Easy, Dog Trick: How to Teach your Dog to Speak or Bark When you Ask.

Easy, Dog Trick: How to Teach your Dog to Speak or Bark When you Ask.

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Introduction to Clicker Training:

When teaching your dog anything, the goal should be to encourage them to perform the desired action on their own accord. In general we should avoid making them do things and instead make them WANT to do what it is we ask. ”Speak” is a great example. No matter how much you want a dog to bark at your request, you cannot force them to. Therefore, we must find a way to motivate them to do this. In this video, I’ll show you a way to accomplish this!

I think she’s ready to do a video what Do you think i think today i’m going to Show you how to teach your dog how to Speak on command or how to bark on Command now what i love about this trick Is number one it’s super entertaining It’s a major crowd pleaser but more than That it encourages our dog to critically Think and anytime we can teach our dogs To think about something we are making Their life better for the long run the More they know how to communicate with Us and us with them the better life They’re going to have i think today i’m Going to use the clicker remember all That click means is good dog i like what You did you win a prize Right there now i have a whole video on On how to do this it’s short it’s easy It’ll be in the description if you need More information on that one of the most Important things to remember when you’re Teaching speak is to use a really really Good reward right here i’m using tiny Bits of cheese that indy likes and i’m Gonna let her have a piece right there Just to let her get a good taste of it Let her know look i got something good If you want it you’ve gotta earn it now Speak Or barking on command is one of those Tricks you cannot make a dog do it they Have to want to do this so one of the Things that i do is i’ll let them know i

Have the treat just like that and i’m Gonna wait for her To bark because often when dogs are Trying to figure something out and They’re looking for guidance they will Bark to let us know that they don’t Fully understand what we want And then what do you think we’re going To do at that point That’s right i’m going to click and i’m Going to reward but i’m gonna sincerely Let her know that i appreciate what She’s doing Very good now just watch watch her eyes Over here if she looks like she’s gonna Do it she probably will and guys you Know you might have to sit here for five Minutes with your dog and wait and it Seems like an eternity but in the scheme Of things what is five minutes See right there you can see her she’s Like i’m gonna jump on you i’m gonna say No Now when i say no i need to follow it up With corrective action in this case the Corrective action is no cheese look at Her eyes you got that bree yep Right there just that subtle bit she Didn’t bark right but why did i click Her ears whip back and i’m thinking i Can tell she’s thinking about it now Again i know her very well but you know Your dog very well at home too so Did you hear that by chance i don’t know

If the mic caught that it was very Subtle timing is everything the reason I’m not saying anything is because she Doesn’t know what that word means yet But now i feel like she’s starting to Understand so i’m going to say speak as She does it Speak yes good girl very good and this Is all happening right now Yes good very good i’m going to keep This momentum going Yes good ready Almost That’s good sweet that was speech Notice though i’m not simply saying Speak Good dog That’s what boring dog trainers do don’t Be like that to your dog be engaging be Exciting with them and that is speak she Did a great job today by the way if you Like speak you are going to love my next Video i am finally going to show you Guys how i teach dogs math that is to Bark a certain number of times when you Ask them to do you have a big finale for Us oh well i could show you anything you Want i would tell you what how about This one give me a math problem where The answer is between four and seven uh What’s uh three and four all right so Count the number of times that venus Really That’s unbelievable when you learn

Because i wasn’t sure the answer when You learn how to connect with your dog You can teach them anything that’s what Trick training is all about it’s not the Tricks it’s what you’ve learned about Your dog and yourself probably my most Requested trick video in some time by The way if you’re not subscribed to my Videos here on youtube make sure you’re Subscribed go check out my facebook page As well because you’re only getting half The story if you’re watching my youtube Videos lots of cool content lots of Great trainers over there on my facebook Page as well facebook.com the zac george And we’ll see you in the next video Thanks guys good job girl

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