How to Train 3 RIDICULOUS Dog Tricks FAST!

How to Train 3 RIDICULOUS Dog Tricks FAST!

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In today’s episode i’m going to attempt To teach inertia three Absolutely ridiculous things i’m zach George I train dogs this is my new dog and i’m Gonna show you how i train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly You can start from the beginning or you Can pick up anywhere subscribe and hit The bell notification so you never miss An episode When you put into motion an approach Based on love and respect your results Will forever Remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience We’re at the park today which should Make my training a little bit more Complicated so i’m hoping that opening These boxes which inertia loves will get Her in a really good mood Barkbox is a monthly subscription box Where they send you amazing toys And great treats frenchies in paris is Our theme this month so check this out It’s a baguette Oh it comes out look at that so crinkly Squeaky Okay you’re into the squeaky toy right Now that’s fine all of a sudden she’s Gotten way more Interested in me we’re off to a good Start oh i guess people eat frog legs in

Paris right i get it She’s obviously interested in frog legs The attention and detail in these toys Is just great We got some awesome treats here lamb Cuts and duck cuts Pretty so they work for training that’s Good this is a peanut butter chew I like to give these to inertia towards The end of the day or when she’s taking A break so i’ll save this for later I know some of you have dogs that are a Little bit tougher on toys and for you There’s the super chewer box the theme On this one is Backyard barbecue i mean right off the Bat corn on the cob This thing is heavy it’s like four Pounds and this is actually a really Interactive toy you can put peanut Butter in there maybe mix it with some Kibble so it keeps your dog extra Interested but this is Not possible to destroy i mean this just Isn’t it’s Wreck of ribs super heavy super durable Here i mean that smells like actual ribs For dogs that love to chew toys with Different textures like this Are the best in your super chewer box You’re always going to get two top-notch Chews that your dog is going to love These are completely vegan treats right Here

Those are good inertia agrees is your Dog a bark box dog or a super chewer dog I think inertia is both you can get a Free super chewer box or a free bark box When you sign up for a 6 or 12 month Subscription by going to Dog training or dog Training i’ll have both of those links In the description below Today i’m hoping to work on three brand New different things with inertia with The ultimate goal of increasing her Focus Clearly here at piedmont park there are Plenty of distractions All around all the time and our training Doesn’t really mean much unless our dogs Will pay attention to us in distracting Environments i mean Even as i speak you can see she’s very Focused on these dogs over here I don’t mind that she’s looking at dogs And things like that but there are times When i need her Focus on me and that’s something that i Hope we can Improve on today now you might find some Of the things we’re gonna cover today to Be A little weird but that’s okay stick With me so you might notice i have Inertia right here between my legs and She’s staying and this is good So ultimately my goal here is going to

Be to teach her how to stay In this position as i walk whatever Direction i move in So let me get her attention on me look At me Excellent yes she’s doing great Look at me yes Good girl so now the moment of truth Here will she actually stay in this Position as i move forward I’m going to try to set her up for Success here so look at me Let’s go you might notice yes Good one step there you might notice i’m Real hunched over as well In order to have a small training bubble To make it easy Here come on Yes she got a little distracted by this Bite going by over here But i was able to get her attention on Me and maintain position That’s a winner that’s good i’m gonna Try to get her to pay attention to me Without having a treat in my hand this Time Look at me let’s go this way so just Every couple of steps there i’m gonna Give her a treat yes Good girl the treat will come from over Here this time You know if your dog can do a basic heal They can probably do this i mean it’s Basically the same exercise

But instead of having them off to one Side you know they’re staying right here In this position let’s practice this a Little bit and see what we get here Good look at me come here this way So you can see there she’s really i’m Going real slow Yes and she’s holding her position i Like that let me see if we can do a Right turn look at me Oh that was good i’m going to come back To the left You can see there she’s really adjusting Well look at that And nurses kind of long like a school Bus so you know it can be a little Awkward But you’re looking very graceful and She’s doing that around distracting Scooters something she finds very Enticing This way good girl yes you’re doing so Well with this So we’re able to take a step forward Look at me here Good we can go to the right Good to the left and notice i’m not Really trying to Go long distances or do a complete Circle here i’m just really focused On getting a step in the right direction To keep her optimistic Yes come on there’s a complete circle Though

