How to EFFECTIVELY Teach your Dog Boundaries

How to EFFECTIVELY Teach your Dog Boundaries

Teach your dog how to stay out of certain rooms in your house.
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Videos I reference in this episode:
How to teach your dog to ”leave it”:

How to teach your dog to stay while distracted:

If you’ve ever struggled with your dog Going to places in the house they Shouldn’t today I’m going to show you The solution Today’s video is sponsored by pet club Click thumbs up for Luca the lab and if You’re new to my channel click subscribe For the most thorough dog training Videos anywhere and if you want to get The most out of my videos pick up a copy Of my best-selling book dog training Revolution it’s perfect if you’re Thinking about getting a dog or want to Get serious about having the best dog Possible if you want your very own Signed copy check out my patreon Campaign for the details link in the Description there are many reasons you Might want to keep your dog out of a Certain room in the house maybe you Recently had a baby or you’ve got fancy Furniture in a certain room or Lucas Case your dog sneaks off when no one’s Paying attention to steal food Fortunately there’s always a way to make Sure that Luca has her food when she Needs it pet flow is a revolutionary Service that will automatically deliver Your dog’s food to your front door twice A month or however often you’d like it Delivered all you have to do is choose Your dog’s favorite food and how often You want it shipped and bam it’s always There when you need it you don’t even

Have to remember to order it since you Have to get your dog’s food anyway get It this way it’ll make your life easier And you’re supporting the dog training Revolution I’m gonna have a special link In a coupon code in the description of This video that will give you 20% off of Your first auto-ship order Luca that’s 20% off that’s such a good deal now Let’s go do some boundary training with Luca the lab our goal today will be to Teach Luca how to stay out of the Kitchen a prerequisite for this is that You taught your dog how to stay and You’ve taught them how to leave Something alone when you ask I’ll be Testing for that in a moment with Luca But for the rest of you if you haven’t Taught your dog this I’ll have links in The description teaching your dog Boundaries it’s actually pretty easy but It does take a lot of consistency and a Fair amount of time but it’s a great Opportunity to build more sophisticated Communication with your dog For now though make sure that your dog Definitely doesn’t have access to the Areas of the house you’re trying to keep Them out of that means you’ve got to cut Off all access to these areas by Controlling their environment now I Recommend that you actually attach the Leash to you and when you’re not in a Position to supervise you can have them

In another room where they’re not in a Position to get to those areas until You’ve done sufficient boundary training Like all things in dog training boundary Training can’t really be taught Passively so make sure you give them Your full attention applying the Techniques that I’m gonna go over today When I was over here the other day I Some food out on the counter and I Walked out for just maybe three seconds And she was all over it first let me Confirm that Luca can do a basic stay While I walk away Luca Stay that’s nice you’re doing terrific Okay so I’m satisfied she can do a basic Stay but what about when things get a Little bit more exciting stay whoa look At you you’re doing a great job looking All that chicken okay so this is good What this tells me is that Luca has it In her to override her impulses so your Dog has to have that basic impulse Control before you can really teach them Boundaries but she’s doing fantastic if She were to break I’d simply escort her Back to the point where I asked her to Stay and try again maybe perhaps making A little bit easier for her on the Second attempt I’m really happy with how Well Luca is doing she’s staying she’s Staying well I dropped the treats but Will she stay when I throw treats into The kitchen and I’m over there see dogs

Are really smart and they can tell that If you’re really far away from the treat That they’ve got a chance at beating you To it so I want to make sure she’s Really tight on that before I go on with My next step here hey Luca look at me Good job okay ready Stay I’m gonna go over here and again This is just to make sure that you’ll Stay when I give her my full attention And throw a treat into the kitchen what Doll you are you’re doing so well so our Goal over the next few weeks is to make Sure that Luca doesn’t have access to This kitchen at all unless we give her Permission to go in let’s simulate some Real-world kitchen activity I want to Make sure that she knows that there’s Some awesome food on the counter right Here so I’m gonna let her sniff this Leave it alone a good girl that is Really good she’s really on a good Behavior right now stay so I’m gonna go Over here it’s much more difficult when Your dog is farther away from you in Other words they understand hey there’s An opportunity there and I want to make Sure that I’m there to show her the Right way to behave if she thinks about Jumping up on that counter and stealing That food or even coming in the kitchen I’m gonna throw some chicken in front of Her now Good job good job nice correction there

