Train your Dog to STOP CHASING & LUNGING at CARS: Where to Start

Train your Dog to STOP CHASING & LUNGING at CARS: Where to Start

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Do any of your dogs chase cars, bicycles, joggers or anything else that passes by your home? I’ll show you what you need to do and where you need to start.

Today’s episode the dog training Revolution is sponsored by pet flow comm / Zack George you’re gonna be Brody the Shetland Sheepdog now Rory is Particularly reactive around moving cars Today I’m gonna show you and his mom Denise exactly where you need to start In order to begin resolving this issue Click thumbs up for teaching your dog Positively also make sure you’re Subscribed that way you’ll see all of my Future episodes too How much time do you spend per year Driving across town to get your dog’s Food if you spend 15 minutes each way Twice a month that equates to roughly 24 Hours a year get your dog’s food on your Terms Try pet flow comm / Zack George choose The food you want for your dog and how Often you want it delivered to your House you can edit or change that at any Time for any reason at all Enter code Zack 20 when you check out That way you’ll receive 20% off of your First order now recently I had a chance To meet with Denise and her dog Brodie Let’s go find out what’s going on tell Me a little bit about Brody’s Personality Denise he has a lot of Energy he’s very curious how old is you Know eight month old he’s just Constantly investigating tell me the Issues you’re having with him when he

Walks on the leash he’s pulling and he’s Chasing and lunging at cars oh yeah Barking that’s a tough one why don’t we Go outside let’s see how he does when Cars drive by and when you take him on a Walk and then we’ll go from there okay Okay okay oh wow so your lunge Illustrated art at the car would he be Responsive to treats at all yeah he Likes treat even within the presence of A car passing no come here Steve not Interested all in the tree and so he’s Quiet now I’m actually gonna seize this Opportunity to reward if you’ll take it Dog okay it looks like there’s a lot of Work to do here I need to see that Brody Listens well when Denise asks for his Attention around less severe Distractions while inside show me how He’s doing with leave it and look at me Buddy Leave it oh oh oh okay so we slept up Sit so you always make them sit before Noon tonight I usually do It good so he’s leaving it and look he’s Automatically look at me look at me Let me see sustained eye contact okay I Distracted there a little just to see How solid it was all right So leave it look at me looks pretty good It’s not flawless it needs to be better I’d like to see you tighten that up a Little bit and possibly work on getting Him to do this outside maybe in your

Back yard that’s what we need to go to The next level because until he’s really Solidly leaving alone something like a Tree we can’t expect him to leave alone A car something he finds very Stimulating okay dogs that have issues With chasing cars like this can have Them for a variety of reasons maybe They’re terrified of the cars or maybe They think the cars are giant play toys Maybe they’re just very curious either Way I can see why this problem has Denise a little worried I’m back to Check in with Denise and Brody today to See how their progress has been last Time I was here I left you with the Homework of teaching they’ll leave it Alone look at me combination with Brody And a few different instances tell me How that went He’s doing very well with that combo in The house we’ve tried it in the backyard As well and he’s not quite as consistent In the backyard how is he doing with his Fetch game is he doing that pretty Reliably he does that well in the house And we’ve been working on it outside Exercise is such an instrumental part of Resolving issues that are both relating To hyperactivity as well as anxiety Which is what I think we’re probably Dealing with here with Brody would you Agree with that I would agree with that this is not

Typically the kind of issue you resolve In one two or even three training Sessions but rather over time it’s Important to focus on progress not Perfection I want to accomplish one main thing Today and that is having Brody behave a Little bit more acceptable and not lunge At every single car that passes by him Now before we begin our main training Session I have to verify that he’s ready For today’s lesson I first want to test To make sure that he’s compliant as we Approach the door that is as we get near The things that normally set him off and I also want to make sure that he’ll Listen to me when we go outside in an Outdoor environment leave it alone how Did you get that leave it alone okay Look at me please yes that was excellent That was really awesome this tells me Well I’m very close to the door I can Get his eyes on me check but what about Outside if I just go through the front Door right now and start working with Brody I’m doing two things I’m changing His environment dramatically and I risk Cars passing by setting him off that’s Two major variables I’d be changing on Him at one time and I think that might Be too much so let’s go in the backyard Where there are no cars and see how he Does there first So I’m gonna give him them into adjust

