The 5 Most Common Potty Training Mistakes

The 5 Most Common Potty Training Mistakes

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Watch this video to learn how to potty train your dog:

This episode is sponsored by pepper oil It is so easy to make mistakes when House training a dog today I’m going to Cover the five most common mistakes People make when house training a new Puppy or dog click thumbs up if you’ve Got a new dog and make sure your Subscribe to my channel in the Description of this video I’m going to Have a playlist that will show you how To teach your dog all of the basics and Beyond in order now that’s completely Free as is all my video content and my Book dog training revolution will bring You up to speed to keeping your dog on a Consistent feeding schedule can make a Really big difference when it comes to Potty training after all if you know Their eating schedule you’ll more likely Be able to anticipate when they need to Go outside Don’t risk having to switch up your Puppy’s food too much just because the Store is out of your regular brand of Food Peplow will make sure that your Puppy’s favorite brand of food is at Your front door automatically choose Your brand of dog food and how often you Want to deliver answer codes at 30 when You check out you’ll get $10 off your First 3 orders now let’s meet hazel and Liz my name is Liz lund and this is our New puppy hazel I live here with my Husband and our two kids and our other

Dogs Ben yay so far hazel is your Typical puppy Suzy they’re ready to play If she’s passed out sleeping Things are going great but we would like Some help with potty training Zach Please give me some help on potty Training hazel the first thing that many People make when house training a new Dog is thinking that potty training can Be done in the first week or two but Actually it can take several months of Consistency before you’re out of the Woods relapses are more common than you Might think so don’t let your guard down Just yet next have you ever heard that a Surefire way to correct a dog when house Training is to show their mess to them Or even go as far as to rub their nose In it or scold them when you catch them In the act Now not only is that a primitive way to Communicate with a smart animal like a Dog but it’s far from being proactive if You catch your dog having an accident in A house then that mistake is on you not Men so just clean it up and do a better Job at supervising your dog and Controlling their environment which is The next easy to make mistake Controlling your dog’s access to various Parts of the house is essential if You’re serious about house training in Fact this is one of the Most important things to do the best way

To control your dog’s access to the House is to have the leash attached to You though to do this get success way Quicker when you’re unable to give your Dog your full attention or have them Attached to you with a leash you’ll have To make sure they have a safe puppy Proof area to hang out in where you can Tolerate any accidents while you’re body Training bottom line you must control Access to the house a hundred percent of The time the next mistake that many of Us make is expecting our dogs to let us Know when they have to go out as you get To know your dog you’ll be able to Anticipate when they’re asking you to go Outside but for now it’s really Unreasonable to put that responsibility On them it’s your responsibility to let Your dog outside in fact you can’t let Them out too much ideally you should be Letting your dog out every single hour When you’re at home and awake and every Few hours overnight lucky for Liz she’s Got two kids who will split the Overnight work with her so between the Three of them they can each just wake up Once per night see if you can get your Family to take shifts too Don’t worry you only have to do this the First few weeks that you have your puppy As their bladder matures and as I get Used to routine they’ll be able to go Through the whole night without being

Let out our potties had to endpaper Training on mistake well it depends who You are puppy pads and paper training Can be great for a lot of situations Maybe you live in a high-rise apartment Or maybe it’s really difficult for you To let your dog out during the day but If you don’t have a really specific Reason for using puppy pads then I say Just five halves of step all together And take them directly outside see Puppies seem to develop a preference Toward certain texture whether that’s Grass concrete or your carpet it’s best To potty train your dog from the Beginning on whatever texture they’ll Generally be using for the rest of their Life which were most dogs is grass so This is you skip this unnecessary step Set up automatic Pepsi delivery at Peplow I’ll have a link and a coupon Code in the description thank you so Much for cross runners on patreon click Thumbs up if this video was helpful make Sure you’re subscribed to my channel and Pick up a copy of my book dog training Revolution to learn how to raise the Perfect pet

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