So you know I had to interrupt her I Thought she was gonna stay so I was a Little overconfident there but she did a Great job in correcting herself I’m Gonna throw some chicken again stay That’s really good she’s looking right At me I love that but I’m gonna see if I Can push it a little bit more and get a Little bit more success to keep her Guessing a little bit I’m gonna turn my Back on her and I hope she’s not going For anything and she’s not so that’s Good what happens if I get this played Out over here Maybe grab one of these cupcakes if your Dog gets used to seeing you do normal Things and you’re in a position to also Enforce the rules then they’re going to Learn a lot quicker it’s open the fridge Again some chocolate soy milk and I’ll Put that out now I’ll put it back in cuz I don’t want any chocolate soy milk she Is just knocking it out of the park Right now she’s doing great You should make every trip to the Kitchen a training session for your dog If you’re really serious about teaching This since you’ll want to sporadically Reward when you’re cooking dinner for Example it’s a good idea to have some Dog treats that keep well at room Temperature available see Luca is eager To grab any food that’s been left out at The moment the humans are out of the

Room so I’m going to try and do my best To make sure that doesn’t happen right Now but this one’s a little bit tricky Make sure that everything we’ve covered So far is really solid before moving on To your next step which is out of sight Boundary training before you just trust Your dog to stay while you leave the Room you really want to prepare them for This that means starting small now I Happen to have a little bit of an Advantage here I’m gonna be using this Monitor to keep an eye on her it just Gives you a little bit more information But if you start small enough you Shouldn’t even need to do this I’m gonna Go walk out that door and tell her to Stay stay Oh goodness what are you doing what did You gosh you can’t eat a whole sandwich Okay so that was kind of a disaster I Kind of pushed a little bit too long Steak what are you doing you broke you Stay I saw you you tried to cheat get Over here Sit stay this time I don’t want her to Go and investigate that food so I’m Gonna try and interrupt her before she Does it stay one two three yes your dog Has to get really good about a three Second stay before you can expect them To do a five or 10 second out of sight Stay good job see I want to reward for Those tiny bits of progress right now

There’s short periods of time before she Has a chance to slip up see if we get Five seconds now Five four three two four yes good girl See I want to take advantage of these Times when she is succeeding no matter How short a period of time that is stay I’m trying to stay out of sight here but I don’t want to push her too long she’s Doing really well good girl very good You did awesome Hey I’m outside now closing the door Look at her holding that stay she’s Doing so well I’m going to kind of sneak Around the corner here Good work she thought about breaking Right there you’re doing a good job Boundary training is the sort of thing That you really have to work on for Weeks at a time and your spare time and Just in real-world scenarios so that Your dog starts to generalize the Behavior as a whole so be patient with This and don’t expect rapid results once You’re able to have many real-world Training rehearsals like this where your Dog is demonstrated that they’re Reliable for several minutes at a time Of not going into the kitchen and Stealing food for several weeks in a row Then your dog has probably gotten the Point and you can begin to let your Guard down now if your dog does start to Slip up immediately take a step back on

Your training and apply the steps that We’ve gone over today if you think the World is a better place because of Original positive dog training content Like this help us do even better by Making a modest monthly contribution to Our crowdfunding campaign on patreon I’ll have a link in the description your Money helps us make better videos click Thumbs up if you think Lucca did a good Job subscribe to my channel I’ve got so Many awesome videos coming and set up Automatic pet food delivery at pet flow Calm all the links and everything I’ve Discussed today will be in the Description and check out these other Videos too good job Lucca you did Awesome don’t forget to pick up a copy Of my new book dog training revolution You want to see another great video with Lucca teach your dog to come when called Every dog needs to know this if you’ve Recently gotten a puppy or you’re Thinking about it you’ll need to know How to teach them their name sit and lie Down I’ll show you how to teach all Three with Bruno the golden doodle if Your dog isn’t quite ready for boundary Training but you still need to teach Them how to stop stealing food when You’re not looking See how to teach your dog to stop Stealing a special thanks to our Contributors on patreon thank you for

Helping me do what I love and to the Rest of you thank you for subscribing

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