How To Train a Dog Going Through the “Teenage” Phase

How To Train a Dog Going Through the "Teenage" Phase

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Oh yeah that birds this episode is Sponsored by barkbox click thumbs up for Bourbon bourbon is a four month old Australian Cattle Dog make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and hey pick up A copy of my best-selling book to help You train your dog and while you’re at It follow us on Instagram and Facebook Too I’ll have links below now if you’ve Ever gotten a puppy and things started Off well and then you notice that your Puppy began to rebel well today we’re Gonna talk about why this is and what to Do about it one of the easiest ways to Make sure that you’ll have stuff that Your dog loves is by having exciting Toys and treats delivered to you each Month barkbox is a monthly box with cool Stuff for your dog There’s always something fun and Surprising in here let’s see what Bourbon likes in this month’s box It’s bark beards treasure this isn’t a Toy this is clothing it’s a mer man toy Mermaids can be men – is this a clam With pearls I am a clam and I produce Pearls being a puppeteer is probably not My line of work get that clam get that Pearl she literally did what I said gold Nuggets all the treats bark box ends are Really top notch in quality made in the US and Canada – I mean they always smell Edible corn wheat and soy free these are Soft and chewy so these are excellent

For training bourbon oh and all of you Were gonna get a free bark box when you Sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription Just go to bark box comm slash dog Training I’ll have a link below and Shipping is free in the continental United States usually what we mean by Teenage puppies or dogs that are close To 5 months to 1 year old somewhere Bourbons 4 months old so she’s not the Very beginning of this teenage phase as Your dog’s teacher one of the best Things you can do is to resist the urge To become overconfident this is really Common with first-time puppy parents That’s because maybe you’ve taught your Dog a few things and they’re doing Really well so you might think that your Job is nearing completion when raising Puppies we tend to really get fixated on Real basic training and resolving puppy Specific issues like biting chewing and Crying as those issues get worked out Though you might find yourself tempted To let your guard down however this is Really just the calm before the storm With most puppies when puppies are young They tend to be really attached to their People and even stay very close to them Even when off leash without really Significant training that compliance is Sure to slowly start going away until Bad habits Out of control just because your puppy

Is doing well on things like sit stay Leave it doesn’t mean you’ve got a Trained dog and it’s not the time to let Your guard down now more than ever You’ve got to be prepared for the next Several months of training they’re on The cusp of becoming far more physically Capable athletic vast and independent And if you’ve got a larger breed dog I Means they’re gonna grow like a weed you Know that that expression should Actually be grow like a puppy I mean puppies grow way faster than Weeds anyway they’re about to get a lot Stronger so take advantage of this Narrow slice of time to really focus on Training since your puppies only been Around a few months they’ve barely seen The world no matter how proactive you Are so you’re virtually guaranteed to be Caught off guard just about every time They see something new if you’re not on Top of things the more dogs age the more Curious they become so if you’re not Really proactive it can feel like your Training is falling apart since your dog Has achieved a new level of intelligence Curiosity and life experience dogs Become really savvy and they discover These loopholes as they gain that life Experience you’ve discovered the Loophole that if you kiss me and love me I’ll let you do anything huh it takes a Year to have a well-trained dog so

You’re really only about halfway there Now is crunch time these next few months Are critical if you want to set your dog Up for success and teach them as quickly As possible so far we talked about why Puppies tend to hit this new gear during This period of adolescence well what can We do about it that is the real question Tweeting dogs is about following through And giving your dog ample experience Practicing their training when you’re Fully focused on them for sustained Stretches of time a key measure in Having a dog that listens to you is how Well they listen to you in new places Not familiar places the way to teach Dogs to listen to you in unfamiliar Places is to teach them in unfamiliar Places very often the more one-on-one Focused time that you give your dog the More likely it is that they’ll listen to You when it matters the most Prioritize teaching come and stay all The time because it’s very normal for Those skills to be less reliable as your Dog gets older that’s because they Become more curious and it’s really Important that come and stay are Reliable in order to get your dog under Control when they’re distracted to get Your dog to listen to you around the Wheel to Traction you first have to practice Teaching them while they are genuinely

In a surprise state of mind during Training sessions that you initiate stay Okay she didn’t stay when I threw the Toy there that’s because she’s genuinely Excited and she’s probably not used to Listening to stay while in that surprise State of mind yes right there got her Eyes on me with a toy in motion that she Loves stay up here Yes teaching your dog to resist those Impulses to go after things is so Important and you can’t expect them to Do it without lots of practice get as Creative as you can with getting your Dog to listen to you with setup Distractions we know bourbon likes this Toy let me see if I can get her to come To me when she’s genuinely interested in That toy bourbon come here yes so right There I threw the toy and decided to Call her off the toy and she listened to Me those are the types of things you Have to do with your dog not only here In the living room but outside as they Progress and get better and better at The park around greater and greater Distractions as their progress dictates Do you see that she was going towards The toy which could have been a kid or a Squirrel or anything else out there so That’s why you’ve got to practice Getting them to listen to you when their Mind isn’t really focused on what it is You want them to do at that particular

Moment your persistence patience and Understanding Is what will make all the difference get Your free bark box when you sign up for A 6 or 12 month subscription at barkbox Comm slash dog training I’ll have a link Below follow us on Instagram and Facebook too and that way you can see All the behind the scenes stuff that we Do click thumbs up for bourbon she did Awesome today make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and pick up a Copy of my book to help you train your Dog anything you want to see you guys in The next video [Music]

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