Out here leave it alone ah Brody Give me up here that was good that was Good I’m gonna try and get a little bit More eye contact out of him he’s leaving It alone so he is paying attention to me But can I get his eyes on me up here yes That was good had his eyes on me for Just a moment they’re really good I’m Proud of you I can get Brody to look at Me although I can’t get him to do it as Consistently as I like I think we’re at The point where we can at least start to Go to the next level at first right now What I want to do is just get him kind Of comfortable out here as cars passed By I’m not really insisting that he look At me or anything like that I just want To have him act mildly except ibly while Kind of far away from the street notice We’re only at the patio I’m not gonna go Up to the sidewalk distance is your Friend you don’t want to just start Right up on top of the cars as they pass By He’s just looking down the road waiting For a car to come by now in order to get Brody’s mind off approaching cars and Onto me I decided to take advantage of This setting while there are no cars That have passed by yet and carry over Our look at me training in this slightly More distracting setting give me hey I’ll settle for a glance give it to me Come on yes there was a glance that’s

What I was looking for I love it I wanna Throw up there we go now see I’m gonna Try and distract him with the treat That’s okay good boy I’m gonna give that Tree to him giving the tree to him does A couple of things here it distracts him From the car but it also starts to Create that positive association that Hey when a car comes I’m at least Getting something pretty good see that I’m gonna give him a treat right as the Car passes by before he becomes set off By the car driving did you see that good Boy Yeah right there a car passed by he Didn’t bark which is good that’s Progress you’re doing So well good all right so we’re gonna Move over here to the grass right here See how he does and really my goal right Now is just to get him used to looking At the cars on this busy road over here And kind of the occasional car that Passes by here you’re okay now there’s a Car that caught me a little off guard oh Boy all right all right see I mean That’s gonna happen that’s why we want To prepare our dogs there’s another car Moving over here as this car approaches I’m gonna give them treats I know I see These attentions on it oh oh oh I’m my Man here we go come here and see what’s In seeing there I’m gonna go back a Little ways here just to create a little Bit more distance let’s see how this

Goes here we go want this good he took The treats almost almost that was a bit Much warm so right now what that tells Me is if I go much beyond here I’m gonna Have a really tough time so I probably Want to get things looking pretty smooth At this distance from the street first Over here good yes good job here look Look you want this no that one didn’t go So well so right now we’re just too Close for them as you can see a big Difference from back here on the patio To right here in the front yard as you Begin to get tractions your progress Starts to happen a lot faster so just be Patient in the beginning my goal is to Find the optimal distance where he is Compliant I think what we need to do is Take a step back maybe a little bit off The patio but still a little bit closer To the street from where we’ve last had Success pull very good here’s the car Over here good boy very did the car Drove by very good yes now that is the Magic moment I’m looking for but there’s A fine line between pushing it too much And really being content with the Progress you’ve achieved in a certain Training session every dog is different With this some dogs will make progress On this very quickly other dogs may take Several weeks on this so it really just Depends on your dog this was a lot of Progress for a single training session

The important thing is not to rush him Into this thank you to all of our Supporters on patreon com thanks to you We’re able to do more and more videos Just like the one you saw today if you Want to contribute to our crowdfunding Campaign feel free to make a small Monthly contribution you can also Support the dog training revolution by Changing the way you buy dog food set up Automatic pet food delivery at that flow Calm slashes at George know that you’re Supporting positive training when you do That I’ll have my Facebook page in the Description as well so be sure to like Me over there click thumbs up for Brody He did great and of course make sure You’re subscribed did a fantastic job Today Brody so fun to work with He really is awesome take a look at These other videos as well if your dog Doesn’t stay reliably see my last video How to teach your dog this stay no Matter what now you saw in this video How I used the leave it look at me combo It’s incredibly valuable if you haven’t Taught this to your dog check out my Lesson on that does your dog listen well Except when anyone comes over Roo the Border collie and I will show you what You need to do thank you so much to all Of our patrons you guys are the best I’ll see all of you in the next episode You

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