I think i look ridiculous but that’s Okay as long as she looks cute that’s The only thing that matters Inertia let’s go straight Good we’re going to turn around look at This Come on let’s go come on I have to walk a little funny because She’s so tall now this can be good to Get your dog under control It’s also a flashy trick and like any Training it’s just a great way to build Communication with your dog so as i Encourage inertia to walk in this Specific position I’m encouraging her to stay focused on Me more visually so i’m not Using words she doesn’t understand yet I’ll wait to teach her the word for this Until she really understands the concept You can see i mean i’m not even having To actually tell her to turn She’s just watching me and seeing where We’re going and look at that Lovely rear end awareness so right now i Gotta go Very slow to get her to stay with me See if i go too fast She gets she gets lost and gets confused There so I mean ideally i’d like to be able to Walk like this all day long and have her Stay in position So let’s work on that let’s go come on

Let’s go Let’s go come on let’s go Here this way yes You’re doing so well you are so smart Yes since she’s lagging behind i’m Encouraging her to kind of stay in front Of me a little bit here by holding the Tree way out here come on let’s go Yes good come on Good so obviously i don’t want to have To have the hand Out here all the time but we’ll work on That for now to make it easier for come On let’s go Yeah good this way come on let’s go Good that was better yes Okay so that’s interesting isn’t it i’m Gonna try and pull her out off to my Side now There we go that was a nice little move Switch Good stay through look at me Turn turn oh i wonder if she can go Backwards Back up stay oh That was pretty awesome so this is Obviously a skill that’s going to take Some practice but you know this is the Beginning Version of that and we’ll see if she Improves over time on it another minor Skill that i’ve been wanting to teach Inertia is how to rest her head down This is

Totally adorable it’s kind of like a Movie trick you know it’s one of those Things that you can add to a lot of Existing tricks That make it extra cute for example Let’s see lie down Good job so lie down nice normal trick But let’s see if i can lure her right Here Stay yes she’s getting really good With that stay that freeze if you will Okay stay Yes wait Okay yes good work so as before i’m not Really focused On getting her to understand the term Put your head down i’m more focused on Just getting her to voluntarily go into The position that i’m asking for So you can see she’s really really Taking to this super quick this is Wonderful I pushed her too far that time i haven’t Worked on this before but this is an Example of when your communication Starts to become more fluent with one Another you can Really breeze through new skills like This stay Okay saying okay to let her know that It’s over Yes so she’s getting the point here but I’m still having to lure her so my next Step really is to see if i can encourage

Her To keep her head down without the lure So let’s see what we can do here Stay okay Yes and i’ll give her the treat from Over here this time see that No treat that time see that okay Yes that’s what the first version of This trick is looking like and we’ll try And refine that and make it look better Over time but pretty good i think she’s Doing an all right job so let’s see if We can teach her A third trick today peanut butter cookie Treats should work fine I’m going to attempt to teach inertia How to balance this treat On her snout on her nose and see how she Does this is one of those that can take Time and discipline and restraint from Your dog but once you get there it can Be pretty awesome so i first want to Start Yes by touching her nose with it like i Want to get her comfortable With the fact that there’s going to be a Treat over here touching her yes Good girl if you like hold your dog’s Face and you put the treat on their nose They’re like they’re more likely to Resist and be like what are you doing So i really want her voluntarily doing This Yes so far she’s like okay yes

Very good let me see if i can encourage Her to hold an extra strong stay here Stay well she looked away there Stay yes it was the most subtle hole Away and i really want to avoid that i Want her enthusiastically Accepting the treat being placed on her Nose See that see how she pulled away stay Yes that was really good notice how i’m Not Pushing her and pushing her there i got A half a second Of her letting the treats stay on her Nose stay Yes that was great and so i’m taking the Treat off her nose Stay with a lot of dogs they’ll tend to Drop their nose down and the treat will Fall off that’s why we really want to Prioritize Short duration yes good wow That was that was really awesome right There Stay Okay good i think at some point i can Probably trick her into Flipping the treat off a person out There and catching it in the air That would be awesome it’s still new to Her so Stay Okay good but she’s really getting this Concept of holding still and keeping her

Nose up stay Oh she did it that was what i want yes Good i mean it was a complete accident She got distracted over here By the commotion going on when you’re Training a dog accidents like that Happen All of the time because i had no idea How i was going to get her to snatch the Tree a trick like this Is just brilliant for teaching your dog That extra discipline It actually increases their focus if you Do this you’re going to find that their Obedience Training goes so much easier or if you Ever wanted to make your sponsor extra Happy You could do this yes Good job get your free super chewer box Spark box or both when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month plan at my special links In the description Subscribe to my channel and follow us on Instagram and tick tock to see me and Inertia do some more Ridiculous things every day if you’re Working on training your dog check out Both of my books for all of my most In-depth training advice in one place in The next episode i’m going to continue Working on teaching inertia how to Not bark at everything that moves part Two it’s going to be a good one


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