How to Train a Puppy NOT to BITE

How to Train a Puppy NOT to BITE

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Video: How to teach your dog to leave something alone

[Music] Today’s video is sponsored by pet flow Comm those first several weeks of having A puppy should be dedicated to building Communication with them after all our Dogs have no idea that doing something Natural like biting us or chewing things Up is not acceptable to us so we have to Be very patient with them and show them How to properly behave fluid Communication doesn’t happen overnight But in this video I’m gonna show you Exactly what to do in order to get Started and minimize that time if you’re New to my videos make sure you are Subscribed I also have a great playlist That will show you how to teach your dog All of the basics in order click thumbs Up – now let’s go meet Diana Michael and Looky Dianna tell me a little bit about Lafitte looks he was found on the side Of the road Michael and I went and Adopted him and he was only about five Weeks old at the time he’s chewing on Her shoes because he’s such a puppy Right now going through the biting stage Chewing things biting things and he’s Just like so interested in everything Around him like puppies all I love this Oh why don’t you show me a couple of Things that you’ve done we’ve worked With them every day on sit and giving Pawing and lying down sit good boy and

That’s a pause that’s a good walk very Nice what kind of dog is he do you know We have no idea we have been told many Thoughts that people have anything from Park Catahoula lab Australian Shepherd Roddy we really have no clue our biggest Issue with him right now is biting when He’s playing and it’s when he’s right Really excited he’ll start kissing and It’ll turn into bites and it’s starting To actually hurt cause he’s getting Bigger and bigger by the day we don’t Want people to be afraid of him and we Don’t want him to keep doing this as he Gets bigger dogs bite for a couple of Reasons at this age a they’re teething And B they’re interacting with the world Because they don’t have hands that’s how They grab things that’s how they Investigate things Michael calls him a Land Shark because he just runs towards Us mouths open just coming at us so some Days it’s worse than others but he just Doesn’t understand that it hurts us And so that’s kind of an issue and right Now you might notice that I’m picking Him up right now I had him on his back Just to kind of cradle him and see how Comfortable he was being held by a Person you know it’s important that when We have a dog if we do have a dog this Young that we get them used to being Touched kind of firmly you know cuz when People come up to your dog they’re gonna

Pat them like this so it’s a really good Idea to desensitize them massage their Paws wherever possible because that I Mean look right there they could Interpret this as play when a human Thinks they’re just petting a dog a dog Might think oh this person’s playing With me fighting like this so natural so Expected I mean at this age 10 11 weeks It’s not realistic to eliminate play Biting altogether why don’t we get down Here low to the ground and work with him A little bit let him walk around I still Do feel the need You warn a stranger that he will buy Your goodbye up there’s the bite right There Oh got my finger pretty good but that’s You know that’s normal that’s what you Sign on for when you get a puppy He seems to be kind of a moderate play Biter the first thing I think we should Do is teach it’s kind of a basic Leave-in now you can see he already Knows I’ve got this real Turkey in my Hand right here I’m just gonna go over This really quick I have a full video in The description that will show you how To teach your dog to leave something Alone but right here when he backs off I’m just gonna go ahead and reward him Yes there’s more going on than just Teaching him to leave something alone Here the big purpose of teaching leave

It is so that we can communicate to them No that’s not what I want because if we Just go up to them and get frustrated Every time they bite us they’re not Gonna understand what the problem is So it’s good to establish that clear Communication you know remember those First three four or five months of Working with a dog is all about building Communication so you’re gonna have these Periods of time where it there’s gonna Be a disconnect you know and that’s That’s totally normal that’s why we Teach them that’s the point I’m gonna Actually go to the next level with it And see if I can get him to leave it Alone as I open my palm even just for a Second I would be thrilled with that Look at this huh Wow that’s great are you surprised by The time you have so many different Textures so many different toys here Which is ideal when you have a dog this Age you want them to chew on these Things not your furniture I like two Sticks a lot especially for puppies you Can get chew toys like this for your dog A pet float comm slash Zack George I Love pet flow because it give you the Freedom to have food delivered straight To your house you can determine what Period of time you want that done in so No more driving across town just because You forgot some dog food you could also

Get 15% off when you enter code Zack George 15 at the time of checkout and They give you free shipping on all Orders over $49 so if you have a new dog It would be a good idea to get Acquainted with pet flow comm we’ll have A link in the description and the Information to get your discount play Biting is one of the most predictable Behaviors that there is when it comes to Teaching a dog and when we have a luxury Of knowing when an unwanted behavior is About to occur that is a that’s a Blessing that’s great because it means We can come prepared so in the case of Play biting we could approach him with a Toy like this if we know that he’s Likely to do it anyway let’s show him What is acceptable to chew on or bite on Rather than getting on him when he bites Us if you engage them with a toy like This straight away when you know that They’re likely going to be in a bitey Mood this does a couple of things a it Shows them what to chew one B it is the Beginning of teaching your dog tug of War now tug of war is one of the most Underestimated rewards in dog training And most puppies will play it Instinctively now I see is good about Tugging it it’s good about letting it go No not really And that’s required if we’re going to Teach our dog to play tug of war kind of

