How to Teach your Dog to Bring You Things

How to Teach your Dog to Bring You Things

How to train your dog to bring you things! 😮😮I’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I’m very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!

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Have you ever wondered how to teach your dog to retrieve something? It can be very convenient, plus it’s a great way to build and refine communication between you and your dog!

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Did you know Dobermans were actually Invented by a tax collector to protect Him while he was collecting taxes I Can’t say that I blame him Today’s episode is sponsored by barkbox And supported by our incredible patrons On patreon thank you click thumbs up for Piper the two-year-old rescued Doberman And subscribe to this channel hey I got A see over you you’re so tall guess what I’ve got a new teespring store with some Awesome merchandise you guys are gonna Love I’ll have a link below today I’m Gonna show you how to teach your dog Something useful let’s see what our new Bark box is all about this month oh it’s An Alice in Wonderland theme she’s Lighting up for it will you let go Please it’s gonna be an interesting Training lesson look at the unique Sounds and textures that these toys make What kind of donut plays tug of war with A mushroom paper at some point we’re Gonna have to film a training video I Bet these treats will get your attention I was trying to show the camera that all Of their edibles are made in the USA and Canada and carefully selected to be Healthy and satisfying give me that Rabbit I’ve been giving these bark boxes For a long time now because it’s so Convenient to have all this awesomeness Ship automatically to my door every Month look how tough these toys are

That’s like having a swordfish on a Fishing pole that poor flamingo Piper I Mean Piper likes all the things in the Barkbox but if there was something she Didn’t like barkbox would replace it Absolutely free they can cater your Dog’s box to their individual needs Including how big or small your dog is Or how much they like to destroy their Toys they can also take into account Allergy or dietary preferences for the Treats too and guess what you can get Your dog a free bark box when you sign Up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at Barkbox comm slash dog training I’m Gonna have a link in the description Below it can be really useful to teach Your dog how to bring you things from Time to time but even if you don’t need Them to do that this is a fantastic way To challenge them and to build your Mutual communication together now Teaching your dog to retrieve something Is much different than fetch see when You’re teaching your dog how to play Fetch they’re chasing a moving object Picking it up and bringing it back to You and so on but you know what it can Be much more challenging to teach your Dog to pick up an item that’s not a toy And that’s just sitting there doing Nothing so our goal for this training Session is to teach Piper how to pick up An object that’s not moving at all and

How to bring it to me what do you think Can you do it Before you can teach your dog how to Pick something up and bring it to you You first have to show them It’s okay to bite on it and pick it up So don’t use anything too valuable at This point Piper isn’t really paying much attention To this blanket at all so my goal is to See if I can make it really exciting an Interesting or try and make it more Enticing wiggle it around make it Interesting it might take a little bit Of coaxing with some dogs but look she Seems pretty comfortable biting it don’t Worry the goal isn’t to always have your Dog play vigorous tug with a blanket or Any other object they’re picking up like This we’re just trying to get her Comfortable with the item and let her Know it’s okay to grab it we can work on Softening that bite in exchange for some Fun tug toy time later on yeah Piper You’re definitely interested in the Blanket that’s good but that’s a far cry From a proper retrieve I now want to see If I can set it on the ground while it’s Not moving at all and see if I can get Her to pick it up the best time to get Your dog to pick up a non-moving boring Object is right after it stops moving Guinea yes good so she took the Opportunity to jump right into it and

Get it right after it stopped moving let Go Hey good let go right there she’s Starting to improve on her let go the More we practice this and that’s what I Mean by training things like this you’re Not just training the task I mean look How we’re improving her tug and like Those skills which will translate into Other aspects of training later on I’m Still gonna make this a toy with her and Let her know it’s okay to tug it just Because this is a really fragile time if I start holding her to such a high Standard of pick it up gently and bring It to me then I fear that she’s not Gonna be as into it we are gonna have to Work on that vigorous tug later on let Go it’s clearly not interesting at all Right now it hasn’t been interesting for Many many seconds at this point she’s Completely disengaged from it as a toy Do you see that blanket right there will You pick it up kitty come on she’s Thinking about it all right so this is Gonna take a little bit of work hey What’s this yes Oh right there see and Just by pepping up a little bit myself And getting a little bit more Interesting instead of being like get it Get it I’m not being boring you know at Least to her I’m not hopefully you also Agree now it’s time to phase in distance In other words I want Piper to get that

Blanket while I’m a bit farther away but You can’t just do this all at one time You have to gradually introduce distance With more advanced things like this when She picks it up this time I’m gonna run in the opposite Erection and then see if I can get her To follow me with the item in her mouth Remember dogs like to chase us if we Make it fun oh you forgot your blanket What I’m really trying to communicate You or is hey after you pick that item Up come and find me the trick here is to Keep all the training action up close And only gradually extend the distance As she steadily improves the best time To go for another success is right after A success did it hey what’s that come on Piper over here good girl Will you get the blanket good bring it To me now wait will you let go whoa you Can see we’re really starting to evolve This behavior to something that Resembles hey go give me that blanket And drop it over here without destroying It I’m gonna see now if we can get Piper To go and pick up the blanket without me Having to kind of escort her there I Expect she’ll be a little confused Because this is a pretty big step go get The blanket okay so she’s gonna chew on It this is particularly challenging Because I’m Way over here and she’s way Over there Piper bring it to me come on

