How to Teach your Dog to STAY- NO MATTER WHAT!

How to Teach your Dog to STAY- NO MATTER WHAT!

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This is a LIFE SAVING skill that all dogs must know. Does yours yet? Tell me below! You guys have been insisting on more distraction training videos, so I am prioritizing bringing you the most practical ways to teach your dog the important skills they need to know.

Watch these other videos!
How to teach your dog teach your dog to listen around anything (even vacuum cleaners!):

How to teach your dog to roll over and play dead:

Where to start if your dog doesn’t listen around guests:

[Music] [Applause] [Music] Today’s episode of the dog training Revolution is sponsored by pepero calm Slash zack george today you’re gonna Meet miss May the German Shorthaired Pointer and she is a bundle of energy I’m going to show you the beauty of the Surprise state training exercise so that Your dog will listen to you no matter What Click thumbs up for another episode of The dog training revolution also make Sure you’re subscribed like me on Facebook i’ll have a link in the Description think about the process you Currently go through to get dog food Right you’re running low so you add to Your to-do list get dog food then you Have this lingering chore for the next Two or three days but that kind of gets In the way of life doesn’t it with pet Flow calm / – Zack George you can Finally seamlessly eliminate this chore From your life all you have to do is Select the food that you want and how Often you want to deliver to edit or Cancel this at any time for any reason Plus you’ll have the peace of mind Knowing that you’re supporting the dog Training revolution and positive Training enter codes act 20 when you Check out you’ll receive 20% off of your

First order now recently I had a chance To meet with Allison and her dog Miss May along with her two lovely daughters Alex and Mallory Allisyn tell me a little bit about Miss May’s personality what is she like she’s Very energetic she’s very affectionate She likes to be around us all the time What kind of issues are you having with Her that you would like to improve when Guests come over and she’s jumping Uncontrollably you know I’d like to tame That down a little she’s pretty young Only six months old she was five months Old five months old okay let’s meet her She’s a pretty dog This may definitely has a lot of energy She’s not gonna be settling down anytime Soon yeah so she’s got a solid sit I Love how she’s looking at you by the way She’s just really focused on you you Could do this and what else have you Taught her hey great you’re gonna walk Away hey hey he’s thinking about Breaking thinking that’s the third time She’s flinched what did you call her to You Least you’re honest ideally we don’t Want to set him up to fail that much you Can see here I’ve got a toy already she I mean I haven’t even done anything with This she’s instantly identified it as Something she’s interested in so why Don’t you go ahead and have her sit and

Stay again as predicted yesterday I Squeak the toy of course she’s gonna be Distracted by that before we can have Our dogs behave around guests we have to Teach them how to stay when they’re Minorly distracted I’ll tell you what Here’s what I’m gonna do you hold this Sit and squeak only when I tell you to Okay stay go ahead look at me Yes good you see what we did there we Had a stay with a minor distraction for Less than a second that’s where we start Stay go ahead look at me Yes In order for you to go to the next level On teaching her to stay when guests come Over she has to stay in the presence of A squeaky toy like this do you think you Can get her to do well with that Training drill over the next couple of Days or so yeah so our goal is clear Here Allyson Watson is made to stay when Family and friends come over and when She’s heavily distracted and just in General but Allyson has some work to do In order to solidify her mutual Communication with Miss May once she Tightens up stay a little bit I’ll be Able to show her and you a very Effective training exercise that will Teach your dog how to stay under a huge Variety of different training scenarios I’m back to check in with Miss May and Her family to see how they’re doing tell

Me how training is going it’s going well It seems like she’s responding so when You squeak the toy she’s pretty good About staying and listening to you yes That’s good so now she’s primed Perfectly to go to the next level with This and learn how to stay when more Distracted and when she’s not expecting It at least that’s my goal today so I’m Hoping we can do that The girls are next door playing with the Neighbors so that we can focus on Training miss a that might make things Easier today because whenever you’re Doing like serious distraction training You want to have as many variables Unchanged as possible as you phase in This concept of staying when you want to Go if you’re miss man I’d like to call The training exercise that we’re gonna Cover today a surprise stay it’s natural To make the assumption that when we tell Our dogs to stay while doing a training Exercise for example that they should Then channel that discipline when we’re Out and about and ask them to stay but It doesn’t quite work that way so what We need to do is merge these two types Of training sessions together that is a Setup stay and a more spontaneous stay We’re gonna create a hybrid training Session last time I was here we were Starting to get some traction with Miss May on staying when I sweep the toy I’m

