How to Teach your Dog to Listen From FAR AWAY!

How to Teach your Dog to Listen From FAR AWAY!

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How to train your dot to listen from a distance! Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

How to train your puppy or dog Stay while you walk away:

Thank you to Peplow for sponsoring this Video today I’m going to show you how to Get your dog to listen from five inches Or fifty feet away click thumbs up make Sure you subscribe to my channel for More videos pick up a copy of my book For a more complete dog training Experience and to help keep these free Dog training videos coming join our Crowdfunding community on patreon I’ll Have a link in the description for your Dog doing things with a distance can be Tough but you don’t have to go far Distances to get your dog’s food every Couple of weeks save yourself the hassle And have your dog’s food automatically Shipped to your door at any time Interval you like just choose your dog’s Food and how often you want it delivered And pet flow will do the rest I’ll have A coupon code that will give you $10 off Your first three orders in the Description support companies that Support modern ethical dog training now Let’s find out what Satchmo is like from The person who knows him best his mom my Name is Abby this here is Satchmo He is my pup he is an Irish Wolfhound And he is nine and a half months old I’m A veterinarian I am actually Zach’s Dog’s veterinarian I told him we’re Getting a puppy and ever since then We’ve been working with Satchmo when we Brought Satchmo home he was only 11

Weeks and he only weighed about 20 Pounds he currently is at about 108 Pounds he’s going to get to be about 140 And when he’s fully grown he’ll be about 7 feet tall and he stands on his back Legs training is going great at home but At a distance not so much so Zach please Help us get Satchmo to listen at a Distance it’s much easier to teach your Dog to listen to you while you’re up Close which is why we do this first However if you can get your dog Listening to you from a farther distance Away this is a great sign that you’re Starting to achieve more advanced Communication a prerequisite to today’s Lesson is that your dog can do a basic Stay while you walk away if you haven’t Yet got there with your dog I’ll have a Video in the description Sachin was a Little distracted because we’re at this Beautiful public park so I’m going to See if I can gives attention on me right Now so we can get back to this lesson That’s where you sit very good nice work I’m going to ask him to lie down lie Down oh you’re such a rockstar buddy He’s a prodigy and by the way even Though he’s a giant dog I’m still using Really tiny pieces of Turkey in this Less So it’s all about stimulating their Taste buds not about getting them full So use a high quality reward whether

That’s really good dog treats or even Something like actual meats you can see He’s a little distracted there there’s a Young child riding his bike I’m gonna See if I can get him up here come on Yeah good job nice work All right so everything’s going Wonderfully so far now just to see what We’re working with I’m going to go Pretty far away from him and see whether Or not he generalizes the behaviors we Just saw most sobs will get confused When you start asking them to do things When you’re in a different position than Usual by the way you might notice I’ve Got a really long lead on Satchmo just To make sure that I can control the Environment really well sit okay right There I’m doing everything as I did Before sit and he’s not sitting so Normal for dogs to sit or lie down when They’re very close to you so if your dog Tries to close the distance between you That’s just simply because that’s how They’ve learned to do the task let me See if I go up a little bit closer how He does hey Satchmo sit right there see That isn’t that interesting stay Why down now I’m doing everything the Same as I was doing before lie down but You can see if I’m really close up here And I say Satchmo lie down He’s going to go right into the down so How do we bridge that gap and get our

Dogs to listen to us when we’re farther Away let’s see if we can find that exact Point from where Satchmo goes from Listening to not listening ok and how About lie down almost go on yeah good I Mean you could read him so well there He’s thinking hey is this what you want Is this correct and we want to let him Know and very certain terms that’s Exactly what we want Good job Satchmo so I’m going to take a Few steps back you’ll see to lie down From here lie down Oh perfect hey that’s better than most Dogs right off the bat I mean this is Several feet I’m going to get up here And reward for that now let me see if I Can go even farther away Satchmo look at Me Hey look at me looks good I’m actually Get a reward for look at me he glanced Up at me while I was far away I always Love it when a dog gives me their Attention especially with distance and Distractions would give me good job sir Get up oh wow we got birds talk about Being distractible distracted me when You’re teaching your dog to listen to You from a distance you essentially need To take a step back and reteach things That they seemingly already know but This is a completely normal and Necessary part of teaching any dog we Have to patiently teach him that it

Doesn’t matter where I’m standing when I Ask him to sit sit means the same thing Whether I’m here way over there up on a Ladder or sitting in my car or just Anywhere that’s Moe’s energy is a little Low right now so I’d like to see if I Can kind of get them a little bit more Energetic a little bit more focused on Me in this environment and we’re going To try to use a different currency here Which is play fixing up currencies can Be a really valuable way to keep your Dog engaged with training let’s make Sure he’ll work for it fit yeah he sat Right there to get some playtime with a Squeaky snake – I love it get it buddy Has let go is kind of intermittent stay Lie down I think if I get closer Lie down nice working it right into it Just that little bit of distance can Make a huge difference for me Look at me lie down pretty impressive Distance yeah skin it stay now let me See if I can do it even farther away Here lie down Wow look at that nice job that was Really good Lie down okay not not quite that much so We get a little bit closer Lie down yes with distance training you Got to work on this in lots of different Environments and as many different Circumstances as you possibly can as Often as you can in order to teach your

Dog to truly generalize these concepts You’re an amazing dog you know that You’re incredible make sure you Subscribe to my channel click thumbs up For Satchmo he did an incredible job Today pick up a copy of my book and Don’t forget to set up automatic pet Food delivery at pet flow we’ll see you Guys in the next video Good job oh we did so good you did such A wonderful job

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