Easy Puppy Training: 3 Things 1 Session (Leash walking, Leave it, Lie down)

Easy Puppy Training: 3 Things 1 Session (Leash walking, Leave it, Lie down)

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Today I’ve got Bailey the silver lab and She is super cute we’re gonna see how She’s doing on her training click thumbs Up for Bailey subscribe to my channel For the most detailed dog training Videos anywhere and pick up a copy of my Book Dog training revolution for a more Thorough understanding of how to raise The best dog possible time is one of the Most important factors when it comes to Teaching a dog’s get the line stay out Of traffic and get your dog food online With pet flow choose your dog’s food and How often you want it to arrive you can Edit your delivery schedule at any time For any reason at all I’ll have a Special link and a coupon code in the Description that’ll give you 20% off of Your first automatic shipment by Supporting forward-thinking companies Like Peplow you’re also supporting Modern ethical dog training to the breed Of your dog is far from the most Important consideration when it comes to Teaching them now don’t get me wrong There genetics are certainly important But connecting with them as an Individual is by far the most important Thing you need to keep in mind when Teaching any dog I’ve seen high-energy Labs goofy labs super intense labs but Remember there is no one-size-fits-all Approach I’m committed to showing you

How to work with all kinds of different Dogs so let’s find out what Bailey is All about it’s important especially if You’ve got a young dog to introduce this Concept of walking nicely on a leash in A very controlled environment so I’m Curious to see how Bailey is doing on That can I get her attention on me while On leash while in this setting right now She knows I’ve got Turkey here so she’s Really paying attention to me I think We’re gonna be in good shape on this Let’s see Give me a girl come on yes good work Good and notice there’s no tension on The leash here that’s the goal I’m just Gonna kind of go back and forth and I Mean you gotta love how she’s looking at Me here look at those eyes please give Her tiny piece of meat there to let her Know that I love that she’s paying Attention but you know she’s not jumping On me she’s not jumping all around Lunging ahead or doing anything that Would be considered undesirable she’s Paying attention to me while on leash That is the goal of this exercise okay See right there she started not to if Your dog starts to do that the thing You’d want to do is get their attention On you like this Bailey there you go Good job see so much easier to do in an Indoor environment if you were outside And your dog wasn’t used to being

Outside then they might get really Distracted and you might get really Frustrated so this has to be super solid Right here come on let’s go this way And for extra credit how about you give Me a sit oh you’re awesome five-month Old dog is that you doing great Of course you’re likely to encounter Distractions in the real world as well Which is why we’ve got to teach our dogs How to resist distractions before we Take them out teaching your dog to leave A treat alone is one of the easiest ways To get them to exercise some basic Self-control I mean if your dog can’t Leave a treat alone you can’t expect Them to listen to you out in the world With all these strange smells and funny Animals running around there’s all sorts Of things you have to prepare them for This is way easier than you might think And it’s such a powerful exercise I’m Gonna show her the meat but this time I’m gonna close my hand when she goes For it And when she shows some manners just Like that right there I’m gonna give her A tiny piece to let her know that I like That she wasn’t so pushy and that she Was also you know resisting this urge to Go after something she wants this is Called basic impulse control the goal Here is to be able to hold this meat out In front of her without having to close

My I mean just like that that’s pretty Amazing good girl very good So your dog has to be able to leave a Treat alone before you can expect them To behave ideally on a leash while Taking a walk this is something you can Work on in your spare time anytime you Feel like it in fact the more often You catch your dog off-guard with this While you’re just hanging out at home The more likely it is that your training Is going to stick so far we’ve done some Basic puppy leash training some puppy Distraction training I’d like to see how Bailey is doing on lie down cuz that’s a Really important skill that most dogs Should learn oh she doesn’t go lie down How interesting So we’re gonna put her into a sit I’m Gonna lure her by using her nose right There like you’ve seen me do a lot Before but see every dog is a little bit Different on that she doesn’t go right Into the down like you might expect sit Yes good they’re gonna reward any poop So I’m gonna pull away right there the Moment she goes wrong the where she went Wrong I was picking her butt up off the Ground so on let her know don’t do that And I provide an unpleasant consequence In this case the unpleasant consequence Is the treat going away that’s as severe As you need to be since she’s done this

A couple of times now and she’s kind of At a roadblock I’m gonna reward her for Just a tiny bit of progress to see if we Can do that to get us through it it’s a Fine line when you’re teaching things Like this between frustrating them and Kind of holding back and not rewarding Them so you kinda have to walk that line And that balance really carefully right Now I don’t think she’s getting too Frustrated but I think we’re getting Closer I’d like to avoid that because I Want her to have a positive association With learning yes right there she Started to commit just a little bit more I don’t want to be too greedy so I’m Gonna reward for that and yeah a little More there sit yes yes yes good that was So close right there do you see how She’s almost committed with her I’m Having to get all sorts of creative with My lure so rather than just coming down Like a traditional lure like that I’m Having if you watch my wrists here you Can see I’m having to kind of twist it Back a little bit to can get her to get In all sorts of weird positions Going slow so most yes right there did You see that Isn’t that great really good it’s called Down you’re doing great I’m gonna keep Giving there some tiny tweets here let Her know that hey look what happens when You’re down here you might have noticed

We’re posting more lately I’d love to Add another episode of the dog training Revolution every month if you want to Help us with a budget for that video I’m Going to have a link in the description To our patreon campaign that’s where we Get the funds to make these videos also You can change the way you buy dog food In order to support these videos to set Up automatic pet food delivery at pet Flow that link will be in the Description and pick up a copy of my Book dog training revolution click Thumbs up for Bailey she did a great job Today and subscribe to my channel so you See all of our upcoming videos too You

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