When Should you Start Training your Dog?

When Should you Start Training your Dog?

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I’m gonna make sure that if you’ve got An internet connection you’re gonna have Everything you need to teach your dog Absolutely free help us continue to Raise the bar and what it truly means to Teach dogs I’d like to add even more Content to this channel if you’d like to Help us with that I’ll have a link in The description where you can help out And to say thank you to those of you That do you support us over there we’ve Got some fun rewards like sign frisbees Even signed copies of my book thank you So much One of the most common questions about Puppies is when do you start training Them today flurry the lab puppy and I Are going to tell you everything you Need to know click thumbs up for flurry Make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel for all sorts of free dog Training videos and pick up a copy of my Book dog training revolution you can Either read it or listen to it now the Book is a great companion to these Videos so how old should your dog be Before you start training the fact is You can start training a dog at Absolutely any age there is zero truth To the myth you can’t teach an old dog New tricks but if you’re asking this Question there’s a lot more you need to Know from the moment you get your dog Regardless of their age you should be

Teaching them ideally the youngest you Would get a puppy is at about ten weeks Old that’s a perfect time to start Training but so is ten years the Relationship you have with your dog is Going to be the foundation of all of Your future success with them your very First priority should be to bond with Your dog and if you do that the Communication between you two is going To blossom Today flurry and I are going to show you Several great ways to emphasize trust Build a strong relationship and build Communication with one another we got Some work to do don’t we A couple of days ago I had flurry over Here and I noticed that he was a little Nervous about going down the stairs Because I know he could be nervous about These stairs I’m gonna seize this Opportunity to build some trust with him And that’s one of the cornerstones of Teaching any dog now for safety reasons We’re gonna start here at the bottom of The stairs that’s probably gonna be a Lot less daunting to flurry remember Your dog has some say in how fast Training should be as well so for Example if flurry decides that today Isn’t the day where he’s comfortable to Learn how to go down the stairs I’m Going to accept that I’m gonna make sure That flurry doesn’t fall down the stairs

So I’m gonna secure him on his leash and Harness here and I’ve got some great Treats that he really loves I’m gonna See if I can just lure him down one Steps he’s a little There you see that doesn’t want to take That step you can understand I mean it’s Got to be a little weird why is the Ground changing level right there he Just lifted his foot I love that he’s Trying there look okay all right that’s One interesting loophole I’ll take it The fact is he’s engaged with me he’s Trying right now plus I wanted him to Know that I’m here he can trust me and That he doesn’t need to worry about Falling and I’m not gonna let anything Bad happen to him you want to go this Week okay hey he made it somehow to the Next stair yes good job buddy very good So he’s made it from one stair to the Other albeit a bit unconventionally but That’s okay I’m not picky remember the Bigger picture here is we’re emphasizing Trust between one another and to make Sure I’m here to support him yes Look at this guy’s yes good job So he’s handled a couple of stairs there Now let’s see if we can get him to go All the way down to the ground yes good Job we’ll give him an extra big reward There let’s try out a bit faster yes Right away just like I thought yes I Think he’s learning the stairs

Wonderfully yeah good job really good so I’m just thrilled with that you can’t Ask for any better than that that’s Great Good job flurry part of knowing when It’s the right time to teach your puppy Is being able to read them if you notice That your dog isn’t particularly Enthusiastic about learning something New then that might be your cue to take A step back and be a little bit more Patient when working with them and so They’re feeling a little more Comfortable why are you biting my hand Ouch all right now that we’re down here Let’s have some fun by far the fastest Way to get your dog to bond with you is To get them playing with you and that’s Not just my opinion either a study done On the physiological effects of human Animal interactions has shown that Levels of the bonding hormone oxytocin Increase for both the human and the dog During interactions like this when your Puppy is having fun good things happen This may not look much like training but Actually this is one of the most Powerful things you can do to get your Dog eagerly excited about you remember The two raw ingredients for teaching a Good game of fetch are chase and Tug-of-war come on let’s go look at that And right there we just got him to do His first fetch that was

And just look at his body language you Can tell he’s having a blast right now Look at that make sure you let him win a Little bit he’ll be a fetching machine In no time since every puppy will have Different needs you should make sure That you talk to your vet about the Level of exercise that’s safe for your Puppy as he grows but as a general rule The younger your puppy is the more Careful you need to be Fleury that was Excellent now I think it’s time to go Inside and play a brain game whoa come On all right let’s see if we can go up The stairs Yeah good job you did it when you have a Dog as young as flurry you’re not gonna Have a ton of mutual communication yet So how do we begin to build Communication with a dog who’s had Little – virtually no training at all Well I know that flurry likes to play And I know he likes food so let’s see if We can use some treats to build some More sustained interest in interacting With me as important as exercises lots Of mental stimulation for your dogs so We’re gonna play a little game with Flurry there we go I knew that would wake you up now we’re Gonna put the treat right here I’m gonna Cover it up right there and let’s see if He can figure out where the treat went This is gonna be interesting

Yes there we go And hey nice work bud and he found the Treat this is a great game for teaching Him how to brainstorm we’re gonna put The treat there cover it up there you go Good work that’s nice now let’s see if He puts two and two together here I’m Gonna put a treat inside of here and Just do that now and let’s see if he Figures it out again this kind of on the Right track maybe there’s the treat you Got it all right chunky burrito you Ready to do this with two cups now let’s See if he can do it with both of them Okay well he seems to have forgotten About the treat here and he seems to Prefer the cup long as he’s having a Good time I’m happy now it might look Like Flores just getting treats cool What else is happening here Look he’s engaging me he’s interested in Working with me right now Whenever your puppy is paying attention To you like this it’s a golden Opportunity and I don’t want to squander That I want to seize that opportunity to Really build some communication with him By playing a simple game like this You’re increasing your overall bond and Communication simultaneously because You’re teaching your puppy that looking At you can make his life awesome and He’s paying attention to you that Probably means he’s receptive to

Learning new things get flurry a thumbs Up if you think he did a good job thank You so much for patrons who made this Video possible this month and also make Sure you’re subscribed to my channel and Pick up a copy of my book for the most Thorough dog training experience that I Know how to give my child flurry you did A great job

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