How to Train your Dog 3 Tricks! (Jump through a hoop, hugs, and more!)

How to Train your Dog 3 Tricks! (Jump through a hoop, hugs, and more!)

How to train your dog tricks. I’ll show you an overview of how to train your dog to jump through a hoop, how to teach your dog to give you a hug, and some fun Frisbee training! thumbs up if you like it!

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So we’ve got a dog coming over here Today that we’re gonna meet and just Kind of get to know the dog’s name is Jersey’s a pit bull or pit bull mix not Exactly sir I’ve never met the dog and Hopefully we’re gonna get some training Done I’m just gonna do some freestyle Training and see how it goes a little Bit of a different video click thumbs up For another video subscribe to my Channel and this episode is brought to You by our amazing patrons on patreon if You guys want to help our dog training Content you can join our patreon Community too apparently he’s a big Jumper that’ll always be fun you know Much I like high-energy dogs he knows Some basics like sit down shake and some Other stuff so that’ll be exciting his Energy level is only a seven but they Say he’s very excited and jumps a lot so That’s interesting I guess he probably Gets excited for short periods of time She’s probably like a level two out of Three dogs so this is Jersey the dog Doing some tree training with him right Now just to see how he is oh it looks Like he wants to roll over let’s see Were you roll over we will take a step Back since we’re in a new environment There we go all right nice work Jersey You’re so good leave it alone I didn’t even ask for shake look at this That’s it fine I’ll take shake yes can

You sit pretty nice work hey excellent Sit oh boy good leave it Look at me yes got a glance there you Know leave it look at me combo I like to Try that with every dog I like to see if I can get their attention on me when There’s a treat right in front of them The training isn’t much good if they Won’t listen to you because they’re so Focused on a treat you know so he feels Like kind of a level 2 dog as I Suspected you know a little energetic But not hyper all the time he’s named After a cow I think that’s cute What cow a Jersey cow what’s a Jersey Huh it’s a breed of cow the kind of Spots we have a hoop here and we’re Gonna see if Jersey can jump through it Teaching your dog to like jump over a Bar or something you know like an Agility jump is actually a lot easier Than teaching them how to jump through a Hoop because with a hoop you can see It’s not just one area down here they Have to avoid hitting the top and that Can really make a lot of dogs uneasy About jumping through a hoop so that’s Why it’s important to start really slow And not try to take steps that are too Big when you’re teaching this Jersey’s Really comfortable going through the Hoop many dogs might be Nervous of something like this get one More here there we go

With that then look stepped over it That’s perfect you want to step over it Again and it’s off the ground Good nice work go ahead nice job let me See if I can get away to do a running Start sit stay stay whoo look at that Pretty good pretty good Hoop yeah job that was awesome that was Great the bottom line when you’re Teaching your dog how to jump through a Hoop start really small gradually Increase the height of the hoop and if You start noticing your dog is refusing Or not really enjoying it so much take a Step back and continue to make it easier And don’t rush it that goes that goes For everything in dog training though Come on oh that’s a hug wow you’re so Strong now that’s the start of a hug What do you think about doing a video And having teach your dog to hug or we Could just teach it right now how about That if you were gonna teach your dog How to hug you there’s a couple of ways To do this you could you know first get A smaller dog that might help you got a Treat I’m going to encourage Jersey to Just kind of put his paws on me and if You’re worried about your dog becoming a Bad jumper because of this I wouldn’t Worry too much about it because dogs Understand context and anything with Permission is okay that’s when they jump Without permission you gotta walk all

Right I haven’t talked dog to hug in a While here all right I’m gonna give Jersey a little bit of assistance by Putting his arm here good now let’s say You wanted to teach your dog how to give You a hug from behind your dog will need To know how to do a pretty you know a Moderately advanced stay because you Have to have them do a sit stay okay sit Stay and you gotta be able to turn your Back on them stay Sit-stay see even when you ask your dog To stay and then you turn your back on Them that can make it way more Challenging for a lot of dogs look at That how about that is that is that what You’re going for clothes yeah I’m gonna Lure Jersey up this way now and then Just almost fine I’ll reward that Because he tried sit steak oh look at That oh wow we got lucky there that was Awesome and it really is just a matter Of luring them up and getting them to Stay I’m gonna encourage him to stay by Rapid-firing some treats up there oh but You get the point there that’s how you Teach your dog to give you a hug whoa Let go I’m gonna make it boring good Leave it leave it alone wait okay get it Good over here stay get it yeah that was A good one awesome love it okay stop it Yes good boy don’t go yeah nice let’s go Come on let’s go Drop it good and go

Good job and go nice try what a great Dog yeah good idea can’t get it if you Think Jersey did a great job give them a Thumbs up make sure you subscribe to my Channel and thank you so much to our Patrons on patreon if you become a Patron on our crowdfunding campaign on Patreon I’ll send you a sign frisbee It’ll be in better condition than this Though

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