How to Teach Your Puppy or Dog to Stop Chewing!

How to Teach Your Puppy or Dog to Stop Chewing!

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How to teach your dog/puppy the basics:

Everything About Fetch Playlist:

Get your chew toys from

Today’s sponsor is a leading Provider of spoken audio information and Entertainment listen to audiobooks Whenever and wherever you want as you Might imagine I’m asked about Destructive and unwanted chewing all the Time especially from new puppy parents It can be one of those things that Really tries your patience if you Haven’t dealt with it before hey make Sure you’re subscribed to my channel Click thumbs up and like me on Facebook The link will be in the description Below and if you’re not aware I have a Playlist that will show you how to teach Your dog all of the basics in order that Link will also be in the description of This video I have examples with lots of Different dogs so you can get a very Thorough understanding as to how to Teach your dog there are two main Reasons that dogs chew up your furniture Or your shoes or anything else they can Get their teeth on that is because they Are young and they’re teething or They’re a little bit older and they’re Just bored if you have a dog who’s a Little bit older say over the age of 8 Months and you’re still dealing with Destructive chewing this almost Certainly means that they are not Getting a physical and mental outlet Fetch is one of the best ways to satisfy A dog and keep them from destroying all

Of your possessions if you haven’t Taught fetch yet see the description of This video I’ll have a whole playlist Dedicated to teaching all aspects of the Game of fetch now it’s also worth Mentioning that you should not be Relying on walks around the block to Tire out your dog if you have a very High energy dog now let’s talk about the Most common type of chewing that is Chewing that occurs out of teething this Is very common with young dogs it is not Reasonable to expect a puppy say under The age of six months even up to eight Months with some dogs to not chew they Need to chew on things the emphasis of Our training should be on what is Acceptable to chew on puppies in Particular need a variety of different Textures to chew on so make sure that You have a cloth item a hard bone a Medium texture item here’s a couple of Examples now you wouldn’t want to leave This something like this with your dog Unattended like a stuffed animal but if You’re supervising them and they’re Still pretty young and pretty small they May find a lot of satisfaction kind of Chewing on this I can noted that this Came from pet flow comm slash sac Jorge By the way if you’re interested in it I Also like a lot of things like this that Are from animals I don’t know what part Of an animal this is from but I do know

That a lot of dogs will love it I’m Afraid to ask let’s see I don’t know if This is the same thing this is another One here Pure Buffalo 100% natural dog treat so I Guess it’s from a buffalo I don’t know Look dogs don’t care they just want Something that tastes good and this one To chew on and you can’t go wrong with Stuff like this but do make sure it’s a Safe item and you should be supervising Your dog if there’s any question at all If your dog is chewing something and Going through it very quickly it’s Probably not the best you toy the best Shoe toys will last the most important Thing to remember and by far the biggest Mistake that new puppy parents make is Too much freedom too early on in life Just because you may have a good day or Two or even a week or two with your dog Doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods at No point during the first many months of Training no matter how good you are as a Trainer should you leave your dog to Their own devices trust me on this Lots of times the question is puts me You know Zack what do I do When I catch my dog chewing on the table Leg or furniture or shoes the thing is If it has gotten to that point to begin With you have not done a sufficient job Of controlling your dog’s surroundings We have to do that there is no getting

Around this if you want to teach your Dog and you want to teach them in the Fastest period of time possible you must Become a master at controlling your Dog’s environment now let’s talk about Some ways we can do this we can have Them in a crate for an appropriate Period of time you can see my crate Training video if you have questions on That we can put them in a puppy playpen If we’re going to be going a little bit Too long or an otherwise puppy-proof Room like a bathroom or something like That but we don’t want to go from room To room or get busy doing our office Work or whatever it is we do at home Without paying attention to our puppy When I have a puppy I literally tie a Six-foot leash to my belt loop to make Sure that I have access to them all the Time I want some Just get up and get a drink of water From the kitchen without bringing my Puppy with me but let’s talk about what You do should you encounter your dog Chewing on something ideally I like to Get their attention on me without having To touch them in order to bring about The behavior from the inside outwards For example if your dog is chewing on The table leg and you go up and you pull Them away they haven’t really learned to Leave the table leg alone so what I’ll Do is I’ll snap my fingers clap my hands

Or something like that get their Attention on me I’m assuming you would Have taught look at me that’s one of the First things you should teach your dog Again that will be on my puppy playlist Get their attention on you get them to Come to you that will also be on my Puppy playlist and reward them heavily When they do the right thing give them The right thing that you want and really Praise them for chewing on the right Thing you can do this Lots having a good Mindset is important for teaching our Dogs it’s also important in all aspects Of life as a matter of fact I’m Currently listening to an audiobook from Audible It’s a great book that offers some great Insight into the psychology of success The author Carol Dweck believes that Everyone is either of a fixed mindset Meaning that your abilities and talents Are a certain way and there’s no Evolving them or of a growth mindset Meaning that your challenge can be Developed and improved over time audible Has audio books on every topic you can Imagine is giving a free 30-day trial and a free audiobook to Zak George’s dog training revolution viewers Visit slash Zak Gorge today For your free audiobook and free 30-day Trial once again that’s Slash Zak George tell me in the comments

Below if you’re currently dealing with Destructive chewing or if you’ve ever Dealt with destructive chewing for those Of you who have grown up dogs who were Past this phase what are some things That you did tell me in the comments Below also click thumbs up like me on Facebook link in the description and of Course make sure you’re subscribed Thanks guys we’ll see you in the next Video

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