Ironic about teaching a dog to not bite Is that if you can teach them to bite When you ask and stop when you ask that You can really make a lot of progress Here That’s just play growling that’s normal Do you be careful because their aim Isn’t very good like when he jumps like That they might get you so you got to Make sure you’re using the right kind of Toy just wait see we’re just making it Less interesting that’s all we’re doing I’m not trying to pull it away from me But wait for him to let go on his own Accord yes good now I have a couple of Options here I could come prepared with a toy and Encourage him to put his teeth on that And we could make a training session of It like hey you can bite this but you Also need to let go of it so you need to Be prepared to kind of teach both of Those things or if you have like a real Severe case or a dog that’s in a really Really bitey mood then you would want to Come armed with your good food rewards I’m gonna try I’m gonna pet him at first Yes I like that and I want to follow it Up with something I want yes to mean Something yes good touching him under His chin there I just want him to have a Positive association of calm acceptable Behavior when people are interacting With him at no point here has he tried

To go for my hands sometimes he tries to Bite in this situation is that right you Want to get him used to being touched so I’m gonna grab his paws right here yes You’ll know that you’re on the right Track with play biting when they start Licking instead of biting where they Used to bite does that make sense yes Absolutely you know that’s okay that’s Okay I’m gonna get his tail here you know I Mean that throws them off there because You don’t want to wait until they Encounter a situation in their life Where they’re just totally thrown off by Someone touching them this is a good way To prevent possible dog bites in the Future you know he’s caught off guard Good boy yes I’m gonna try and take it To the next level yeah I’m gonna pet him There goes a little biting but I’m gonna When he stops biting good yes there was A lick right there I want to try and Reward those licks that’s good this Might look a little ridiculous that this Does serve a purpose because we’re Proofing it we’re trying to get them Used to up look you see the biting there Uh-uh if your dog does fight you simply Say no and remove your arm from them now If they’re particularly wound up it Might be a good idea to just give them a Brief timeout let them relax put them in A bedroom or something not because

They’re in trouble but just to be like All right I’ll let you calm down so what I think we should do is get him really Playing a good game a tug-of-war be Patient wait for him to let go like we Talked about and then try and pet him so He’s starting to play tug he’s into Biting mode get him going pretty good Yeah Now now ask him to let go and if he Doesn’t simply make the game Uninteresting let go and be patient if It takes 30 seconds so be it good good I’m gonna try something here if you Really likes this toy right now I’m Gonna see if we can get him to do a Leave it like we did earlier with the Toy but this gonna be a little tougher Cuz he’s kind of fixated let go leave it Yes that was really good make them think Have your hand there is barrier to keep Him from getting at it provided you feel Safe doing that with your individual dog But that was really good let’s try that Again okay good boy he’s got a great Great tug here okay that’s enough and I’m just gonna try and stabilize it it’s A little tougher with these toys but Uh-huh let go yes good very good I’m Gonna try and pet him here good boy good Boy yes yes wonderful wonderful work I’ve got to give them a piece of Turkey For that for those of you at home that Have young children and want to know

What to do when your puppy starts to Play bite them you as their trainer as The adult need to teach them how to Behave it’s not up to your child to Teach them it’s up to you if you have a Dog that is very likely to bite guess When they come over be one step ahead of Them have them on a leash or have them Out of the room so they won’t be in a Position to be really mouthy with your Guests I mean there’s a lot of things We’re asking him to do here he’s been on This planet 11 weeks and he’s doing Remarkable that first few months of Teaching our dogs really needs to be Dedicated to communicating with them and Understand can see here is going back Into the biting you see that I mean That’s normal Uh-huh no yes good but we just have to Communicate what we like and what we Don’t like and reward the behaviors we Like heavily let that be the emphasis of Your training and you can’t go wrong I Can’t wait to see how Lafite progresses I think you’re doing a terrific job well Then he really isn’t amazing yeah Amazing dog what kind of dog do you Think Lupita’s tell me in the comments Below click thumbs up to show your Support for more videos liking on Facebook as well Link will be in the description and Please support our sponsors Peplow comm

Slash zack george you can also see that Link in the description as well alright Guys see you in the next video [Music] [Music]

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