My Training Session with Gizmo!

My Training Session with Gizmo!

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Welcome to another video today we’re Gonna meet gizmo who is a four or five Month old puppy somewhere in that range And he tends to be a little bit nervous Of new people so I’m curious to see how He’s doing with that I also understand That he has issues with picking things Up on a walk that he’s not supposed to So I have to give some advice on that And also he doesn’t want to leave the Cat alone so we’re gonna have a general Training session with him see how he Does with those things I want to urge You guys to have your food automatically Shipped to you from pet flow because It’s going to make things much easier in Your life you’re helping us make more Videos too for whatever that’s worth and If you are curious about setting up Automatic pet food delivery at Peplow All you have to do is choose your dog’s Food they’ll give you $10 off your first Three orders so that you can see if it’s Right for you tell peploe how often you Want it to be delivered and enter codes Act 30 at checkout I’m gonna have that Link in the description below how old This gizmo four months oh wow He’s the big four months how long have You been with me on YouTube when I got The dog I started researching the media Like how this guy’s local came across The video first and then went bought the Book on Amazon thank you I appreciate

That gizmo you are so handsome sir can I Give this to you so when he meets Strangers typically does he is he just Like kind of reserved or just II kind of Like really freak out is reserved and do The submissive urination oh okay Good to know that’s getting a little bit Better this is really good though that’s One of the reasons like socializing a Dog especially when they’re under 8 Months like gizmo is is so important This is kind of eight impromptu Counselor conditioning exercise in other Words I’m trying to change his emotional Response to strangers I’m just trying to Take advantage of that time and say hey Look you’ve never met me I’ve given you Tiny pieces of Turkey here and he’s Already lighting up in the tail his body Language here is suggesting that he’s Way more at ease how much training have You done with him on legs I’ve been Trying to do him almost every day I Tried to spend a little time with him Play with him and then you know work With him a little bit that’s good he Went right into the down yeah he’s got That down pretty well actually he’s he’s So lanky he’s having a hard time with Steak oh okay you know and leave it you Forget it if it’s the cat I have to go Grab him okay I got you him and the Kitten er there they play but he just Doesn’t realize that he’s so much bigger

Than the cat are you pretty good about Keeping him on leash I’d go through my Spurts I’ll keep At least for a while yeah okay I’ll let Him go and then that’s when he starts Acting a fool I’ll go put the leash back On them I like that he’s sitting Politely right now when you catch your Dog doing something that you just like And you’re not even asked asking for it Just go ahead and reward it just hey I Like that you’re being good right now oh Good job I just pointed at my eyes and They look directly into my eyes have you Been working purposefully and look at me Yes oh good oh did you see that That’s a sharply look-look every combo I Like to leave it look at me combo that’s A sign that you’ve really been working On a lot of good impulse control Training and you mentioned you’re having Problems with him chasing the family cat Cat will get on the couch wait for him To walk by then jump on them oh okay Well that’s kind of hilarious is it Pretty easy to kind of setup the cat to Kind of be in the area while you work on Stay yeah they can well they catch all Over the house pretty much you know runs For it if you focus on teaching gizmo to Stay with toys and this is related to Teaching your dog to behave around the Cat they have to be able to stay with Something like this in front of them

Before you can expect in the state of The cat so I’m just trying to verify That he’s tempted by this to see if it’s A valid distraction and it looks like it You know he’s interested in going after The toy a little bit there stay yes Stake Stay yes good stay stay and see right Now you see the pace in which I’m Training it’s fast right now stay Because I’ve got momentum up here yes so I’m just trying to burn it into his Brain every time you’re tempted by Something and I ask you to look at me Please look at me and if you do that I’m Gonna reinforce that with something you Love Here stay and it’s like a lot of Repetition stay okay look it up look you Can see him fighting it up here I don’t Want to push him to failure because that Was right on the edge there stay very Good stay and remember things with Motion okay very good okay good job that Was a nice little nice little stay Session right there but things with Motion are gonna be much more tempting So you’re working towards stage up here Yes good almost lost them but it didn’t So that’s cool Without introducing them to another toy Let’s ask him to stay this is a surprise Primary training session we’re Simulating teaching them how to listen

