How to Teach your Puppy to Listen When they Won’t!

How to Teach your Puppy to Listen When they Won't!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

How to train your dog to ”Stay” in detail:

How to train your dog to ”let Go” or ”drop it”:

How to teach your dog the perfect fetch:

Everybody loves puppies but what do you Do when they get distracted and won’t Pay attention to you today I’ll show you How to get your dog focused on you and Ready for training in all types of Situations we have a lot of work to do Click thumbs up for storm the puppy and Grab a copy of my book it complements my Youtube channel perfectly you also Complement my youtube videos perfectly Our new bark boxes here’s a storm if you Like the box this much What do you see what’s inside that’s not How you open the box well maybe it’s the 90s box I love how they send the most Unique and innovative toys and treats to Me every single month I don’t need your Help opening this see that we’re really Good at this one you’re good at other Things I don’t know what yeah this has a couple Of sounds you have that standard squeak And then you’ve got this deeper here it That keeps a toy really engaging because There’s all these different dimensions And a dog that will play with you you Can teach them just about anything they Also have great options for dogs with Allergies and they have these super Adorable Toys for those heavy chewers which you Are I’ll just get these cool and hard to Find things from local and small Businesses all the bark boxes treats are

Made in North America too but if there Were anything in this box that storm Didn’t love bark box would replace it no Questions asked they have a number of Ways that you can send a gift and give You a favorite pup a new surprise every Month or there’s like three toys here we Can be playing tug with you’ll get a Free bark box when you get your favorite Pop a 6 or a 12-month subscription plus You’re gonna get free shipping in the Continental United States – I’ll have a Special link in the description bar slash dog training today we’re Gonna cover a few really common Scenarios where puppies can get totally Distracted and completely tune you out Don’t do that you seem completely Distracted I’m specifically asking for Your attention on me for example it’s Really common for dogs especially Puppies to get super excited when guests Come over and stop listening to you in Short teaching your dog to listen to you Around guests comes down to teaching Them a very reliable sit stay in the Presence of other people but of course You got to work up to that let’s see how Storm sits day is looking that’s not Stay stay yes ok come on good work nice Job so we got a 1 second stay there That’s looking good sit good Stay okay good come on nice work nice Job so that’s good that’s a longer stay

Sore it’s it stays looking good so far Let’s see how far we can get with this What do you say sit good stay fine I Don’t mind the lie down at all oh look At that okay good girl nice job that’s a Perfect stay I’m gonna have a video in The description that’ll help you get to This point with your dog on stage let’s See what happens when I asked her to sit And stay and throw this treatment front Of her I think you have a hunch as to What might happen Oh see she goes Immediately when I dropped that Treat in Front of her what dog wouldn’t that’s Understandable so let’s see what we can Do to get her to pay attention to me and Not break that stay even when there’s a Minor distraction like a treat so I’m Just putting that treat down yes good See by dropping it suddenly that’s more Exciting to a dog stay nope gonna set The tree down stay good picking it up Setting it down stay picking it up again To remove the temptation you can see I’m Just working up trying to get into a Groove good I like how she snapped her Head back and looked at me just then and Now let’s see if I can drop it stay up Here good work Stay yes good stay good Stay Stay Stay And so that motion is really really

Tricky for a lot of dogs there’s a Difference between setting it down and Saying stay and being able to just drop The treat like that stay okay good job You did great I’m gonna give her a giant Reward cuz that was amazing See if your dog isn’t going to be able To stay when you drop a treat in front Of them like that they’re certainly not Gonna be able to stay when they’re super Overstimulated by guests or other Exciting situations think about it You’re asking your dog to do something That goes against everything they want To do that is real food on the ground And storm wants it but she’s staying Instead it’s not good enough to just Teach your dog how to stay in one or two Limited instances you have to go out of Your way over the coming months to put Them in situations where they might be Tempted to break stay arguably for storm This toy is even more distracting than The food because she’s a dog that really Loves to play so let’s see what happens When I ask her to stay and I throw this Toy which she obviously likes a whole Bunch first I have to figure out how to Get her to let it go though I think I’ll Go watch my video on that good girl Stay stay I’m not dropping it making it Really exciting I’m going really slow See the slower something moves like this The less distracting it is so you want

To gradually make it more challenging For your dog stay stay fine I don’t mind The lie down at all stay good nice work Stay good I brought a little motion to It that time stay good now I’m gonna try And make it more exciting good yes Just that little wiggle there stay let’s See if I can throw it in the air Oh too Much stay good stay we’re in a groove Now yes good correction stay yes good I Mean think how hard this must be if You’re a four month old puppy yes right There did you see the light bulb go off I’ll go ahead and grow water with the Toy here since she did so well and if You During no it’s not confusing stay means Say when you say when you say it’s okay To play with the toy it’s okay don’t Complicate things too much now if you’re New to teaching dogs it’s easy to assume That just because your dog stays in this Extremely controlled circumstance that They should now stay whenever you ask Them to no matter how distracting the Situation that couldn’t be farther from Reality see we’re working on building up Storm self-control you can’t expect her To stay around a major distraction like A squirrel another dog or a fun new Guess until she’ll stay for lesser Temptations like treats and toys first Let’s say that you’re super pumped to Work on what I call a primary training

Session that’s where you’re completely Focused on your dog teaching them Something like sit or stay or rollover Or play dead But you know what just because you’re Ready to focus on training doesn’t mean That your dog is ready to focus on Training – first things first if you’re Having trouble keeping your dog’s Attention on you during a primary Training session make sure that you’re Using an amazing currency use real meat If you have to do something like boiled Chicken or something that’s really good To your dog because sometimes dog treats Just don’t cut it all so don’t expect a Brand new dog to just start listening to You when you haven’t yet built a Relationship with them be extra tolerant Of a lack of focus especially in the First couple of weeks if your dog is Extra energetic ouch you’ll have to get Some of that energy out before you can Expect them to learn and retain new Concepts and you know what fetches by Far the path of least resistance I’ll Have my video on how to teach a flawless Game of fetch in the description of this Video or you know you could just choose To abandon training altogether and just Play with your dog that’s my favorite Thing to do dogs are really curious and They don’t generalize their training Very well and new environments so

Everything that you teach inside you’re Gonna have to reteach outside and in Lots of different places for example Even though I told storm to stay while I Dropped a treat inside she’s not going To necessarily carry that over to the Outside even though the backyard is just A few feet away from inside the house This is a completely different Environment for storm because the Outdoors can be so stimulating the Sights the smells wind a bug flying Around can all distract your dog The newer your dog is to training the More time you should allow them to Adjust to new environments this Is critical if you want your dog to Listen to you no matter where you are You must take the time to get them used To as many different environments as Possible this means during that first Year of training you go out of your way To take your dog to a multitude of Different environments see you’ve simply Got to let them exist in those Environments without requiring them to Be hyper focused on you they have a lot To take in and it’s your job to Accommodate them and help them adjust to This new world over time and with lots Of experiences like this your dog will Get better at generalizing their Training and eventually they’ll be able To listen to you no matter where you are

Even in the most distracting of Circumstances click thumbs up for storm Because she’s awesome and get your dog Their very own bark box by going to bark Box comm slash dog training remember You’ll get a free bark box when you sign Up for a 6 or 12 month subscription Subscribe so you don’t miss any of my Videos and if you like this list and Join our crowdfunding community on Patreon to help keep these videos coming

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