You MUST UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS to Have a Well Trained Dog!

You MUST UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS to Have a Well Trained Dog!

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Is it possible to work with a dog who has not exercised? Yes. But it’s not easy. Why should you take your time and be meticulous when you teach THIS? -AND- Where do you start with a dog that is acts CRAZY when on a leash while walking? I’ll tackle all of that in this video.

How often do you exercise your dog?

How often do you guys exercise your dogs Daily a few times a week or not really Very much at all one of the huge Benefits to filming my dog training Classes is that we are able to see Individual dogs and how they react mojo Is one of our high achieving dogs in the Class he’s been doing really well only Five months old and the whole family’s Been involved with him so that should be Fun boomer the border collie will be in This class as well and boy talk about a High-energy border collie as you know i Have three of them myself so i very much Understand the stereotypical border Collie and that boomer is as long as They play fetch they should be fine did You play fetch before you got here today Boomers dad goes on to explain to me That he had to work that morning and That he was unable to get his dog Exercise look that’s totally valid i Tell people with high energy dogs that They should play fetch with them before They come to class to get that edge off And with no breed is that more true than With a border collie but we as people Have got to understand that a dog with a Lot of pent-up energy is very difficult To work with on obedience boomer is a Brilliant dog but right now just very Very high strung if you’ve got a bunch Of people living in your house dog Training has to be a family affair it’s

Important that everyone’s able to Communicate with a dog that’s why you Should involve the whole family with dog Training and i mean look how well They’re doing this mojo is only five Months old he’s a big five months isn’t He stay should be one of the very first Things we teach our dog and we should Teach it very delicately and prioritize It very early on take your time and Teach it in small bits but make sure you Do it right there’s a couple of things I’m doing here a i’m going for a very Short period of time b My training bubble is still very nice And tight i’m not way up here with a dog That’s way down here stay Notice our eye contact here notice the Stop sign Stay one two three Does that make sense to everybody Very basic this is where it all starts The reason we start so basic would stay Is we want it to be so tight and so Reliable it is the bedrock of obedience Training well this is a tough one isn’t It loosely walking dogs walk fast we are Slow compared to dogs nonetheless they Need to learn to do it but you also need To understand that you’ve got to be Patient when you’re walking You don’t want to go on a five mile walk When teaching this and look if i’m gonna Put you on a leash and we’re gonna walk

You gotta pay attention to me when that Head is like straight ahead and it’s not Checking in with you from time to time You’ve lost them and you’ve got to Constantly be changing directions on Them for the time being how’s boomer Doing We need to anticipate when our dogs are About to pull remember the best time to Address unwanted behavior in this case Pulling on a leash is right before it Occurs remember dogs don’t hide their Intentions well dogs almost always Foreshadow when they are about to pull And you as their main person in their Life can read them better than anybody When you see that pulling is about to Happen you are changing directions Instantly to let them know look at me Yes this way good i’m going to abruptly Change directions often right now this Way even though boomer is a bit wound up You can still get through to an Unexercised hyper dog as long as you Keep your training fast-paced and Engaging but i’ve got to tell you in my Own experience it takes a lot of Practice to work with a dog like this And you really have to know what you’re Doing you can bypass this difficulty by Simply getting your dog tired before Teaching them something like this if you Can preempt the pulling that’s better Yes

This way Come on this way come on let’s walk Good this way that’s it that’s what i Like to see good this way This one yes very good And i mean did you catch that that was Very fast moving even though mojo is Wearing a head collar here we’re not Relying on it at all to teach him how to Walk properly on a leash what we’re Trying to do is teach him to look at us While we walk we want our dogs checking In with us to see where the walk is Headed we’re not walking where they want We want them to walk where we want and Sometimes it involves us getting a Little low to really get their attention Yes good this way Good this way And you should be rewarding periodically Again today’s question is how often do You exercise your dog daily semi-weekly Or not very much at all let me know in The comments below click thumbs up if You liked the video and share my videos On facebook thanks again guys and we’ll See you in the next video bye

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