Behind the scenes of the Dog Training rEvolution!

Behind the scenes of the Dog Training rEvolution!

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The counter surfing video is now available!

So this video is a little more personal than normal. I decided to film a typical work day and condense it down to 5 minutes to show you what it’s like behind the curtain:)

Bree contributes so much to what we do On our YouTube channel not only Technically but creatively thank you we Have a big day tomorrow I’m really excited we get to see Chloe Chloe the puppy she’s still developed a Counter surfing issue that we’re going To go try and help them with counter Surfin that’s where they jump up on the Counter and eat food and we’re not Looking and just answering questions on Facebook and I’ll tell you something Like 80 percent of the questions on Facebook can be answered by simply Controlling our dog’s environment and Our surroundings and then take the time To teach them in that environment at Least to deal with most problems like Unwanted behaviors and yeah exactly Which which are most of the questions Well and we also have to teach a class In the morning oh we got to get aerial Shots tomorrow yeah I hope so if the Weather is good when you’re getting Helicopter shots you have to make sure The weather is good it is 11 o’clock Yeah it’s a new group of dogs today I Was asking you earlier and I thought it Was really interesting the differences Between filming for TV is filming for YouTube like we do kind of apples and Oranges it’s much more gratifying to me To do YouTube videos you know I’ve had Two national TV shows and in two

Countries now and I really enjoy doing Television a lot I put a lot of Satisfaction in the production and Conveying the message of positive Training with many people as possible A lot of things you can do to make a Video more awesome and there are a lot Of things you can do to be awesome Working with dogs and I think that you Have a really unique perspective of Being able to combine those two things My favorite people when working on a TV Show are the crew I think I’ve really Enjoyed talking and learning from the Sound guys the directors photography You know all the people who really make Make the show happen from that Perspective as well so I and I always MIT I always took the opportunity to Learn from them wherever I could Over the years see I think it’s Important to know how to do every job in A particular field if that’s what you’re Going to want to get good at it Class starts in about a half an hour This is the second week of my beginner Course this is actually the first time That the dogs come into class because in The first week I like to just have the People come in to talk about general Mindset philosophy had to deal with Unwanted behaviors and stuff like that See we have at least one two three four Five puppies oh boy I love puppies –

Mm-hmm but yeah but anyway my contact is So important you know dogs are one of The only animals in the world that will Look to a human being in the eye for Guidance and direction first have to get Their attention on us right look at me So I can guide you I think these guys Are gonna do good Chloe is a smart dog Yeah Daniel and Elizabeth are pretty Nice – yeah they’re wonderful people They really are they understand what it Means like really connect with and Understand your individual dogs are Major dog lovers and they’re avid dog Rescuers – I think all of their dogs are Rescues and I think they have for now Good to see you again what’s up man good To see ya yeah real good the best Trainers in the world are prepared to Snap in the training mode on a moment’s Notice for example when we see our dog Getting on the counter boy she’s quite Crap do you look at this it doesn’t Matter what’s on the counter whatever Kind of food is up there she’ll take it Leave it alone and I mean it’s really Being dialed in with those eyes really Sweetheart Here’s the backstory behind this I have Always really gotten excited about Helicopter shots and I’ve always wanted To have them in my video blogs and Finally I have figured out a way to do It

Hence the video goggles here see this Allows me to see what this drone over Here is seeing at all times and it also Has the added benefit of making me look Super cool that’s good Nice angle I forgot to hit record Just make sure I don’t hit any obstacle Make sure I’m above any serious hop I Need to go a little higher anyway Because of the angle of the cameras I Think we need to go to the park up the Walk here let’s see if we can get some Better shots you can do you mean you Don’t think you got enough shots or do You mean you flew the drone and Remembered how much fun it is and you Just want to fly it a little more before We go home maybe a little above so tell Me what your favorite toy is that you Guys have I’m curious it can be as Simple as an iPod or an iPhone or it Could be what are some other hobby toys Out there and iPad thumbs up and watch My next video because you’re gonna learn How to teach your dog to not steal food Off the counter but I just wanted to Share with you you know kind of what It’s like to do what we do and that’s All very very enjoyable Saturday

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