How To Teach a Shy, Fearful, or Nervous Dog!

How To Teach a Shy, Fearful, or Nervous Dog!

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You cannot teach all dogs in the same way. Every dog is an individual with their own unique personality and learning style. Lucy the Chihuahua stayed with us recently. It can be a challenge to work with a shy dog and also keep training fun and exciting at the same time. In this video, I’ll show you how to do it!

Today we have a really special video a Number of you have dogs who are a bit More reserved or shy and that’s what i Want to talk about in today’s video like Me on facebook to get the most out of Your training i’ll give you lots of Extra tips and advice over there Subscribe to this youtube channel for Regular videos that will show you how to Connect with your dog better is your dog Shy or are they energetic or they Somewhere in between tell me in the Comments below lucy the chihuahua is a Friend of the family and we are Dog-sitting her for a few days so rather Than go over how to teach x y or z in This video i kind of want to give you Some advice on how to approach training With a more reserved shy or nervous dog I think with lucy we’ll go over how to Teach a basic sit then we’ll talk about How to get her to lift her paw uh and Then maybe we’ll go on a walk what do You think sounds good you guys have been Bonding haven’t you kind of yeah i mean I’m kind of shy too so i get it the First thing to do when you bring a Nervous or a shy dog into the house is To let them acclimate let them get Comfortable we’re gonna see if we can Get her into a sip we’ve got a really Good currency right here which is real Meat come on All right so she’s uh she’s a little

Reluctant to follow allure here right Because the textbook way that we teach a Sit is to kind of lure a dog into a sit Would you mind if i work with her for a Moment no no no That’s okay she thought about sitting Right there she didn’t do it i’m going To reward it because she’s still Thinking about it i’m not going to Insist that she sit every single time Especially when she’s a bit nervous here Come on girl and especially in the very Beginning i mean this is the first time We’ve worked with her at all we use the Turkey kind of as a catalyst to bridge Communication Yes good yes right there and look Oh look at that i’ll take that that’s Even better than a sit lucy Good job really really cute if you’ve Seen my past videos you’ll know that When i’m Working with a dog and they do something Like that for the first time when i’m Working with them i’ll get really Excited and i’ll tell you really let him Know that you appreciate it not so with A dog like this if i were to get excited And say good dog and start acting all Crazy she’d be like whoa well they’re Too much man dial it back be sincere but We don’t want to be too crazy and too Excited sit good girl that’s called sit Really quiet voice really understanding

Yes Good girl that’s wonderful why don’t you Try the point of this is just to have Bree try it just to get lucy comfortable With taking direction from more and more People let her like start nibbling on it And then when you have her attention go With it you know what yeah like that now Go now you gotta see that yeah yeah Right yeah that’s it see that that was Really good that was a helpful tip Though because sometimes it’s hard to Figure out how to get the magnet to Stick i always imagine a lure like it’s A magnet you have to like keep it if it Gets too far it comes apart does that Make sense we should probably see how She is about lifting up her paw now the Reason i like to teach this a it’s an Easy trick like shake hands uh but b it Really builds our communication so we’re Just gonna tap the back of her paw yes Good and we’re gonna reward that yes she Lifted it up i gave her that yes to let Her know that i liked it you see that Bree So now she’s holding her paw up i love This see she’s actually following the Lure now this is progress look into an Up even that’s great so that’s up sit Yes and look she’s even holding the paw Up i’ll take that Can i have your foot I think we should go to the park see how

She does on a walk and see what we can Do to encourage her to walk nicely on The leash what do you say lucy you want To go that looks like a yes to me Whenever you’re introducing your dog to A new place especially if they’re a bit More reserved like this it’s really Important to let them check out the Environment on their own terms keep them In a positive frame of mind you will get Much more benefit from being patient With your dog in the beginning rather Than trying to rush the process if You’re in a new place with your dog Remember there’s lots of sights smells All sorts of distractions we’ve got Birds over here we have cars driving by So take that into account when you’re Asking your dog to listen to you in a New place let’s take a walk girl come on Let’s go right now we’re going to let Her sniff and check it out and she’s Doing really well look at this i’m going To ignore all the pulling on the leash Everything because the number one Priority is to make sure that she’s Really really comfortable in this new Place if you just look at her expression Right now she’s much more comfortable Don’t underestimate the power of a Little bit of exercise to reduce anxiety Too i’m curious to see how lucy will do On sit and up and paw in this new place Yeah look at that nice she went right

Into a set let’s see if she can go into And up Get it get it come on Go on You can do it yeah nice and patient There don’t try and rush it can i have This foot Look at that Teaching tricks and the basics like this Can really build our dog’s confidence That’s why we do this lucy is doing so Great and she’s so sweet if you enjoyed This video and you think that dogs Should be treated as individuals click Thumbs up and make sure you are Subscribed to my channel hey like me on Facebook as well we have so many Wonderful people over there and i really Enjoy interacting with all of you tell Me in the comments below is your dog Kind of shy and reserved like this or Are they more outgoing and energetic or Are they somewhere in between good job Lucy i’m so proud of you come here You’re so awesome Let’s do it awesome You

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