How to Train 3 Tricks I’ve NEVER Taught to a Dog Before!

How to Train 3 Tricks I’ve NEVER Taught to a Dog Before!

How to train dog tricks! Seriously, I’ve never trained these before! Thanks for sponsoring this video Solid Gold Pet! We LOVE your products! Go here to see Solid Gold Pet’s deal of the week just for our viewers:

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Today i’m going to try to teach inertia Three more things that i’ve never taught Any dog before i’m zach george i train Dogs this is my new dog and i’m gonna Show you how i train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly You can start from the beginning or you Can pick up anywhere subscribe and hit The bell notification so you never miss An episode When you put into motion an approach Based on love and respect your results Will forever Remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience I love teaching inertia a lot of Different tricks setting a dog up for Success with their training requires Preparing them mentally and physically You’re asking your dog to have sustained Focus on sometimes challenging or Difficult concepts not to mention some Tricks and stunts are physically Demanding for your dog So be sure you’re using a top-notch dog Food for your dog Solid gold is one of the most premium Foods you can get they use whole Superfood ingredients and their recipes Have been carefully created to be super Beneficial to dogs They specialize in high-end products for Your dog for example this bone broth

Is actually human grade it’s not only Healthy for your dog but it’s great for Picky eaters as well This meal is made with actual seaweed i Mean you can totally see it So if you want to get the best Performance from your dog give them Great food and great supplements Check out solid gold’s deal of the week Just for you guys at Zack i’ll have a link below so i’ve got Three tricks on tap today and My hope is to have some rough draft Version by the end of this video It looks like a nurse is ready so let’s Get started with trick number one As i go down this checklist of things That i want to train Inertia i think it would be so awesome If i could put This cup of water on inertia’s head the Version of the trick that i Really like that i’m hoping we can get Close to today is where i Put it on her head and i’m able to Actually pour Water in it while it balances on her Head she’s already looking skeptical Why do i want to train this i don’t know Now i have worked on certain elements of This trick here and there but this is Actually going to be Her first legit serious focused training Session on this task

There’s a new object here i just want to Let her know that’s here let her smell It and check it out Yes and we have had like a similar Version of this trick you might remember When we taught inertia how to balance A treat on her nose but this is a little Different what’s this Stay she’s really good at holding that Freeze position that’s something we’ve Been working on For many months now just in various Situations where i just want her to like Pause so that’s really good Stay Yes good girl so she’s pretty good with That Now i want to get her comfortable Balancing this cup on her head with Water in it Here ready stay A little heavier stay Okay yes good girl i’m Super impressed with that her practice With balancing toys and treats and all Of that is really coming in handy here She’s really Understanding this and she’s really Starting to generalize it let’s see if We can add some flash to this trick now Stay Stay Oh gosh Sorry girl that’s why you want to use

Water Stay stay Stay Okay yes did you see that i really Pushed it there like she was thinking About oh Oh my gosh that’s kind of weird there’s Water coming on my head But i don’t feel it it’s got to be an Interesting sensation for her Stay stay almost done Stay okay Yes good okay good girl nice Job so i think we’ll quit right there That was A lot of success for one training Session there is one Lifelong goal that i have and that is to Teach This next trick i’ve never taught this Before it may prove too difficult But we’re gonna give it a shot anyway And the trick is The conga line okay so the conga line Is where your dog gets behind you grabs You And you know does this walking dance With you of course you know inertia Knows paws Up she’s really good at that so let me See if i can get her to put her paws up On my back here Pause up stay and so that’s pretty good I can get her to do it without facing

Her and she’s holding it Okay yes there we go good job Pause up stay now the tendency here Would probably be To start walking because you know maybe Your dog will walk with you but watch What Might happen with your dog here let’s See See yes oh that was it was actually Amazing Once i actually was able to get some Success doing that but i could kind of Feel her pause slipping I think that moving forward that might Be a little less ideal she can take a Few steps like that But then she inevitably is going to slip Off so i really want her to learn how to Grab onto me while we walk so it’s more Stable for her Paws up good okay so we’re gonna lure Her right here look at that that’s good Yes Let me see here if i lure her with the Treat over to the other side i wonder See that paw is perfect and Yes oh good Here yes stay Right now she’s just totally grabbing on To my hips this is so cool I feel like if i walk right now she Would totally stay there stay Yes good oh that was excellent that was

Our first Really big breakthrough good job girl She was off to the side but you can see She was holding on and we were walking Together and that was some Proper conga lining well almost anyway What’s proving to be more natural for Her is to really try to grip One side of me and that might be enough I don’t know Good girl very good come on Kick is that right kick good Okay i’m gonna release her there so i Want her to know to only get down when i Release her Paws up yes all right come on let’s go I’m going to see if she just naturally Grips she is kind of Yes so i’m just going to take a few Steps Yes I want her up here a little bit more Stay and Kick okay Yes Here over here there we go Super roughed draft version accomplished Okay Good i wonder if we can like take that To the next level now and see if she can Do it a little bit better You’re doing great by the way pause up Even though this trick is Obviously ridiculous the great thing

About it is that she’s getting mentally Stimulated And she’s learning to use her body in New ways and so am i I have no idea how we’re gonna teach her The kick but we’ll work On that later that was fun Over time we’re going to continue to Practice this trick and see if it’s Something we enjoy Doing we’ll keep you posted for this Next trick we are going to attempt to go Against the laws of nature Once they said mankind would never be Able to fly or Cars would never drive themselves or That dogs Wouldn’t be able to hold a chicken leg Or a hot dog in their mouth Without eating it now i’ve seen versions Of this trick on the internet here and There over the years And it’s pretty hilarious actually and I’m willing to bet Even though i’ve never taught this Before that it’s a pretty easy trick to Teach I mean really it’s just kind of an Advanced leave it now when i brush Inertia’s teeth she’s used to me kind Of holding her mouth here and she’s also Really good at freezing in position Stay let go Yes good job very good so i’m guessing

If i just position this food in her Mouth just like i would a toy or Something else that i might have worked On in the past that she ought to be able To simply hold it if i ask her to Stay yes here good girl Stick let go Yeah good girl because i’ve really Prioritized my communication with her in Other words telling her to stay in a Variety of situations how to leave Things alone It seems as though she’s really putting The pieces of the puzzle together now Okay good this is also a really valuable Thing to practice With your dog because it gives your dog Practice spitting out things that taste Good And that could save their life if you Ever catch them picking up something That’s tasty But potentially dangerous okay good girl So this is a fun little trick that we Might continue to work on the more Skills you teach your dog the better They’ll listen to you over time so Enjoy and get to work check out solid Gold steal of the week at Zach i’ll have a link in the description Of this video subscribe to my channel Too and if you’ve got a new dog be sure To definitely check out both of my books

Follow us on instagram and tick tock to Keep up with inertia And we’ll see you in the next episode You

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