How to Teach your Dog to Bark and STOP BARKING!

How to Teach your Dog to Bark and STOP BARKING!

How to train your dog to Speak or Bark and Stop Barking

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Videos I reference in this episode:

How to teach your dog to stop barking:

The Art of Communicating with a Dog:

Train your dog to walk nicely on leash:

If you want to impress your friends and Family with an easy trick that most dogs Can learn really quickly Keep watching today’s video is sponsored By peplum click thumbs up or Jakob the Rescue dog and if you’re new to my Channel click subscribe right now and Help the dog training revolution get one Step closer to a million subscribers Today I’m going to show you how to teach Your dog to speak or bark when you ask As well as be quiet when you ask them to In addition to that I’m going to show You how to introduce a new word or Phrase to your dog too but your dog Shouldn’t have to bark just to remind You that you need more dog food set up Automatic pet food delivery app have Flo Choose your favorite brand of dog food And how often you want to deliver that’s Really all there is to it and your food Will always be there whenever you need It you don’t even have to remember to Order it when you change the way you buy Dog food your supporting content just Like this I’m gonna have a special link And a coupon code in the description so You can try it and see if it’s right for You there are a number of advantages to Teaching speak to your dog not the least Of which is achieving better Communication with each other and that’s Really what it’s all about now with a Whole bunch of dogs out there you can

Teach speak in a single training session With them And if you want to improve your overall Training skills speak is a great thing To teach because it helps you get really Good at your overall timing which is a Critical element when teaching a dog It’s important to have an amazing Currency something your dog really loves Like real chicken but you could also use A toy if your dog is absolutely obsessed With that toy the key is your dog has to Love the thing that you’re teaching them With not just like it so let’s get down To business the first thing you want to Do is give your dog a treat just to let Them know look I got something really Good and just keep it right there just Out of their reach At this point though refrain from saying Speak speak your goal right now is just To wait them out and kind of hang out With their currency but not give it to Them until they bark is it to say hey What’s going on what do I have to do to Get that it’s normal for there to be you Know many minutes of waiting in the Beginning I’m just gonna ignore these Other things this is a very intermediate Habit where dog will start doing Everything they know in order to get the Reward was going through his drills Things he knows he’s lying down saying Is this what you want is this what I

Have to do you want me to leave Is that what you want I’ll do that is Play dead as you can see his roll over Because in the past those have resulted In him getting the things he wants this Confusion is only temporary because as He reasons it through and does a variety Of things we’re just going to be there To let him know which is the right thing We like it’s kind of like a game of hot And cold you can see his eyes right now He’s really really thinking it through Do you see that look he had his I’m Thinking about barking face on right There so that’s why rewarded yes good That was very good it wasn’t huge but I Want to let him know he’s on the right Track yes now that we’ve got to go and I Want to keep it going I don’t want to Take breaks here I wanted to keep the Yes keep the progress going because he’s Starting to get enough yes good I’ll Take that but I still want to turn that Kind of rumbling growl into a nice Proper bark right there I could have Reloaded but I’m trying to up the ante a Little bit oh yes good I’m refraining From saying to speak here until I get The behavior a little bit more reliably And where I want it so yes good that one Looks a tad bit louder so I’m liking This he’s doing spin that’s another Trick he’s been mastering yes good very Good I’m gonna give him a nice big dose

Of the thing he wants here which is real Chicken the idea is he learns when he Gives that nice proper bark that I’m Looking for that I give him those extra Rewards to really make it ultra clear is My Massa behavior I’m looking for I Expect this to start coming a little bit Quicker now oh yes yes good oh yes oh Yes very good all man that was good what I love about teaching things like speak For example is that you have to motivate Your dog to want to do the behavior you Can’t force a dog to do this you can’t Teach this with traditional training Methods like a choke chain or prong Collar the best way to introduce a new Word like speak in this case to your dog Is to say the word just as or just Before they do it let me show you what I Mean happy very good you can invent your Own hand signals whatever feels natural To you so for speak for Jacob I’m Kai Of doing this speak speak good now let’s See if Jacob will speak when I ask him – Upon request it’s pretty early for this But it would be pretty nice if he did Speak yes and right now I’m not really Picky on the volume or anything I just Want to see that he’s making an effort Speak okay yes speak yes good job speak This is how you show your dog what a Word or phrase means Jacob’s really Getting the hang of this maybe a little Too much so so at this point I’m pretty

Confident that Jacob knows what speak Means Chances are once you teach your dog to Speak like this they’re gonna start Barking all the time once they realize Hey Marvin gets me rewards so that’s Probably something you don’t want which Is why it’s important for your dog to Understand what quiet means So it’s very important that I don’t Reward him for speak unless I Specifically ask for it again since he Knows what it means if he didn’t know I Would be a little bit more tolerant and That’s right at that time I’m not going To reward again it might seem a little Mean that I’m carving the tree now just Like we were going but I want to make Sure that I’m clear about my Communication ya know when I say no I’m Making that tree go far away to let him Know nobody something that’s making it Go away Oh no right quiet yes there was a moment Of quiet there so I’m gonna come in and Reward for that I’m gonna try and build On that quiet time now speak good quiet Yes I didn’t even give him much of a Chance to bark there but that’s okay Because I captured that they gave your Wall he was being quiet so my goal here Is to get a good speak and a good quiet Back to back good nice work Jacob quiet yes good work buddy but what

You’re really doing here is you’re Polishing your communication with your Dog and that’s what it’s all about it You want to be able to achieve a very High level mutual communication with Your dog and you’ve got to teach things Like this to them not every dog though Is cut out for speak some dogs are just A little more reserved or quiet or just Kind of mellow but that’s okay though Every dog is different I’ve got lots of Videos on my youtube channel so there’s Lots of different things you can teach Your dog now if you are struggling with Unwanted Barking say when people come over when Someone knocks at the door I’m gonna Have a great video in the description That I’ll show you how to deal with General annoying bar tune if you found This video helpful consider giving us a Monthly tip on patreon we use those Funds to educate the public about humane A-positive fun dog training give Jacob a Big thumbs up if you think you did well Sit nice wart make sure you subscribe so You see our future videos and change the Way you buy dog food by getting your Food from pet flow calm Slash’s act George I’ll have a link and a coupon Code in the description to get you all Set up I’ll see you guys in the next Video good job buddy Jacob rocked in This video now if your dog’s barking is

Out of control See my video with Calliope teaching your Dog anything requires good communication See the art of communicating with your Dog to learn how to better fine-tune Your communication leash walking skills Are essential but what if your dog acts Like a crazy dog on a walk Check out my recent leash training Session with Jacob to learn how a Beginner leash walking session should Look thank you for subscribing and an Extra special thank you to all of those That support these videos on patreon

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