Curious to see how she does with that Right now You have been doing a very good job Alison that that’s impressive that’s way Better than last time how much time did You put him teaching her that probably 250 minutes that’s all it takes when you Just commit to it so I’m satisfied that She’s good about staying when she hears An auditory distraction like a squeaky Toy now I want to make a little bit Tougher and bring Movement to it and see how she does with That stay this is like algebra for dogs Telling them to stay when there’s a fun Exciting squeaky toy that’s gonna take a Second for them to register rather than Just throwing it this time I’m gonna try And make it a little bit easier for miss Made this is key stay ah yes good did You see that bit of restraint that she Used that time that was really good I’m Gonna try and up the level of Distraction now sit stay up here I’m Trying to get her eyes on me voluntarily If I have to cheat a little bit news Chicken I’m fine with that because it Gets her eyes often up off the Distraction and on to me you don’t have Your dog’s eyes you don’t have your dog Today up here look at me miss me no Ma’am Up here yes good that was such a good Moment right there ultimately our goal

Is when our dog is faced with a major Distraction to look at us as their Default that way they can check in with Us and say hey mom is it okay if I go And chase that distraction or do you Want me to stay and you can teach them To generate this concept of listening to You from within much more powerful much More potent way to teach our next step Is to start mixing up the types of Distractions so the more unfamiliar a Distraction is generally speaking the More likely our dog is to be thrown off By it now how many of your dogs at home Like water bottles I’m gonna make some Noise with a water bottle let’s see what She does her interest in that was Intense thank you stay yes What did I do I just let her look at the Distraction this time stay yes remember When things are moving and making sounds They’re more distracting to her dog Yes good job and that’s what I was Waiting for I was kind of waiting for Her to glance up at me I encouraged her Slightly to do so now we’re gonna build On top of this stay remember we’re gonna Start easy look at me Very good getting our attention back on Me with an easy distraction now we’re Gonna make it more distracting look at Me by dropping it things with motion Tend to make our dogs more distracted Now I’m gonna add even more motion sit

Stay good that’s so great Stay oh that was a tough one I Understand toilet papers rolling you Want to chase it I get it stay uh uh Look at me that’s very good up here stay Look at me up here I still don’t have Her yes now I’ve got her see that when You have your dog’s eyes you have your Dog you might notice so far that we’re Asking this May to stay and then being Very purposeful when we deliver another Distraction our goal is to have her stay When a distraction catches her off guard So she’s more likely in a real life Instance with enough practice to Generalize the concept of staying when Something unexpected happens so now here I’m just trying to communicate to miss Mae that we’re kind of done training That’s kind of what I want her to think And then I’m gonna throw a surprise that Stay at her hey miss may stay didn’t go Very well in the last attempt I said Stay I threw the toys she’s like no way I can’t stay that wasn’t enough notice I Didn’t have enough time to process what You were asking me to do stay good and Do you see the difference rather than Just saying stay and throwing it we’re Saying stay giving her a brief moment Then throwing it and ultimately what We’re trying to accomplish is stay throw It immediately this thing stay stick you Can see if she’s glancing up at me I

Don’t want those moments to go unnoticed By me there are a number ways you can Practice and surprise At home maybe you’ll throw a sock or a Throw pillow or remote control look at Me very good while I expect miss Mei to Really start to get this concept over The next week or two of working on this Do this as often as you possibly can for The next year of her life they’re gonna Be so many things that come up over the Next 10 to 15 years that she’s gonna be Tempted to investigate these videos are Possible in part because of our patrons On patreon comm / Zack George if you’re Interested in supporting the revolution In dog training consider making a small Monthly contribution of two five or ten Dollars a month like me on Facebook and Make sure you’re subscribed I’ve got Lots of awesome videos in the works Right now give miss Mae a big thumbs up She did really awesome today So to view Allison thank you and take a Look at these other videos too Allison And miss Mae were a great team if your Dog tends to be set off by loud sounds Like vacuum cleaners see my video on That of course teaching your dog tricks Is a great way to improve your Communication together so start with Teaching your dog to roll over and play That if you haven’t already if your dog Doesn’t listen well and the presence of

Company then see my lesson with Rou the Border collie for some useful tips Thanks for subscribing and thanks again To all of our supporters on patreon com See you guys in the next video [Music]

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