How to Teach ANY DOG to LET GO of a TOY During Fetch!

How to Teach ANY DOG to LET GO of a TOY During Fetch!

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I ask almost every student with an energetic dog,”Does your dog play fetch well?” One of the most common answers I get is, ”Yes, except he won’t let go.” So for dog lovers everywhere, I am going to show you how to teach your dog to let go of a toy in a single training session! Is your dog good at letting go of a toy? Does your dog even like toys? Tell me below!

Today’s video was sponsored by pet flow Comm I was so excited to see my last Video how many of you wanted to see Samson the pitbull learn how to let go Of a ball I got the impression that many Of you are dealing with a similar issue At home you know part of having a High-energy dog is committing to getting Them worn out mentally and physically And fetch is one of the ideal ways to do It But you don’t want to spend all of your Time trying to get the ball out of their Mouth in this video I’m going to show You how to get your dog to release the Ball in as little as one training Session have you guys checked out pet Flow comm yet remember you can get your Dog food you can get accessories treats Toys everything in the world for your Dog at one place plus you never have to Go to the store ever ever again to buy Your dog food you can set up recurring Delivery of pet food or you can order One bag at a time whatever you want they Have over 150 brands including Prescription food when you enter promo Code Zac George you’ll get five dollars Off any order $30 or more and you’ll get Free shipping on all orders over $49 After all discounts are applied by doing Your shopping at pet flow you’re Supporting the dog training revolution And you’re supporting positive dog

Training but you’re also making your Life more convenient so that leaves you A lot more time to spend with your dog Today we’re going to teach Samson the Pitbull how to let go of a ball he’s Really good with fetch but he’s not good About letting it go this is a big Problem that a lot of people deal with Um so we’re gonna see if we can give it A shot and see how he does you’re a Football there are two games that dogs Were instinctively born knowing how to Play those games are chase and Tug-of-war now whenever your dog tries To play chase with you or tries to play Tug with you that’s then trying to Engage you overall that’s a pretty good Thing but we have to polish it a little Bit and show them how to play by our Rules what do most people do when their Dog won’t let go of a toy they pull even Harder remember dogs like this this Isn’t something we want to do when Teaching them how to let go of a toy now Tug-of-war can be great but that’s a Completely different topic altogether You know the biggest secret in the world They’re teaching a dog to let go ball is A make sure you have them on leash so You can get to them because you don’t Want them running away the whole idea is To suddenly make the I’m dramatically less interesting get Them close to you hold the ball do not

Pull weight make life boring your goal Is to just stabilize the toy for a Little bit for a dog like Samson this is A lot less exciting be prepared to wait This out for up to a minute or so now When he lets go what do you think I’m Going to do I’m gonna let him know that I love the behavior and I’m gonna Immediately give him the ball not a Treat a dog like this wants to play not Eat whenever you have a high drive dog Like this you should almost never reward With food when teaching the various Aspects of fetch you want them focused On the game somebody Sampson good boy Here we go good all right he’s good About bringing it back but see he Doesn’t like to let go I’m gonna hold This just as a safety net I’m gonna wait Uh-uh What is good you let go for just a minor Second I’m gonna immediately give it Back that’s the biggest mistake people Make is that they don’t reward fast Enough when their dog lets go by not Rewarding frequently and quickly enough In the beginning you’re validating your Dog’s suspicions that if you take the Ball from them they may never see it Again make sure you get that ball to Them as soon as you possibly can Sampson come here again see right there You didn’t come right back to me I’m in A position to get after your dog has

Shown that they’re starting to get the Point then you can start to slow down a Little bit make them think a little bit More so that way you can start to do Something that resembles more of a Structured game of fetch what I’m not Doing is uh leave it I’m not gonna put It behind my back here it’s right in Front of him good boy go get it teach Your dog to think you don’t need to use Diversionary tactics like putting the Toy behind your back or distracting them With treats they’re plenty smart enough To get this without gimmicks this is not A hard thing wait No I’m gonna create a barrier with my Other hand here just like leave it That’s all you would work yes get it so I made them wait a little bit longer That time good may have it no every time I say no there’s a consequence in this Case the game stops and I’m just Gripping them by the collar just to keep Control of them he’s still wagging his Tail now if your dog is more sensitive You wouldn’t do this but chances are if You have a sensitive dog they likely Don’t have this issue again I think What’s going his back fine I’m not Playing tug but I’m holding the ball yes Go get it very good that’s wonderful Also in doing this it’s important to Practice it in close range don’t feel Like you need to launch the ball it’s

Better to get a pattern of success at Close range and it is to try and get big Throws over and over again yes good our Dogs will learn so quickly that when They let go of the ball the game Continues when they don’t the game stops It’s your job to be very patient very Consistent with that as with all things And dog training avoid being monotone During your praise and play but more Importantly focus on the bond focus on The game focus on the overall experience You have with our dog you know sometimes We get so caught up on the mechanics That we forget to be interesting to our Dogs good boy and that’s what you want That energy that’s may I please have it Yes yes and helps so if you enjoyed this Video make sure you click thumbs up like Me on Facebook slash V Zac Towards and tell me in the comments Below does your dog readily let go of a Toy when you ask some of your dog even Interested in toys I’m curious to know Check out pet flow calm the link will be In the description don’t forget you’ll Get five dollars off any order over $30 You’ll get free shipping on all orders Over $49 afterall discounts are applied When you enter promo code Zac George Thank you to pet flow comm thank you to Each and every one of you for watching And subscribing and we’ll see you in the Next video

Hey you such a big pitbull say hi YouTube You

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