Piper Piper Piper this is one of the fun Things about training like this can I Motivate her to pick that blanket up and Bring it to me without me touching her Or forcing her in any way to do it the Goal here is to make her want to do it Yeah yeah yeah good good job just by Shortening my training bubble with her There and getting a bit of closer she Was more motivated and enthusiastic About bringing the blanket to me she’s Got that habit of going up there and Lying down so what that tells me is I am Indeed working too far away I need to do This a bit closer throughout all of your Training always be prepared to take Steps back and kind of repair things as Necessary in different situations that’s Really a normal part of teaching dogs I’m gonna ask her to do it up here but When she goes to pick up the blanket I’m Gonna go way back there come on right There did you see that Piper Over here come yes there it is I’ll take That so this whole time we’ve been using This blanket as a currency here so she Would go and pick it up I’d play some Chunk of war with her and that’s all Fine for introducing the concept but we Want her to pick it up a bit more gently So I’ve still got to reward her what are We to do I’m gonna transition the reward Into a game of tug of With her sieve over time rewarding like

This will help me tame her bite since She’s going to learn that she’ll get an Outlet for more enthusiastic tugging the More delicate she is when she picks up The item that I’m asking her to retrieve That’s why you’ve got to practice this a Lot so that you can find and heavily Reward instances even if they’re Accidental where your dog handles the Objects delicately that could take Dozens to hundreds of attempts depending On a lot of factors She clearly identifies right here that The tug toy is something she likes to Play with so I have to show her this Whole concept of biting this more Delicately letting go of it and then Biting this vigorously so that it’s Worth her while to do stuff for me this Is how I reward her getting her into This alright let go let go yes good and I showed her the tug toy you know let Her know this one’s okay to bite you get It come on get it if you no no ma’am if You want this you’ve got to get me that Leave it you can see she’s really Fixated on this so I’ve got to get her Interested in this did she say no I Don’t want that I want that tug toy so I’m gonna put this out of sight for just A second Piper give me that blanket come on bring It to me I’ll check this now what’s this Right there good girl this we can play

Tug with Piper go and get me the blanket Please come on bring it to me What’s this there it is she’s so good I Love this dog how about teaching her to Retrieve some slippers you can see if I Say get this slipper she’s not Particularly interested in that and see If I can get her interested okay what’s This okay get it it’s okay Yeah there you go right there’s just Like wait I know what you’re doing now Yes good girl good okay wait easy I Actually don’t want her to be so rough With these straightaway if she picks it Up I’m gonna grab that tug toy and Immediately reward with the tug boy okay Yes get it going good good okay let go Good yes get it okay let go yeah good Girl good job all right let go okay Ready get it Did it yes good yeah let go you want This yeah good good job so now that She’s understanding this general concept I feel more confident about encouraging A softer bite with something new in Exchange for this more vigorous bite Over here get it bring it to me let go Yeah oh man go and get me a slipper come On come on let go yes when you can see The light bulb going off right now in That very intelligent brain of hers but I’m still one slipper short let go will You please go get me that slipper all Right she’s a little confused

I’m not going to insist that she just do It I’m gonna shorten my training bubble Over here and see now the action between Me the slipper and her is closer I think She’s more likely to pick it up now that Everything is closer together Good yes come here let go good girl That’s it it would be really awesome if I could get her to go get one slipper at A time bring it to me and then reward so That way I’m rewarding for two successes With one reward and that’s how you start To intermittently reward eventually you Don’t have to reward excessively at all Piper go get me the other slipper come Here will you get me this other one Bring it to me good come on how about That you’re so great there you go take Your reward let’s see if we can teach Her how to get her own leash Piper get Your leash you see how dogs don’t Generalize this concept from object to Object very well that’s why it’s really Important to work with them on lots of Different objects in different settings And environments and really do that a Lot if you’re committed to teaching Something like this so this time I’m Gonna try and reward her with treats and This should change the dynamic a little Bit yes good right there so I you know I’m kind of pushing her around and Playing with it Good good let go yes good I want to let

Her know that amount of pressure is what I’m looking for so I’m interrupting it With a treat the moment I’m satisfied With the level that she’s tugging on it Come on come on Kahn he gets me okay yes There it is good girl We could take three to five training Sessions just to get this far so don’t Be discouraged if your dog doesn’t pick It up quite as quick click thumbs up for Piper if you think she did a good job Today Get your free bark box when you sign up For a 6 or 12 month plan I’ll have a Link in the description subscribe to my Channel pick up a copy of my book and Check out our new teespring store – I Promise you we’re gonna have some stuff In there that you’re gonna love [Music] You

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