Understand THIS and Your Dog Will Learn Faster (How to Achieve Perfect Timing!)

Understand THIS and Your Dog Will Learn Faster (How to Achieve Perfect Timing!)

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Today’s episode is sponsored by barkbox Hey look who’s back It’s pancake the Corgi not much has Changed I guess with you click thumbs up For pancake make sure you’re subscribed To my channel and get a copy of my Best-selling book dog training Revolution on the link below today I’m Gonna tell you the number one thing that You can do to improve that’s writing you Guys seriously meeting pancake obviously Needs something to do let’s check out His new bark box and see what we got This month’s theme is paradise unleashed So it’s like pancakes gonna get into the Box all by himself it’s a squirrel it Looks like she’s got like a coconut Bikini oh yeah it’s got a good squeaker In it this is tropical Todd in the to Canada it’s no secret I love toys that Have lots of dimensions to them this One’s fun to bite it has that squeaky Toy the crinkly tail all of that makes The toy like this super interesting car Clocks has gotten really good at the art Of the dog toy what is that that’s Different There’s actually another toy inside of Here once the outer layer comes off it’s Like two toys in one literally you’re Being so polite I think you earned one These are made in the USA they’re wheat Corn and soy free as well these are Actually really special treats they get

A unanimous five stars on the bark shop Website four little pigs apparently even Super picky dogs love these trees every One of you can get a free bark box when You sign up for a 6 or 12 month Subscription just got a bark box.com Slash dog training i’ll have a link in The description if you’re somewhat new To teaching dogs the way i cover up my Youtube channel the first thing you’re Gonna have to get really good at is Timing being able to communicate what You like to your dog the moment you like It is really key when you’re training Your dog communicating after the fact or Too early what you like or don’t like is Likely to make dog training a lot less Efficient the more concisely you can Communicate to your dog that you like What they’re doing or don’t like what They’re doing the more effective your Training is going to be I love clicker training personally and It’s especially great for beginners to Get really good at timing this is a Clicker it just makes a clicking sound It’s a really handy device to have when You’re teaching a dog you can get Clickers lots of different places but if You want one just like this you can get It on my patreon page I’ll have a link Below Most people don’t immediately understand Clicker training even though it’s an

Extremely simple concept and they tend To resist Using it but I want you to think long And hard about using clicker training With your dog especially if you’re new There’s nothing magical about the Clicker but we have to first teach Pancake that this sound means hey you’re Gonna get a treat to accomplish this all You have to do is click and then give Your dog a tiny little treat today I’m Using a ham just really tiny pieces I’m Gonna click gonna give him a tiny treat Click tiny treat Click oh look at that did you see how he Was sniffing around and then I clicked And he’s like wait a minute I think I Know what that means Seriously guys I’m not even exaggerating When I tell you this process takes Seconds to maybe a couple of minutes Depending on your dog and what you ought To notice is that he ought to hit that Automatic sit once I click here in a Minute right there there it goes so easy To predict boy you guys are so easy to Read that’s only because he’s got this Past association with sitting for a tree So it’s a sign that he’s anticipating a Treat when he hears the click again Click means you’re getting a treat so Essentially this sound translates into Good dog I like that here’s something Great for you and you might be wondering

Well can I snap my fingers or make a Sound with my mouth that kind of mimics The click and sure you can do that but You’ll find that your fingers are really Quick much quicker than saying good boy Not to mention the variance in this Sound is non-existant it sounds the same Every single time we dog trainers love Consistency it’s a common misconception Especially if you’re not familiar with Clicker training that the click is used To tell your dog to do something but That’s not how it’s used it’s used after A behavior occurs let me give you an Example up here look at me right there The moment I had eye contact with Pancake I clicked hey down I like that He’s lying down and it becomes like a Game for you and your dog Now that pancake has associated to click With the treat let’s see if we can teach Them something new I’ll tell you what Pancake let’s see how you do with spin Did you notice that I clicked right There while I click you didn’t spin Around well it’s important that you Don’t always ask for everything in one Fluid motion especially when it’s new so You’ll find that you’ll make a lot of Progress when you’re able to reward even Hints in the right direction Good I’m gonna click right there did you See I mean I read it in his eyes that he Was about to commit to that spin kit

That he can like fold himself in half Because he’s so long good now did you Notice how I waited longer that time to Click because I was going for an entire Revolution it’s a dog training Revolution well look and so for now I Got two spins so I’m gonna get two spins In a row and then click you see what I Mean So as your dog starts to get the hang of It you don’t have to quite click as much Let’s see if we can get three nice good Work maybe we can do it without a lure Yes right there so that was really good I was actually able to get him to follow It without a lure right at his nose it Was kind of like a hybrid lure like Maybe I’ve got a treat maybe I don’t Follow my hand good job love it nice job You’re doing great right there he just Gave me a sit automatically I’m gonna Click that to pancake pancake come here I’m gonna click that I like that he came To me the way to teach speak to a dog Like pancake is to show them a treat and Just wait for him to bark so I’m looking At his eyes if he indicates that he’s Thinking about barking I might even Click that I mean sometimes you can see That really particular expression they Make and I want you to pay attention to The timing here it’s less about the Trick that we’re focusing on here and The timing of acknowledging behaviors

That you like Right there I’ll take it I’m gonna Reward any vocalization notice that I’m Not being stingy on my acknowledgments That’s the key with trending dogs you Have to reward tiny moments very often Yes right there did you see the moment I Mean as he was barking I’m clicking it’s The timing of the click that’s really Important you don’t have to get the Treat to them simultaneously it’s okay To wait a second yes I said yes the same Time as my click it’s a good marker word For when you don’t have your clicker With you that’s what we’re doing with All this we’re marking the behaviors we Like now that he’s done it a few times I’m gonna start to say the word as he Does it so that we can start to put a Word to the behavior speak excellent now Let’s see if I can ask him to speak Let’s see what happens Hey speak good I’ll take it speak with Pancake last time we were working on lie Down while I stand up let’s see how he Does sit lie down oh wow right into it Pretty good pancake good and notice he’s Speaking while I’m standing up this time That’s significant anytime you do Anything even a little bit different Your dog is likely to be confused in Early training okay come sit and Shh Speak [Music]

Nice job good work Now also you might have noticed I didn’t Click after every little thing that time That’s also okay as the behavior becomes More and more reliable because you’re Not going to be using the clicker and Treats forever endeavor so as the Behaviors become more reliable you don’t Need to acknowledge them quite as much Does that make sense in other words you Can get a little more random with your Acknowledgments let’s take one of the Most important skills how about stay Stay he didn’t move even though it was For a second I’m gonna go ahead and Reward that stay good a little bit Longer that time let’s see if we can get A longer stay stay excellent job and Then let’s see how he does while I walk Away a little bit look at me stay good Excellent job and stay Oh almost I Clicked a little late there right as he Was getting up that’ll happen again stay I’m gonna make it a little easier this Time good job and notice this rapid-fire Clicking stay good stay up here like That he looked at me right there and You’ll find when you get into the groove You should be clicking one after the Other look at me good click thumbs up With a saltiest pancake I’ve ever met And get your free bark box when you sign Up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at Barkbox comm slash dog training that

Link will be below hey subscribe to my Channel if you enjoy today’s video and Get a copy of my book again all the Links are in the description below we’ll See you guys in the next video thank you Come here good perfect you’re great yes You are you’re a good boy You are so sweet yes you are [Music]

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