Luke, The Over Protective German Shepherd Dog

Luke, The Over Protective German Shepherd Dog

Luke, the German Shepherd Dog stopped by. Often, he reacts unfavorably to strangers. This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at

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Thank You Peplow for sponsoring today’s Episode if you want to eliminate trips To the store to buy your pets food just Go to Peplow and choose your favorite Brand of food and then tell them how Often you want it to be delivered maybe Every two to three weeks for example When you enter codes act 30 you’ll get $10 off your first three orders so try It see if you like it save time and know That you’re making your life easier and You’re supporting the dog training Revolution I’ll have their link in Coupon code in the description below Right now we’re waiting on Luke the German Shepherd dog one of the things That is people are really concerned About is that Luke tends to react Towards people like on a walk and since He’s such a big dog a lot of people Might be intimidated by him I’ve never Seen a German Shepherd dog with these Types of markings but apparently one of His parents was a white Shepherd is that Right yes he was all white okay and one Of them was a more traditional yes a Black with a little bit of brown on them What issues are you having like you Walking on eggshells with him when you Bring him somewhere okay oh he’s good He’s a really good dog like at home and You know even with people around Certainly certain people I guess he Doesn’t like it’s particularly common in

A lot of dogs genetics to just be wary Of strangers you know and it sounds like That’s what you’re saying So even when I met him I would you know I had to do a second take it was like Okay how is he because he was looking Like hey I’m not gonna jump all over you And love you I need to check you out First and that’s what was selected for When creating these so that’s one of Their one of their things I don’t think The protective behavior is necessarily Bad you just want to bring it down a few Notches Well you certainly can’t make him a dog That he isn’t I mean he’s probably Always going to have a lot of that in Him what you can do is work on teaching Him to be more tolerant around people And not quite so nervous or suspicious Of other people and one way to do that Is to actively train around other people Doing things that he likes you you can’t Just wait for walk time when you’re out Walking them to then train him once he Starts to become nervous of someone so You have to proactively go out of your Way when you’re walking with him to just Kind of you know pick a spot stay there For five minutes with a crowd of kids Playing in the distance for example work On training work on play ideally the Thing to do is play fetch with him right Before you take him anywhere in public

That means on walks where he’s likely to Encounter pedestrians kids dogs all of That I’m trying to see how he does with Treats in this new environment right now He’s really responsive although when I Get on the ground look at this he’s Taller than I am Hey Bri do you think this will be big Enough for him he was just using Turkey I still have it in my hand I brought out The tug toy and he immediately went into Tug of war oh I love this love that tug Of war so you probably know how I feel About tug of war I love it I think it’s A great currency when I take him to the Park he generally does not like to play With any toys I hear that a lot too and That’s so normal because there’s nothing That will cause a dog to act more Uncharacteristically than a new exciting Environment the way around that is to Spend tons of time in new environments So about you know twice a week spend one Or two hours first thing in the morning At the part that should really Desensitize them and get them used to it Cuz he’s only a year old right now so at That age they’re still growing up and Taken in the world and all that when They’re amped up they’re just like I Can’t pay attention to anything man I Gotta I gotta get this energy out but Then once you get their energy out They’re like okay cool what do you want

Me to do I’ve been playing tug with him Here not just cuz it’s fun but because I’m trying to get him to like me you Know what I mean There’s no way to accelerate a dog’s Acceptance of a person than to get that Person playing with them the next best Thing is getting him to play in the Presence of that person who’s coming up And the more you play tug with him the More you play fetch with him the more Addicted he’s gonna become to it and it Intensifies over time you’ve probably Already seen that to a degree would you Say he’s good on a basic leave it he was A little while ago but I mean he’s he May be out of practice so I’ve got real Turkey you know so leave it alone we Nice good sit please good job up here Look at me nice work very good now come On over here let’s go we’re gonna behave All right good job you know so if he was Barking at a stranger over there so We’re here look at me please Yes good have you specifically worked on This exercise with them so this is a Killer important exercise especially for The issue you’re dealing with if you Can’t get his eyes you don’t have him so You have to work on being able to get His eyes in a variety of contexts stay How does this stay stay while you walk Away or not okay not yeah and see you Really do need to work on all of that

All that obedience training because Wouldn’t it be great to be able to say Stay stay there I’m gonna go shake hands With this person over here for Example you can see that we’re getting Along everything’s cool you know that Gives you more tools to manage him when He is around somebody and you need to Set up artificial situations that are on The threshold of that area does that Make sense yes he tends to get nervous Around people and won’t look at you Because he’s like I don’t know about That You have to seek out situations where You can easily manipulate the distance Between you and other people individuals In your case not crowds so you know Someplace like laughing your park or Whatever where people are going by and You know if you say look at me and They’re 10 feet away and he’s saying no You know to get 10 feet farther back now Look at me plates you know and so there The instinct for people is to wait until Something happens to then address it but You actually have to go out and create Those instances where you have more Control understand the muscle is a Management solution not a training Solution voluntarily putting his his Face in a muzzle you know what I mean He’s doing that on his own I’m not Forcing him to do anything that’s force

Free dog training right there the idea Then is to do that let go you know what I mean so this at least will give you The peace of mind in the event that you Know if you are confronted with someone In public where he’s way over threshold And you didn’t see it coming that you Know you have a safety net in place and Never want it so you can get used to Having it on his face because it’s a Little off-putting to have something on Your face like that Good nice work and then when you finally Do get to the point where you can strap It on you know and he’s cool sit there And rapid-fire tiny pieces of Turkey at Him to let him know look wow what Happens when you keep this thing on you Know you want it to be as normal as Putting on his collar where he’s like Okay practicing in public in a variety Of context is the only way to get a dog To generalize how to behave everywhere And that’s why it takes months that was A fun interesting appointment with Luke He is such a good dog like thumbs up Make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel are you guys following us on Instagram and Facebook yet if not I’ll Have the links below we’re super active You’ll love it and if you’ve got a new Dog or you’re new to training get a copy Of my book too all those links will be In the description below alright see you

Guys next time [Music]

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