Are Shelter Dogs Harder to Train? Watch This Video to Find Out!

Are Shelter Dogs Harder to Train? Watch This Video to Find Out!

How to train an adult rescue dog to pay attention and around distractions.
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O’Ryan is available for adoption!

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This video is sponsored by pepper I Think I’ll have some soup looks like I’ve got everything my soup my bowl a Microwave wait a minute no this is way Too convenient We’re almost there now Stand back in D this can get really hot Oh gosh indeed no that’s my soup You would never heat up your food like This when clearly there’s an easier way So why would you wait until you run out Of dog food – then just drive across Town settle for a limited selection lift Heavy bags of food wait in lines and Traffic and sacrifice a huge part of Your day when you don’t have to just go To Peplow cheese your dog’s favorite Brand of dog food and tell them how Often you want it delivered and to make It extra easy to try enter code Zac 30 When you check out and you’ll get $10 Off your first three automatic shipments All the details will be below click Thumbs up for Orion the adoptable Shelter dog subscribe to my youtube Channel and join our patreon community To get exclusive perks and rewards for More dog training tips make sure you’re Also following me on Facebook and Instagram as well so many of you been Requesting that I work with more rescue And shelter dogs it’s a great idea Orion who appears to be a cattle dog mix Is currently living at Jefferson Parish

Animal shelter here in Louisiana it Looks like he’s been in the shelter for About five months already and he’s Looking for a great home and you deserve A great home now my understanding is That Orion was relinquished because the Person who had him before didn’t really Have enough time for him so he needs Someone who’s going to be able to put in The time it takes to get him trained and Give him lots of love You might notice when I’m playing Tug-of-war and that’s because he’s two Years old but he still hasn’t gotten rid Of the puppy biting or the play biting Mainly because he doesn’t really have Anyone in his life to teach him puppy Fighting doesn’t just go away because The dog gets older so I’m teaching him That it’s okay to bite on this right now Instead of my flesh because you’ve got Big grown-up teeth and see now his Interest is waning away from the toy and On to other things so this is all part Of the discovery process you know Whenever you’re working with a new dog You can’t just throw a template at them And hope everything works like it did With the last dog you trained every dog Is completely different Not to mention imagine the environment He’s used to living in day to day and Now he’s out here on the green grass by The lake this is a lot to take in

Nonetheless I’m able to get his Attention and get him playing with me a Little bit so that’s a really good sign The fat Way to get a dog into you is to get them Playing with you and remember for many Dogs tug-of-war is the ultimate game and They really love it Orion seems to have A lot of energy so for that reason I Want to know how easy it’s gonna be to Get his energy out on a regular basis Fetch is the easiest way to do that with Most dogs but I don’t know if he knows The game of fetch so I’m going to assess For that now I’m gonna put a long lead On him to make sure I have total control At all times all right hey go get it Good good now we see if he brings it Back he’ll chase it do you see what he Does immediately he tends to run away You can see why the long lead is so Important it would be impossible to have Any success with fetch right now without This lead the reason I want to check for This straight away when a dog has this Much pent-up energy it’s unrealistic for Them to absorb new concepts so by Getting the energy out there way easier To train bikes are coming by I want to Make sure that I can get him into this Tug toy Hey Orion what’s this I’m trying To preemptively get his attention on me In this case by using a toy and being More exciting than the bikes going by

There we go good job What’s this there we go good and get it Right there now when he picks it up this Time I’m gonna run from him see if I’m Getting to chase me look how effective That is I’m gonna run back this way now Yeah dogs love to play chase and and That’s why they run from you but if you Can get them chasing you well that’s Okay good we’re gonna do some jog in Here and look at this this is a Fundamental part of teaching fetch you Get your dog to follow you come on yes Getting low to the ground all perfect Good job and because he brought it to me I’m gonna go ahead and play with them The reason I like introducing fetch with A rope toys because you can play tug With it remember this is fun to your dog And it’s sufficient as a currency if Your dog is this into it and let go Here’s a no let go so I’m just gonna Make the toy boring and wait good he let Go for a brief moment I’m gonna do a Short throw come on obviously he’s just Come from the shelter here just a Moments ago I’m not going to insist that He have a perfect fetch right now it’s Important that he really unwind and have A good time as well I’d say he’s having A pretty good time right now what are You doing That’s not vetch and since he got Distracted by the grass right there I

