An Introduction to Dog Agility!

An Introduction to Dog Agility!

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Today’s video is sponsored by pet flow Today we’re gonna go over a really fun Way that you can give your dog a workout And have fun training them at the same Time click thumbs up make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and pick up a Copy of my book dog training revolution Now let’s hear from Trevor and his dog Daisy hi my name is Trevor Smith I’m With the doggie dojo and my dog’s name Is Daisy Daisy is an eight year old Border collie I’ve been training dogs since I was six Years old and I started with Daisy about Three years ago and we are going to show You guys some fun agility today dog Agility is a really fun dog sport that You get to lead your dog through a Series of obstacles like jumps tunnels Weaves and more Daisy me have worked a Long time getting her masters standard Title and agility which is the highest Level of agility in American Kennel Club Today is gonna be really fun because we Get to show you a few obstacles that you Can even play in your own backyard Zach I hope you’re ready cuz days is about to Show you some awesome agility skills dog Agility is a fantastic way to bond with Your dog I mean lots of dogs love Running around but we can all agree that It’s no fun running around town to try To find the right dog food and get your Dog’s food automatically delivered from

Pet flow just choose your dog’s food and How often you want to deliver Enter code Zach 30 when you check out And you’ll get $10 off your first three Orders I’ll have all the details in the Description below agility is one of Those things you can do for fun in your Backyard or you can compete but it’s Also a great trust building exercise What’s the first thing you want to show Us today well we’re probably gonna go With one of the more difficult items First which is the wheat poles I think We poles are one of the most impressive Obstacles and all of dog agility we nice Look at her who’s actually a correct way And wrong way to send him in they always Have to enter with their left shoulder How do you typically reward her and Motivate her to want to do something Like this so log Julie dogs do very well In toys it does tap into that play which Is what they’re doing with you on the Field is playing with you So I got Daisy a little squeezy tennis Ball and you can see she’s so motivated To play looks like you’re having a good Time to dress I am it’s a blast of the Agility how did you go about teaching This to her One really cool way teach it’s called Channel ways you can actually make a Little channel here what actually Sometimes people will even do is have

Their dog stay on one side and then call Them to the other or I’m theory but you just take a treat Neelu oh but see how easy that was for Her to do as she gets better at it you Actually squeeze them closer and closer Together until they’re back to straight Line Wow clever weave there you go good Job that’s what you want you don’t want Them just to kind of meander through Slowly like this you kind of want them To slalom all the way through the wheat Bowls this is such a great skill to Teach because skills like this really Helped to build serious mental focus Daisy is a total pro so next we’ve got The tunnel I mean this is a staple in Dog agility now this one actually looks Pretty easy but when you first start to Teach this to many dogs they find it to Be quite intimidating has up in your Experience yeah for some dogs you mean Quite scary because it’s dark and then Other dogs they just love it so much and Sometimes you get what’s called tunnel Suck and the dog will accidentally go Off course into a tunnel because it’s a Really fun school to do why don’t you Show us how you went about teaching this Today see as a beginner you want to go And stretch it out to a straight line so They can see you on the other side so You’d have your friend take your dog Over onto this side it’s important when

You’re teaching this not to block the End of the tunnel so don’t sit right in Front of the tunnel but off to the side And then just peek your head in and call Your dog Daisy yeah and it’s a lot Easier to call them to you than it is to Send them away from you having your dog Come to you makes it as easy as possible Because whenever you’re teaching Anything new to your dog you want to Make it as easy as possible in the Beginning sometimes you may have to make It a little shorter at first and then Lengthen it over time as your dog gets To know it better and better you’ll call It tunnel and then you can actually come Onto this side over here Daisy and just Tell them tunnel and then run next to Them and in praise them good job so now That we’ve got it straight it’s time to Curve it so the reason that you want to Curve it slowly is so that you if they Don’t see the light at the end of the Tunnel so exactly it can be really kind Of hard for them to understand we’re Gonna start our on the cur side over Here Daisy Ready and then leave and once they get Really good at that side being curved Then you curve the other side and now You kind of got like a noodle shape now And you always want to run on the inside Of the curve that way you can beat your Dog to the other side tell ya you get

Much faster than we are yes they are in The beginning stages you may want to use Like a tennis ball again or a treat and Reward them on the other side and you Can With the tennis ball you can easily toss Tunnel the ball here it is she’s has Such a great time right now and that’s The critical part about when you try to Teach these obstacles don’t be afraid to Reward them a ton when you’re first Teaching him because then it builds Value for the obstacle itself I love seizing opportunities like this To build trust with a dog and clearly You guys have an incredible amount of Mutual trust in one another dog sports Are a great way to build confidence with A lot of dogs fewer things are as Exciting as watching a dog get some big Air it looks a lot easier I mean Teaching them to not touch the bar I Mean that’s tough that is tough Important to have a bar that can get Knocked down to safety is always the Most important thing with anything we do With our dogs but especially with dog Sports so when they jump over you really Don’t want them doing what’s called a Bunny hop where they just sit and they Go from a standstill and pop over you Want to take a nice little Coast kind of A gazelle just leaping over the jump why Don’t you show us how you went about

Teaching this with her yeah and then You’re gonna show us how all of this Looks when you put it together we’ll Just put it on eight inches for Daisy Down here what we’ll do is we’ll get Daisy’s favorite toy here okay And we’re gonna go ahead and put it on The other side of the jump we’re really Far out what you want to make sure to do Is whatever your dog’s body length is You want two of those so the dog can Jump finish and then get the toy and of Course when your dog jumps over this low Hurdle for the first time you celebrate Like they just cleared a six-foot jump When you’re having fun Your dogs gonna have fun too and anytime Your dog kind of goes up to here and Kind of stutter steps or was having Difficulty with it yeah just put it back Down to another level you can turn your Dog off to an obstacle real quick yeah If they’re not having a great experience You can actually toss the toy over the Jump Oh she’ll cheat sometimes huh oh There we go That’s why it’s so important to have a Jump that falls down exactly yeah once Your dog has learned how to do it Straight on you can actually start Teaching how to jump it at an angle with The figure eight exercise Daisy HUP oh Look at this guys Oh that’s a big yes smart girl that is

Terrific now we’re gonna set up our own Version of a mini agility course and see What Daisy can do don’t Oh here – oh nice check that one that an Angle Look at that be sure to check out Trevor’s YouTube channel he’s got some Really great content over there I’ll Have a link in the description and have Your dog food automatically shipped to You from Peplow that link will also be In the description if you like what We’re doing you can support us on Patreon to make sure you’re subscribed To my channel to see all of our future Videos if you want the best dog training Experience possible pick up a copy of my Book – that was awesome trevor you did So great today we’ll see you guys in the Next video

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