While in a surprise state of mind you See it’s a little tougher because that’s A new toy and right there I even had to Put the treat right at his nose to say Hey pay attention to me over here cuz That’s real hard if you don’t have your Dog’s eyes it’s really hard to Communicate with them stay nice and so That’s a step closer to getting them to Listen around the cat but we just have To avoid taking steps that are too big You know where it’s like hey you stay For the ball now you should stay for Everything we have to kind of work up to That and work up to surprising them to Where they’re not expecting to stay Where you just randomly do these pop Quizzes on them you know outside of Normal training sessions if I call him If he’s in the other room I’ll have to Go up and get him come on he’s got to Visually see me has it gotten less Reliable over the last several weeks or Was it that’s typically what I would Expect because he’s growing becoming More athletic and capable so they’re Like yeah you know I can probably get Away with not listening dogs are just a Product of their experiences so when They get enough instances of the rule Not being enforced they realize it’s Optional gizmo come good job Looks like he’s doing pretty well income We call to me but what I would recommend

On come when called number one taking a Step back on your training you’ll know In the book that’s a tenet of my right On my training program is to always be Prepared to take a step back even if you Don’t tie him to you just having him Running around you know with a loose Leash can be good assuming you’ve kind Of puppy-proof the house well it’s not Like that it’s nag on anything and knock It down but he’ll be a lot easier to get To so when he doesn’t come to you you Pick up the leash and just kind of Escort him back to where you were Calling him from even if you got to Bring a treat with you swallow the pride Get the tree really get him to go Through the motions voluntarily rather Than picking them up say or anything Like that because that’ll like teach him How to behave A common question here is if your dog Isn’t coming to you and you go and you Lure them and you say come on like this Are you reinforcing them not coming to You because you wouldn’t offer them a Treat and no not at all if those legs Are coming to you that’s the action You’re rewarding how you are yeah look At that come on let’s go Pepin up I like that tail Waggin okay Come on this way come come on check this Out sit stay yes okay come on didn’t Reward that time because right now we’re

Kind of in this groove so I’m trying to Phase in intermittent rewarding because That really is the most effective way I Mean when you’re first introducing Something new to your dog you treat Treat treat like crazy but as they’re Becoming more reliable treating them More randomly it’s good didn’t even ask Him to come they’re gonna reward that Because I like that I think he’s parked Billy good when they say we’ve mixed the Vet asked me what I think it’s a billy Goat because anything he gets he’ll put That down let me have that anything he Can get that’s one of those natural Behaviors we have to curb and and show Them how we prefer they behave that’s so Natural for dogs because they don’t have Hands and and they’re brand new to the World so like what’s this what’s that What’s this you know and they’re just Like grabbing everything they can Remember there’s two aspects to training A dog first you have to manage them so In other words by having him on leash He’s a lot less likely to go and pick Things up though he can still pick Things up within range right but the Better you control the environment the Less likely that is so you can diminish The Of instances that he gets by with Picking things up he’s not supposed to So that’s management that doesn’t teach

Him though and that’s the thing you just Have to t I mean literally dozens Hundreds of items just practicing your Leave it drill because so often we get Content with practicing leave it with a Treat like they show you in puppy class But there’s so much more so teaching a Dog I don’t leave things alone than that One specific instance the mistake that Most will make on this type of training Is relying exclusively on waiting for The specific situation to emerge to then Try to teach the dog without first Preparing them leave it alone here good And see right the reason we’re doing it While we’re in this mindset is because I’m a hundred percent focused on him Okay good job and it’s not like on a Walk where I’m trying to get across the Street and you know dogs realize when You’re distracted so being very Purposeful stay yes okay good work I’m Kind of mixing stay and leave it here Because for all intents and purposes This drill is just basically saying pay Attention to me don’t pay attention to That so it’s kind of semantics at this Point come with your own distractions on Her training walk where you’re like okay This isn’t a real walk he thinks it’s Our normal walk but actually I is the Trainer I’m gonna be focused on being Able to drop treats in front of them and Get them to look at me leave it alone

Look at me oh that was awesome did you See that up here almost come on I’m Gonna get him away from the distraction On the ground nice job hey if you guys Enjoyed this click thumbs up for gizmo He did a great job today make sure You’re subscribed to my channel pick up A copy of my book and don’t forget to Set up automatic pet food delivery at Pet flow they’ll love it See how you like it let me know in the Comments below see you guys next time

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