3 Ways to Get your Dog Playing!

3 Ways to Get your Dog Playing!

How to get your dog to play with you! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Today’s video is sponsored by pet flow One of the best ways to get your dog Interacting with you is to get them Playing with you today Stella the four Month old Italian Greyhound puppy and I Are going to show you what to do you’re Kind of funny-looking you know click Thumbs up or Stella make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and pick up a Copy of my book dog training revolution I’ve been enjoying sharing with you guys Some of my favorite super premium dog Foods lately I want to tell you about Open farm let’s take this formula ocean White fish meal field peas green lentil When you see an ingredient list like That you know that you’re feeding your Dog some really good you’ll get super Premium quality ingredients like wild Caught fish fresh fruits and vegetables From local farms and meet that humanely Raised all of their recipes are grain Free high in protein and they avoid Using high risk ingredients that are Often associated with allergies and They’ve got some unconventional ones Like these Tod skins too which are way Cool you can actually trace every single Ingredient in your bag of open farm back To the source using their what’s in your Bag feature a fella is loving the Dehydrated chicken trees if you want to Feed your pet like family make it easier And order your food from pet slow and

Have it delivered directly to your front Door I’ll have a link in a coupon code In the description that will get you all Set up we all know that you can use Treats during training but if you can Get your dog playing on cue and bring Some structure to that place you might Be surprised at the rapid progress you Can achieve but not all dogs immediately Like toys or maybe they like one toy but Not another today we’re going to see if We can get Stella interested in playing With different toys let’s see how Stella Reacts to this toy you’d be surprised at What a squeaky sound can do of course be Cautious when squeaking a toy right in Your dog’s face for the first time you Don’t want to scare them oh look it’s it One way to get your dog really Interested in the toy is to bring it to Life make it exciting do a little bit of Keep-away here let them win sometimes Don’t just keep it away from them Forever if your dog doesn’t get this Into the toy immediately it doesn’t mean You’re doing something wrong she just Happens to really like this particular Toy experimentation is a huge part of Getting your dog interested in different Toys there are really two types of toys Out there you have toys like this that Are really fun for training and getting Your dog to engage with you things like Tub toys frisbees balls and then you

Have toys like bones or other safety Toys and It’s important that with toys like this You only break them out when you’re Directly interacting with your dog Save to toys however they can chew on Those anytime now it’s just because Stella likes this toy here doesn’t mean She’s going to like every toy in the World I’ve got an idea I want to try our Next toy I don’t think it’s going to be Quite this easy to get her into it but Let’s see what we can do I love a dog That will play frisbee but a frisbee to Most dogs is actually quite boring at First I mean it’s just a thick piece of Plastic this one’s gonna take a little Bit more work I suspect I’m moving the Frisbee around here trying to get it Interesting and she’s just over there Sniffing the door saying what’s over Here she’s not interested in this Frisbee one bit yet whoo there we go Right there see she looked at it a Little bit more curiously I like that That’s where it starts she likes it when I move around that’s okay that’s cool so If I could get her interested in me and Transfer that to this frisbee that’d be Great okay stay with me here I know that Seems a little weird I’m holding up Better hey fella what one see years ago When I used to do frisbee dog Competitions with my own dogs my dog

Super nova he wasn’t particularly Interested in frisbee so I stumbled on This by accident noticing that he really Loves this particular cat toy that had Feathers attached to it I took those Feathers off the cat toy take them on The frisbee and the rest is history Clearly this modified toy isn’t Something you would want to leave with Your dog unsupervised I’m just trying to Spark her interest I’m trying to think Outside the box a little bit just to get Her interested in the frisbee so use Discretion of course yeah what is that Okay already immediately more interested Look at that yeah and she’s checking it Out that’s already a victory you know Just be creative with it if your dog Doesn’t immediately take to a toy that Doesn’t mean they ate the toy it might Take a couple of training sessions so You can see we’re on the right track With this now she’s not told we take him To the frisbee in one single training Session but that’s okay we saw her Lighten up and get fairly interested in It more so than she was and sometimes Just small bits of progress or all you Really want so I think she’s on the Right track of course your dog is going To have some say in what they like and What they don’t like Haha you want the baseball mitt oh look At that I love it she loves the tongue

Toys there’s so much you can teach Whether tongues whoa look at that get it Get it it’s not like your dog is going To just love most toys so it’s important To make toys interesting to your dog and So the more you play with your dog with Different toys the more you should Notice that their interest intensifies Over time check out open forms amazing Line of products at pet slope thank you So much to our patrons for your Financial contribution to these videos – If you think Stella did a great job Today give her a big thumbs up make sure You’re subscribed to my channel and pick Up a copy of my book go on training Revolution see you guys in the next Video You

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