How to Teach your Dog to Stay in 3 Steps Force Free!

How to Teach your Dog to Stay in 3 Steps Force Free!

How to train your dog to stay! This video is sponsored by Petflow! PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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Your next 2 ”stay” training lessons:

How to teach your dog the surprise stay:

Where to start with off leash training and stay:

Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

There’s nothing more important in Training than teaching your dog to stay Today I’m going to cover that as well as Three vital dimensions to your training You must understand to teach your dog Almost everything click thumbs up for Bruno the puppy and click Subscribe if You’re new if you want to learn Everything I know about dog training hey It’s free and pick up a copy of my book Dog training revolution you can also Download the audio version too today Bruno and I are gonna cover the critical 3ds of dog training in fact I’m willing To say if you understand these three Concepts and you will you’re gonna be Well on your way to having a perfectly Behaved dog speaking of stay did you Know you can stay home stay out of Traffic and stay with your dog instead Of rushing to the pet supply store just To get dog food why should any of us Have to stop what we’re doing to do a Time-consuming unnecessary chore if we Don’t have to here’s how it works just Go to Peplow choose your puppy’s Favorite food and how often you want it Delivered I’ll have a special link and a Coupon code in the description that will Give you 20% off of your first order so Let’s discuss what we dog trainers refer To as the 3ds in dog training the first One having your dog focus on you for a Period of time duration next teaching

Your dog to listen to you a bit farther Away distance and finally teaching your Dog Ouch to listen to you in a more exciting Situation or around distractions that’s The third day today I’m going to try and Illustrate all three of these concepts By showing you how to teach your dog to Stay the 3ds duration distance and Distraction aren’t just for teaching Your dog stay though they come in handy For a variety of different things Whether that stay come play dead or Speak but stay is a potentially Life-saving skill that you should work On early and often with your dog in Their first year of training regardless Of age when teaching your dog anything It’s always a good idea to break things Down into smaller steps not only will Your dog learn more quickly but it’s Just easier that way essentially what This means is only requiring your dog’s Attention from very short bursts of time At least at the beginning let me show You what I mean Day 1 – yes good job ok get up come on Over here Good job nice work so that happened Really fast didn’t it what we got was a Two-second stay and then I release Bruno From the stage just be very clear about My communication that hey that stay is Over

It’s almost as if you’re trying to catch Your dogs stay you want to take Advantage of those opportunities to let Them know that you like what they’re Doing at that moment sit stay 1 2 3 yes Good job you’re doing terrific at first Get really good at teaching your dog how To do a three to five second stay and Work up to a good 30 second stay over That first week do everything you can to Keep your dog from breaking stay more Than one time in a row this will keep You both focused on success if you’re Like most people you probably have Started working on stay while you walk Away or with distance a little bit Prematurely before you get too serious About distance training make sure that Your dog is really staying for a period Of time pretty solidly first this is a Key point understand that the farther Away you and your dog are the less Likely your dog is to listen to you so Distance training does require a pretty Serious commitment fortunately for us Though teaching your dog to stay well at A distance is one of the easier things To teach with distance as before we’re Gonna go in small steps let me show you What I mean sit stay yes good job okay Come on nice work notice I just took one Step back I didn’t walk ten feet back I Didn’t pause for 30 seconds and wait for Bruno over here to break his stay I set

Him up for success this is very very Important if you’re interested in making Progress in a reasonable amount of time Sit stay yes good job nice work even Though we got up a little bit there I’m Not too worried about that because I can Tell that he’s trying just your Expectations as to how you define Distance for example with some young Dogs particularly puppies that are only A few weeks old you might just need to Back away a few inches like this stay Yes good because young dogs are Particularly clingy and really want to Follow you Stay so Bruno’s doing a great job here When I take a step or two back I’m just Kind of kind of experiment and see what I can get away with look at me up here I’m gonna wait till I get his attention Before asking him to stay Hey pure skank That’s fine yes good job good stay yeah Good job Uh-uh-uh and since he’s got that habit Of kind of popping up there I think it’s A easy enough matter to get him back Into a sit so I’ll ask for that Look me stay really good he’s got great Eye contact to stay I’m going back a Little bit farther this time stay good And as you continue to do this avoid Being too predictable by just taking Three steps back every single time In other words mix up your distances go

