How to Reward your Dog with TOYS Instead of Food!

How to Reward your Dog with TOYS Instead of Food!

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Rewarding our dogs with food is the default way that we are told to reinforce desirable behavior with our dogs. BUT MANY DOGS like to be rewarded with toys too! Some dogs actually prefer ”play rewards”.

This video is a MUST for anyone who has a dog with energy or ”A.D.D”. One of the biggest misconceptions in dog training today is that a dog with a lot of energy is hard to train. NOT TRUE my friends! You just need to reward them with what they WANT:)

BTW, what is your dog’s name? Tell me below! If you LIKE/Share/Comment on this video, I promise to make more:)

I’m here at the lake today with my dog Alpha centauri now alpha is actually Named after the closest star system to Our sun tell me what your dog’s name is In the comments below and if you feel Like it tell me how you came up with That name don’t forget to click thumbs Up for making dog training fun instead Of boring when most people think about Rewarding their dogs they think about Food rewards or really good treats after All most dogs are willing to train a Little bit longer if there’s good Tasting food as an incentive to keep Them going but significantly fewer People realize that rewarding with a toy Or play can be perfectly acceptable to Your dog as well in fact it might be a More powerful currency to your dog than Food in today’s video i’m going to try And give you some tips on how to reward Your dog with play to keep them learning Longer first you’ll want to make sure That you have sufficiently peaked your Dog’s interest in a toy experiment with Different toys to find out what your dog Likes best also make sure the only time Your dog has access to a toy is when you Are interacting with them the only toys That are acceptable for your dog to play With while unsupervised are safe chew Toys if you’re still at the point where Your dog isn’t interested in the toy or They play keep away or they don’t let go

Check the description i have videos on All those topics as well once you’ve Gotten your dog interested in the toy It’s time to establish a pattern of many Three second play sessions alpha already Knows the basics but i’m going to show You how i would reward him if he was Just learning them let’s take basic Behaviors like lie down for example how Would we reward with that with play Lie down Good he lie down i like that yes good I’m gonna let him know i like that and I’m going to engage in vigorous play With him for just a few seconds to let Him know i love it good luck That’s wonderful let’s take a basic Behavior like sit and this time i’m Going to reward with a squeaky toy sit Good go get it Good boy bring it back excellent job can You tell office of border collie right Now We’re gonna practice come when called And then i’m gonna reward alpha with a Frisbee alpha come on buddy come here Come here good boy excellent job good Boy and even you know it’s okay to play A little bit of extra tug but they have To let go when you say let go by Rewarding in short bursts like this you Keep your dog motivated to keep going Good boy good Catch it

Good and every once in a while i might Throw a long one in there just to make It exciting and unpredictable if you Want to use play as a currency it’s Important that you’re efficient that’s Why we want to make sure that rewards Are brief and concise when you’re Working with a high energy dog that Likes to work for play you’ve got to Make sure that you keep the pace up they Learn at a faster pace in the beginning It’s very likely to be very clunky very Awkward but that’s normal just stay the Course you’ll get there for more tips Like this make sure you are subscribed Click thumbs up share the video leave a Comment below tell me what your dog’s Name is those are my currencies and We’ll see you guys in the next video Good job alpha

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