Training the World’s Largest Deaf Dog!

Training the World's Largest Deaf Dog!

How to teach a deaf dog! This video is sponsored by Petflow! PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Today’s video is sponsored by pet blow Now you might think that your dog is Deaf because they don’t listen to you But what do you do if you actually have A deaf dog that’s what we’re gonna be Talking about today many of you been Asking me to work with smaller dogs and That’s exactly what we’re gonna do at Another time meet Theo Theo is probably The largest dog I have ever met in my Entire life click thumbs up for Theo Because he’s had to overcome so much Subscribe to my channel for a more Thorough understanding how to teach your Dog and pick up a copy of my book dog Training revolution I’ll have a link in The description if you’ve got a giant Dog like Theo or you have multiple pets You’re probably going to the dog food Store a lot save yourself some time and Effort by setting up automatic pet food Delivery at pet flow you can do it in Two steps You choose your dog food and how often You wanted to arrive at your front door I’m gonna have a special link and a Coupon code in the description of this Video that’ll give you 20% off of your First automatic shipment he always Rescued when he was just a puppy he’s Got what’s known as the double Merle Jean now this gene can cause a lot of Problems in Great Danes and other breeds He also had to have his eye removed as a

Result of this gene so now he’s down to One eye he can’t hear but you know what He’s got a lot of love in his life Perhaps the most difficult part of Teaching any dogs establishing that Basic communication but with a deaf dog You’ll have to really prioritize that That’s why we’ll have to get really good At using our hands and overall body Language to communicate with Theo today But how do you even get started As with any beginner dog you’ll want to Have them on a leash and collar or Harness so that you can keep their Environment controlled until they Understand you better so that’s what We’re gonna do with Theo of the utmost Importance is first teaching a dog the Word yes we must be in a position to let Our dogs know what we like the moment we Like it but of course telling him yes Isn’t gonna do much so how we gonna Communicate that to him that’s what We’re gonna work on right now let’s Start by teaching feel that this means Yes so this is pretty basic I’m gonna Show him this looks at my thumb and then Yes good job look at that Great right there and you can see he Looked up right there I gave him the Thumbs up and he seems to really be Making the connection so I feel very Confident that Theo understands that That means he’s on the right track but

So what how are we going to use that to Our advantage well if you have any dog Particularly a dog that can’t hear You’ll want to reliably get their Attention on you or be able to get them To come to you when you call them Looks like I’ve really got Theo’s Attention he’s responding well to thumbs Up he understands that a treat is coming Now this kind of let him lose interest From it just let him think we’re done I Have a hunch that if I tap him he might Look up at me you see that right there I Want to let him know that I love that he Gave me his attention good nice work you So now I want to teach him that this Means come to me since Theo likes the Treats that I’m using it’s reasonable to Assume that he’ll take a step towards me If I walk a step or two away and since I Know that he’s likely to step towards me I can introduce a hand signal that tells Him what he’s doing now if I do this Enough he’ll eventually learn that this Hand signal means come to me look at That he took one step to me I love it so Now I’m able to get his attention on me Letting him know that I like that he’s Paying attention I’m gonna use this hand Signal to get him to take a step to me Good job yes Lee of that and he did a Really good job responding the hand Signal so the idea here is over time You’ll be able to use that hand signal

And not have to treat every time but if You consistently reward while using the Hand signal of come when called your dog Is more likely to do what you want Teaching a dog with any type of Disability can take a little bit of Extra time the extra patient put in that Consistency and you will get there I Think he’s doing a great job click Thumbs up if you think so to subscribe To my channel so you see all my future Dog training videos and pick up a copy Of my book hey don’t forget to set up Automatic tofu delivery at pet blow all Those links will be in the description You did a great job today sir ah deal Rocked in this video special thanks to Our patrons on patreon who made a huge Contribution towards these videos I hope Some of you will consider joining our Patreon community and check out this Playlist on teaching your dog or your Puppy all of the basics in order it’s Completely free and extremely thorough I Can’t wait to see you in the next video

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