Over here stay good stay I’m gonna Change my angle a little bit good stay I’m gonna go real far back now but I’m Gonna hurry up and get back here I’m not Gonna pause at the end of my stay Because I want to make sure that I set Him up for success that was an amazing Example he is just doing stellar right Now okay good job regardless of what Stage of stay you’re teaching your dog It’s important to routinely keep those Rewards coming to them have a decent Rate of reinforcement that means don’t Just give them one treat for every stay If they’re really succeeding on a long Stay while you walk away it’s okay to Treat them three or four times during That stay if necessary before releasing Them Bruno is doing even better than I Expected him to be doing at this point In this training session so I think that We can go for some bonus training before We get on to distraction training and Teach him how to stay with distance and Duration combined stay one two three Four five Oh a distraction six seven Eight nine ten okay yes good job oh that Was awesome I’m gonna give him a really Big reward there because that was his First ten seconds stay with distance That’s a big deal guys that’s awesome Bruno we have a video to shoot here you Can’t chew on the Needless to say you’ll need to teach

Your dog how to stay in the presence of A minor distraction before expecting Them to stay in the presence of a major Distraction like a squirrel now we know Bruno will stay for a few seconds at a Time here so we’re going to get him Warmed up with that and now I’m just Gonna move this toy a little bit yes Good job I’m gonna reward him he didn’t Respond to this moving distraction but Now I’m gonna up the ante a little bit Make it a bit tougher stay oh no too Much that was his first broken stay of The day right there that’s because we’ve Been going out of her way to set him up To be successful each time yes good boy Nice work stay yes good job I’m not even giving him a chance to Break good job okay Bruno stay whoa – Squeaks I’m not getting up and walking Away and pausing for many seconds at a Time and also distracting them I’m Staying up close because that’s easier For him so teach each one of these Independently before combining them but I’m feeling pretty good I’d like to see If we can get lucky and get a glimmer of Success with combining duration distance And distraction with stay right now stay Are you kidding me that is unbelievable I’m gonna go ahead and give yet another Big jackpot reward to Bruno for that Exceptional behavior there I mean this Is really not as easy as it looks with

Many dogs don’t be discouraged if you Don’t progress this quickly but it’s all About timing and really finding those Tiny moments of success if you really Want to make a lot of gains in a shorter Period of time that’s fine that’s fine I Don’t mind that he lied down again he’s Not moving away from me and he’s not Coming towards me he’s maintaining his General position in space here stay Yes good job and I didn’t even suffer There by dropping the toy and he still Maintains his stick when he gives you Those eyes you reward that if you don’t Have your dog’s eyes you do not have Your dog you must be able to get their Eyes on cue it’s important to maintain This line of sight here where you can Really have good eye contact just to Kind of stay in communication with your Dog plus it’s easier to read if they’re Going to break or if they’re thinking About breaking okay good job if you look Into their eyes and you suspect that They’re thinking about breaking that’s Your cue to get in there and end the Stay before they fail up here yes good And see right there you started to get Tempted a little bit more to break so I Wanted to interrupt it get over here and Reward him oh I was trying I was getting Confident there distraction training is Hard for dogs and requires a months of Training in a variety of situations and

Places before your dog will generalize Listening to you reliably in the face of Heavy distractions so naturally you’re Probably wondering about how to teach Your dog and prepare them for more Serious distractions like squirrels dogs Cats and other things that just exist in The world I’m gonna have your next two Lessons in the description of this video So that you can start making progress on That I’ll have a link in the description That you can visit to make a Contribution of any amount you’d like to My patreon campaign if you think Bruno Did a good job give them a thumbs up Make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel and also set up automatic Pepsi Delivery with Peplow I’ll have all the Details and some videos for you to check Out in the description of this video see You guys next time [Music] You

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