How to Introduce your Puppy to Other Dogs

How to Introduce your Puppy to Other Dogs

How to introduce your dog to other dogs. This video is sponsored by Petflow! PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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Today’s video is sponsored by Peplow Today we’re going to talk about how Doggy daycare can benefit your dog click Thumbs up if you are excited that we’ve Got Sawyer the French Bulldog back with Us today subscribe to my channel and Pick up a copy of my book Dog training revolution anytime you have A dog training question just check out The index it’ll point you in the right Direction in a moment we’re gonna head Down to Central Park doggy daycare and See how Sawyer does with some other dogs But of course you never want to send Your dog to doggy daycare Hangri and don’t be in a position of Having to feed your dog whatever food You can find when it’s late at night and You’re at a dog food just go to Peplow Choose your favorite high-quality brand Of dog food and how often you want it to Be delivered you can tweak your delivery Schedule at any time for any reason I’ll Have a link in the coupon code in the Description that will give you 20% off Of your first auto-ship order doggie Daycare can be great if you have a busy Life or your dog needs some Socialization with other dogs Of course soggy daycares aren’t for all Dogs but if you think your dog might be A good candidate let’s cover a few Things first the whole idea of taking Your dog to a doggy daycare is to make

Sure they’re having a great time and Having an overall quality experience Avoid taking your dog to a daycare that Subscribes to outdated trading methods For example like using choke prong or Electric colors most doggy daycares will Offer you a tour of the facility so that You can get an idea what a typical day Might be like for your dog now they Don’t do that they’re probably not the Place for you during playtime at most Doggy daycares they’ll separate dogs Based on their size or their energy Level and since they really get to know The dogs they’ll put your dog in the More ideal group as always it’s a great Idea to exercise your dog just before Putting them in a highly exciting Situation like being around a bunch of Happy dogs alright let’s go see how Sawyer does at Central Park come on most Daycares will have a trial day and do a Behavior assessment with a few dogs that Are dog friendly and have a great Temperament that’s what we’re gonna do With Sawyer today Angie the manager and Dog trainer here at central bark doggy Daycare in New Orleans has chosen a few Dogs for us to introduce Sawyer to so We’re gonna see how he does with them Hey Angie how’s it going today hi good How are you guys doing awesome this is Sawyer the French Bulldog I was telling Angie what do you look for when you’re

Trying to find if a dog is a good fit For the doggy daycare here So there’s not real one thing that we Really look for but I guess the top Three words I would choose our first Nonreactive To confident and three comfortable on it We just want them to be happy here do You have any particular dogs in mind for Sawyer to meet today yeah today and I Have a few in mind so as we walk back Here I notice he heard the dogs barking He got a little nervous immediately Which is normal I would think for dogs That aren’t socialized so we want to Proceed very cautiously obviously to Give him aa good experience it might Have been tempting to just try and rush Him through that situation but it’s much Better to go slow play it safe in order To avoid creating a host of issues later On having the dogs interact through the Fence is a great idea who’s this dog This is Gregory Gris great I love it Gregory is doing really well look at Sawyer this way you can safely introduce The two dogs by having them greet each Other through the fence I feel Comfortable in letting them interact now Yeah how about you yeah no let’s do it Right Alicia’s gonna come in too and see He’s getting a little bossy there but He’s reacting well obviously Sawyer Being a puppy only five months old he’s

One of the very playful puppies and I Got to say Gregory’s being very tolerant Because you know how obnoxious puppy’s Gonna dance you can see Gregory’s hair Starting to stand up a little bit Getting a little annoyed with Sawyer as Many dogs do so I wanted it just kind of Intervene give them a moment to settle Down a little bit all right so bringing In a puppy now a basset hound puppy oh Gosh this is gonna be the cutest thing Ever And he’s closer to Sawyer’s age around Six months you said yeah and you can see Sawyer’s just ready to good boy burst Into play and they’re gonna sniff each Other all very normal behavior now his Hair standing up a little bit normal but That’s not necessarily that thing that Just means they’re a little unsure and Since right there he’s trying to mount We want to discourage that type of Behavior too much but a little bit of it Is pretty normal and it’s okay boy and So Elvis is getting a little annoyed Right here saying hey back off you’re Kind of an annoying puppy here but it’s Just communication so I mean I feel okay About that but although all right all Right you can see this is why it’s a Really good idea to exercise a dog Before having them be in the mix Citing situation the way we get good Results here is by letting them play

Very naturally under very supervised Conditions just like this and see There’s never a way to know definitely How a dog is going to behave with Another dog it’s why you always want to Supervise you always want to be cautious But by taking some common-sense measures Like this you can increase the Likelihood that things are going to go Well agree yeah definitely Mean then see that’s all very normal Right there Sawyer you’re doing a great Job buddy so are you a boy Elvis oh he’s So sleepy This is Bentley another black lab yeah But he’s a little bit more hyper than Gris-gris yes Gotcha oh boy here we go let’s see how This goes and you can see I mean Sawyer Is getting a workout right here and this All helps to get their energy out and While you don’t want to rely on dogs Playing with each other to be primary Exercise playing with other dogs is a Great way to encourage supplementary Exercise Bentley is being an incredibly Tolerant of this puppy it’s a fine line Between letting dogs really interact and Have that natural communication and Letting them go too far so you do have To feel that out with your individual Dog so this is all going really well so Far I’m really encouraged by how Sawyer Is behaving the other dogs are doing

Wonderfully I think Sawyer is at the Point where we can now phase in a small Group of dogs not a good healthy body Language going on here from the dogs They’re sniffing each other they’re Playing with each other they’re behaving Normally with one another the dogs are Reacting really well to Sawyer to cuz he Say he’s a bit overbearing at moments But overall they’re doing really well Together so Sawyer is getting real Worked up here gravitating to Bentley But Bentley’s doing great but he’s still You know he’s not going over the top He’s behaving appropriately I’d say oh Why you got to be so crazy so right There I went up to Sawyer in an attempt To let him know I wasn’t gonna have that Hyperactive behavior because he was Annoying Bentley a little too much and He automatically just dialed it back a Minute because he’s already learning From these experiences plus dogs that Are getting their energy out like this Are so much more likely to listen Get up here oh you’re doing so well So what do you do if your dog is not an Ideal candidate for doggy daycare well In general I’d recommend that you check Out reputable dog walkers in your area Also consider getting up a little early So you can get their energy out and they Can feel a little bit more content as You leave for the day but Sawyer I think

You are perfect for doggy daycare click Thumbs up if you enjoyed this video make Sure you subscribe to my channel pick up A copy of my book dog training Revolution I’ll have a link in the Description and don’t forget to set up Automatic pet food delivery a pet flow

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