How to Start Training a New Dog FAST!

How to Start Training a New Dog FAST!

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I recently stopped by a local shelter here in New Orleans, Animal Rescue New Orleans, to work with some dogs who are in need of a great home! Dogs like this are so appreciative of attention from people and that makes most them super easy to begin training immediately! I wanted to make this video to show you that the majority of shelter dogs are very receptive to learning.

If you have worked with, adopted, volunteered for, or donated to rescue dogs, thank you.

Apply to adopt one of the dogs in this video or another incredible dog from ARNO!

How to teach your dog Sit, Down, Up and Stand in minutes:

How to teach your dog to look at you:

A basic guide to fetch and playing with toys:


Teach Come when Called:

How to teach your dog to walk on a leash without pulling:

Great dogs are everywhere as long as You’re committed you can teach virtually Any dog anything we’re driving the Fiesta to animal rescue new orleans and We are going to see if we can work with A dog just straight up we’re just going To take a dog and see if we can teach Him or her some cool stuff part of Teaching a dog is having that initial Existing communication with them so that You can like really break through to Them and that’s what we’re gonna focus On establishing today my goal is to show You how easy it can be To teach a dog that’s never had any Training at all or minimal training Right now we’re here at the shelter We’re gonna go uh pick out a dog and see What we can do fingers crossed it’ll be Fun this is always an adventure come on They just want interaction that’s really All they want look at this one What’s this dog’s name Starsky We’re gonna work with starsky and see if We can get him to do some basic stuff The first thing to do is to let your dog Acclimate to an environment you don’t Just want to throw them into an area and Then expect them to just magically do Well it’s important to be very Understanding that our dogs need to Adjust the same is really true with us Too as people we have to adjust to new

Surroundings when we go to a new place As well i’ve never met starsky before so I’m going to try and introduce myself I’m going to offer my hand let them Check me out i like to lure them into Various positions just to get them Comfortable with working look at this Yes very good i’m saying yes to let him Know that i like that behavior Look at this Very good He’s almost lying down did you see his Foot go like that that was really good Lie down you are so smart can i have Your paw look at this Sit Very nice What do you think about watch me let’s See if we can get him to look at us Look at me very good now obviously Whenever you’re working with a dog that You don’t know you don’t want to just Crowd their space you want to be very Smart and cautious about that but he’s Showing no signs of being uncomfortable By eye contact in fact he seems to favor It Look at me very good that’s nice or just Because dogs can’t talk doesn’t mean They can’t communicate with us he’s a Very telling example of that isn’t he Get it Up good Down

Good Back up Yes can i have your foot Look at that that’s fantastic he’s a Bright dog do you have a more hyper dog Maybe but so often dogs like this are Misunderstood Because All people see is a high energy dog who Wants to do stuff and we use people tend To get really annoyed by that but Honestly you should look at the glass Half full dogs like this are the most Teachable in the world so my goal right Now with bill is to just see if i can Get him playing yes he grabbed that Right away notice how they lose interest Though the moment a human being stops Playing with it they just let go of it They’re not interested anymore remember Dogs like to engage people they like to Work with us uh the way to introduce a Toy is to make it fun and interesting Tug of war is the foundation of teaching A dog how to play fetch it’s it can be Used as a currency because this is fun For him you can hear that that’s a Playground you hear right there we’re Going to see if we can get our team may Maybe interested in a ball i don’t know I’ve never met archie we want to find Out what makes him tick we want to find Out what his currency is What is this

Okay Yes what is that A great way to get your dog interested In the toy is to play keep away with it Too let them think they can get it but Then keep it from them Yeah good job good dog right there he Picked it up but i’m not going to insist That he picks it up and bring it to me Right off the bat i just wanna let them Know i like that hello hello it is nice To meet you you are a beautiful puppy You know that you’re a good-looking dog Sit stay one two three four five six Nice work i’m gonna see if i can get him To come to me when i call him after all That’s a very important skill that all Dogs need to know That is the opposite of kamarchi archie Hey Come on let’s go the key to getting a Dog to come to you is to be exciting and To have a good currency in this case i’m Using real meat So let’s try sit stay and come sit Good stay Come on let’s go yes very good that’s How it starts it’s really that simple This is kaya kaya is the longest Resident here at animal rescue new Orleans and she’s been here four and a Half years we’re gonna see if we can Work with her on proper walking on a Leash without pulling you know so many

People get discouraged because their Dogs pull on a leash remember dogs pull On a leash because they just walk faster Than we do so we should be empathetic And understanding to that point but we Want to motivate them to listen so let’s Give it a shot part of the secret to Teaching a dog to walk well on a leash Is to keep them guessing you have to Have them check in with you to see where The walk is headed this way come on girl Yes Come on Yes So we’re walking Sit Look at that sit the first time come on This way let’s go so we’re gonna Continue to walk with her and you can See how attentive she is if you show a Dog that you’re willing to work with Them that you’re willing to spend time With them that you’re willing to pay Them with their currency to learn new Things uh they’ll be your best friend They really will come on girl You’re terrific yes what a good girl We’re gonna pick up the pace we’re gonna Go over here Will you lie down look at that this is a Trained dog sitting in a shelter right Now if you can’t adopt a dog you can Volunteer your time you can make a Donation you can check the description

Of this video and there’ll be Information on how you can donate to Arno here i think they’re a first class Organization and they need all the help They can get here you guys have a rescue Dog or do you know someone with a rescue Dog you have a good experience with a Rescue dog tell me in the comments below Also if you enjoyed this video make sure You click thumbs up and thank you to Ford ford has agreed to make a 500 Donation to arno as well so thank you Very much for thumbs up to them for Supporting rescue dogs okay guys we’ll See you in the next video

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