If You Ever Leave Your Dog Alone, Check This Out

If You Ever Leave Your Dog Alone, Check This Out

This video is sponsored by Furbo! Go here to get the biggest discount EVER on Furbo! If you order between 7/16 and 7/20, you’ll get $110 off of the Furbo in the USA and $100 off in Canada!

After July 20th you can still receive $25 off by entering code FurboZak

We gave two different dogs a fur bow to See how they like it now both dogs are Alone during the day and both tend to Get a little bit anxious so I think fur Bow can help for a bow is a dog camera Though lets you check in with your dog Anytime you want you can hear them you Can talk to them and even give them Treats from anywhere in the world Between July 16th and July 20th you can Get the fur bow for a hundred and ten Dollars off if you live in the United States and a hundred dollars off if you Live in Canada when you use the Exclusive link that I have in the Description this is the biggest discount On anything and dog training revolution History if you’re watching outside of That date range you can still get $25 Off fur bow when you enter code verbose AK let’s meet Samantha and her dog goose And Jordan and her dog Holmes hey guys My name’s Sam and this is my dog goose My name is Jordan and this is Holmes Stopped me in Japan I work long hours at An animal hospital so I’m hoping that Ferbos gonna be able to give me some Interaction with goose and not only help Me feel better but help goose feel Better some of the issues I’m hoping That the furball help with is Holmes is Separation anxiety being able to talk to Them you know and kind of throw them Treats I think will make them feel

Better oh oh being a vet tech and being In the veterinary industry I know that The more mentally stimulated she is that The happier goose will be I don’t leave Him alone while I’m at work because I’m Not sure what he’s going to get into the Fur bones gonna teach you how to listen How could you don’t listen so hopefully Ferbos gonna give me the opportunity to Not only interact with her but give her A little bit of treats as well as some Entertainment to keep her busy Throughout the day so let’s go ahead and See me and goose just got our this Instruction manual is beautiful it it Doesn’t have ten pages we just set up my Firm oh it was really easy to set up it Was three or four steps is plugged it in Really surprised at how clear the video Yeah it’s got a really big panoramic View when I am having long shifts at the Animal Hospital I want to be able to be Interactive with her and so this is Gonna give me that perfect opportunity It also alerts you in your dogs barking Goose barks when there is the mailman And it will alert me as a notification On my phone that she is barking it’s Two-way audio so I can hear her she can Hear me And I can see what’s going on in the House we have never let Holmes at the Kennel while we’re gone tomorrow will be Our first time and hopefully the turbo

Can help us check up on him and make him Not so scared to be alone he barks a lot He doesn’t like to be alone and I just Got a notification from the Fargo app That there was activity detected I went And checked it out Holmes is by himself For the first time ever he was getting Into a box that he wasn’t supposed to be Getting into I’ve kind of really helped Me when I was able to talk to him he was Kind of confused he didn’t know where we Were coming from but it got him to stop And then I threw him some treats and now He’s just laying down I’m really Enjoying being able to see that he’s Okay we’re checking in on our third day She’s already been able to recognize That when I’m on fur bow on the app Using it she gets up before the treats Are thrown because she recognizes the Little perm sound that it makes so we Really enjoy that don’t we do see I’m Able to talk to her I’m able to say come Here use anything that makes her day Makes my day I also really like how when I am in another room or I’m not home I Always get an alert that says your dog Is barking or your dog is active right Now there’s also a notification that Says your dog misses you but do you want To throw a treat it works really really Well as far as barking goes I know when She’s barking I know what she’s barking At I have a full view of my living room

It can hold a decent amount of treats And so I’m not having to constantly Fill it this has a silicone top I know That you know during the day when I’m Not home that she’s not going to be able To get a treat out of this there’s no Way that goose can take this off of the Fur bow I’m out running some errands It’s Holmes’s new best friend he Absolutely loves it We actually like it for even when we’re In the house when I’m cooking or if I’m Getting ready he just kind of sits right There for a little bit and is Entertained by the fur bow you know it Kind of calms him down it makes it much Better for us so that while we’re Getting ready he’s not barking his head Off homes absolutely loves it I work Here at the Animal Hospital and so Luckily I am able to be in my surgical Suite in between surgeries I’m able to Hurry up get onto my fur bow app give Boost a treat let her know I love her And nothing makes me happier than that It officially has my heart I showed all My co-workers and they all want verbo Throughout the process of me using fur Bow I have been telling my parents about It because my mom is just as obsessed With goose as I am she is actually now Getting a phurba cool thing I like about Ferbos that you don’t have to be the Only one who’s aunt connected to fur bow

I have a roommate so she downloaded it And my mom did as well and she’ll get on Fur bow and she’ll give goose some love Attention and treats I am able to check All my fur baby because I am one of Those crazy dog moms who likes to Constantly check in on her baby and the Only reason I’ve been able to do that For these past couple days is because of Fur but it gives me peace of mind being Able to watch him and talk to him it Helps a lot he will sit in front of her Bow for 20 minutes at a time Just waiting for treat my friends love Watching it they think it’s hysterical I Would recommend the fur bow to really Anyone whether you leave your dog out During the day whether your dog has Anxiety or separation anxiety whether Your dog is good it’s just fun to check In on them to watch them to see what They do during the day because I feel Like everybody kind Wonders that what their dog does during The day so to watch him is really really Cool it’s just fun for anyone adults Kids everybody loves it 10 star for us If you’re watching this video between July 16th and July 20th VRBO is offering An insane discount of a hundred and ten Dollars off if you live in the United States and a hundred dollars off if you Live in Canada visit my exclusive link In the description to get that deal now

If you’re watching outside of that date Range you can still get it for $25 off When you enter code verbose F that link Will also be in the description go get Your furball let me know how you like it See you guys later [Music]

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