Want to let him know again paying Attention to me is the way to go so I’m Gonna not just throw the toy I’m gonna Get him back into it by playing some tug With him right now See he’s interested in me again see his Tongue hanging out as he’s panting right Now that’s what you want you want a dog Who is a bit winded because that means It’s a perfect time to train them they Don’t have all this pent-up energy and This is the frame of mind you want them In when you’re training them do you like A belly rub are you having a good time Hey roll on your back and wiggle around You’re the easiest dog to train ever I Feel like we’ve gotten that initial Layer of energy out now I think he’s Perfectly primed to be able to do a Normal training lesson what are you Doing he can’t jump on me Oh Ryan so you Can see Orion has a jumping issue here He does like to jump up that’s natural For a lot of dogs but that’s something We should pay attention to but before I Can hope to teach him not to jump I have To teach him how to pay attention to me After all that kind of is a definition Of dog training so the first thing I’m Gonna do is see if I can get his eyes on Me You’ve seen me training this before but Let me see if I can hold that treat up Yes good I’m gonna start using the word

Yes very purposefully like that to let Him know when he did the right thing yes Good second those eyes meet mine I’m Gonna say yes and every time I say yes I’m following it up with the treat so it Means something yes good right there do You see how he’s starting to equate the Word yes with oh okay I get the treat Now that’s awesome that’s what we want The word yes is the most powerful word In dog training notice my tight training Bubble right now I’m very close to him Eye to eye it’s easier for your dog to Pay attention when you’re close of Course you know with any dog that you Just meet you want to be cautious with But I feel pretty comfortable with Orion So far we’ve had some success we’ve been Able to get them to look at us a little Bit now let’s see if we can teach them Some basic impulse control it’s Important that dogs know how to override Their impulses which is kind of tough For many dogs especially if they haven’t Had training so I’m gonna let him know I’ve got turkey in my hand right here I’m gonna close my hand and when he Gives up on it I’m gonna give it to him Leave it right there he just glanced up At me as if to say what do I have to do And that’s all you have to do you just Have to look up to me so really what I’m Trying to communicate here is look when You stop being so pushy and stop being

Insistent and wait patiently I’m gonna Give you what you want I’m working up to Being able to hold it right in front of Him Yes good now we can start introducing The term leave it to him Leave it yes good now his work we have a Dog coming by I have no idea how he is With dogs so I’m gonna back off a little To create some distance preemptively and Then just try and take it from there I’m Trying to prevent him from reacting at All in the way he’s looking at that dog Right now kinda makes me think that he Might react too unfavorably towards that Dog either by barking or lunging which Is a natural behavior so I’ll create Distance here I’m gonna do some Conditioning right now and just give him Little tiny pieces of meat here as the Other dog walks by trying to do Everything I can to create a positive Instance right here see how he’s Refusing the treats so I’m gonna go Ahead and back up and create more Distance oh there we go so that’s the Working distance so right now it may Look like I’m just giving him treats Well that is exactly what I’m doing and A lot of people might say why are you Giving him treats if he’s reacting Unfavorably towards a dog because I’m Trying to conditioned him and keep him Calm and if I can keep his mind on

Treats instead of barking at another dog I’m preventing a bad habit from getting Established that’s my goal all right so Let’s go back now and resume our Training lesson so we’ve got look at me We have leave it now it’s time to Combine the two believe it look at me Combo is required for every dog yes good Just making that little sound cuz he Doesn’t really know look at me he may Not even know what the word leave it Means I’m just gradually trying to Introduce these terms that takes you Know several days of practice do you Know why this is so important this is The first distraction you’re providing For your dog right here leaving a treat Alone and showing them hey when you want To get something sometimes I need you to Pay attention to me instead and that’s Kind of the bigger picture here what We’re trying to teach I mean it’s clear To me that Orion has not had very much Training at all and in light of that he Is doing awesome while it is true that Some shelter dogs may develop bad habits Or have extra hyperactivity it’s just Like training any other dog and of Course some of the best dogs on earth Are from animal shelters click thumbs up Bro Ryan the adoptable shelter dog I’ll Have his information below make sure You’re subscribed to my channel make Everything more convenient get your

Dog’s food shipped to you from pet flow And you want daily dog training tips Follow me on Instagram for more videos And tips I’ve just announced my newest Book too so if you’d like to order it I’ll have that link and everything else I just mentioned in the description Below I hope you guys like this video And this is a reminder to let you know Where we We active on Instagram and that you can Get dog training tips virtually daily as Well as be a part of my live broadcasts For those not familiar Instagram is a Mobile only app so go download the app I’ll have my Instagram link below for You to check out follow me there

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