How To Train 5 Tricks in 5 Minutes!

How To Train 5 Tricks in 5 Minutes!

How to train your dog cool tricks like weaving through your legs, walking on their hind legs, rollover, shake/high 5 and more! This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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Today’s episode is sponsored by barkbox You are so excited today aren’t you Click thumbs up for rude make sure You’re subscribed to my channel pick up A copy of my book also available in Audio form and make sure you’re Following us on Instagram and Facebook Too where we post lots of extra video Content a few weeks ago I met Rue and I Discovered she knows so many different Things Her trainer has done a great job with Her Roux I’d like to thank you for being The star of this video by giving you Your own barkbox let’s see what’s in Here each month with mark box has a Different theme this month’s theme is Age of the furrow cuz you’re furry Do you get it you just get the most Original toys from barkbox look at these Little beetle legs they go all the way Through so you can actually play tug With them it’s so nice well see you have A squeaky toy a tug toy and a plush toy All in one gear Rou meet King nut – Squirrel bark Fox uses the best Ingredients for their treats literally The only ingredient in these streets is Chicken liver they automatically send You new treats and toys every single Month you can also customize your bark Box which is really neat for example if Your dog had any food allergies or maybe They like really soft or very durable

Toys I suspect Roo likes both you can Get a box that’s perfect for your dog Each month if you live in the Continental United States shipping is Free and every single one of you can get A free bark box when you sign up for a 6 Or 12 month subscription just go to bark Box comm slash dog training I’m gonna Have that link below let’s see how your Rollover is looking I mean rollover is One of those basic tricks that almost Every dog should know when you’re Teaching rollover you really want to Make sure that their hips are shifted in One direction and then favor that Direction you can see how Roos hips are Shifted right there so if your dog’s Hips are shifted in that direction you Would want to lower them that way she Shifted him the other way so now I’m Gonna lure her this way and look at her Look at her go her hips shifted this way So we’re gonna go ahead and do roll over That way nice job and the trickiest Thing about working with a high-energy Dog like Roo is that she is so Fast-paced that keeping up with a dog Like this can be really challenging so You want to be able to offer that Feedback quickly and it can be really Unnatural yes in the beginning yes good Girl they’ll get really bored with you If you’re uninteresting or you start Talking to a camera roll overs looking

Fantastic roof I’m told that Roo doesn’t Even know how to crawl yet but Looks like she’s well on her way why Don’t we try something a little more Outside the box One flashy trick that’s pretty easy to Teach most dogs is teaching them how to Go through your legs and either we or Walk let’s see if we can do a couple of Tricks we’re waiting to that rube Already knows how to follow a Lord you Might notice I’m using the toy to lure Her this time that’s a little Unconventional most of the time when We’re using lures we tend to use food Treats but if your dog is this motivated By a toy use it look how she is just on This toy doing figure eights I love it I’m gonna go ahead and give her a reward Right there for following that lure and Her reward here for that is just a few Seconds of tug did it yes go ahead Through yes one more good girl oh that Was good experiment with different Currencies with your dog – I’m gonna go Ahead and lure her with the ball this Time good this way yes Get it in this case she was willing to Work for the ball let’s see how she does On supreme another cool trick you can Teach your dog is how to walk while in Between your legs I’m just gonna lure Her right now she’s at the beginning Stages of learning this oh that was

Great come on yes here you go good work If you walk down the street doing this You’d be the coolest guy in town or gal You might notice that I’m really Lowering Roo and I’m keeping that treat Pressed up against her nose but I think She’s at the point now where we can Start to fade out the lure a little bit So here I’m gonna hold it out a bit Farther yes let’s try it again but again I’m trying not to have the tree press Against her nose here and maybe have it An inch or two out come on yes good oh I Love that do you see how she really Regulated and controlled her speed but Remember this is a gradual process you Don’t just go from lure in your dog to Not luring them she would be a great Dancing dog she’s got so many moves Already let’s see if we can get her to Walk on her hind legs this is something I believe she’s got potential for I mean She you saw her she went up into her sit Pretty up here yes good yes right there She’s kind of using my arm for balance That’s okay in the beginning she’s Trying we want to acknowledge that I’m Gonna try and encourage her to stay on That stand for just a moment without Holding on yes good so that was Excellent right there she stood up for Like a second and a half good job now I’m watching those legs did you happen To see that how they went back that’s

The Beginning of teaching her how to walk on Her hind legs which is a neat trick and Yes look at that oh that’s amazing I’m Gonna let her hold on there cuz she’s Doing so well yes and there’s forward so She took a step forward there that is Great so she’s well on her way to doing This but you don’t want to do too much Of this in one training session with Your dog be very conservative in the Beginning when teaching these types of Tricks because they really have to get Their muscle memory going and really Kind of ease into doing these tricks so It looks like she can shake really well If your dog can shake it’s usually Pretty easy to modify their shake into a High-five so rather than doing this Shake like that you might hold it up Here and if she see how she went higher That time good job High-five good how about high ten okay Pushing it I guess yes okay she knows How to give a kiss I guess click thumbs Up for Roo the rescue dog she is so Talented make sure you get your free Bark box by signing up for a 6 or 12 Month subscription and if you’re not Following us on Instagram and Facebook What are you waiting for we put so much Extra bonus content over there see you Guys in the next video [Music]

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