work up to a Point where it’s fetch bring it back and Then they it seems as though most dogs Come to get addicted to the chasing but At first it’s really just an elaborate Game of tug really prioritizing fetch Training before those walks is what You’re probably missing when she’s Really rambunctious early in the day Fetch training to get into that routine Now is what I’d say if at all possible Okay like it’s been this time of year It’s at sunrise or before right now yeah Cuz there’s so much so what other dogs Did you have just well frisbee frisbee I mean dog frisbee outs but that’s where My roots are she’s never even tried with The frisbee yeah oh let’s give me it up This is great so this could be a magical

Moment thank you drop it let go Yes yeah good good I’m gonna probably Play tongue I don’t care about the Frisbee lasting right now like a she Went for it she tried to catch it That’s a big deal yes catch it even her On leash so she doesn’t get all over the Place let go so now that I’m satisfied That she’ll do the tug I am gonna Quickly discourage it okay she’s got a Healthy bite it doesn’t need to be that Help yes wait get it good like ever so You want to discourage that chomping Right now stay good didn’t look like oh I just want to get the mechanics down Yes that’s a good let go keep that look Over it is stay wait get it yes like a Good over here Wait stay get it yes [Music] So frisbee dog wait now okay Don’t let her have access to this ever Unless you’re playing with it she’ll Chew these up and the week on chew toys Yeah toys like frisbee tug toys and Balls should be kept sacred and special Okay play driven dog you know and that’s It’s not fair to fight the energy or Combat it you have to your your strategy Is okay I’m gonna find a way to get this Energy up on cue and get it out of you On cue which is what that says any Mental games recommend working on Getting here to do sits downs come when

Called in lots of different environments And different orders but she isn’t all Or nothing dog – it’s like she’s gonna Be the biggest handful of your life or She’s gonna be like I’ll do anything you Ever ask and as long as the exercise is The thing that’s gonna equalize that Lulu was so much fun give her a thumbs Up get your dog’s food automatically Shipped to you from pet flow and for More stuff like this follow me on Instagram at Zack George I’ll have a Link below subscribe see you guys later [Music] You

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